Pay before you pump coming to Ontario?

I also dislike the pay before you pump because I prefer to use cash for gas purchases due to previous problems with compromised cards when using them at gas stations.

Apparently I am not the only one who likes to pay with cash. A few months ago the 7-11 in Orangeville replaced all of their pumps and then went with pay before you pump for their outside pump island. These pumps now sit unused most of the time, while there is a line waiting for the inside pump island. Now if there is a line waiting I just by-pass this station and go to the next one down the street.

Also, I never remove my helmet when going into the store/kiosk to pay for gas.
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This happened to me too a few months ago when I waitressed, was waiting a table and a fight broke out everyone ran away and I was stuck paying the bill.

As for the topic, the few extra steps and time to pay beforehand is a pain, yes. But at least it is one less thing these crooks can steal if the pay before you pump plan is implemented. I hate thieves and any kind of measure that makes it more difficult for them to take something makes me happier.

As previously stated, its illegal ti dock that from your wages.

Do you still work there? Take that link I posted earlier and get your money back. Or file a complaint.

Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk 2
As previously stated, its illegal ti dock that from your wages.

Do you still work there? Take that link I posted earlier and get your money back. Or file a complaint.

Even if she doesn't work there but is still in touch with former co-workers, she can warn them and pass on your advice.
I have no issue with pay first, use my CC pretty much all the time now (at the pump I would never hand it to a full serve attendant).

When it comes to the labour laws, yes it is against the law to dock the employee in these cases. Does it happen, yes. Can someone complain, yes. Will they have a job in a week, no (or they will have every crap shift/job until the quit). We can talk about knowing your rights etc. but in the end many do and the situation they are in most of us do not understand.
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