Holy crap what have you done?? Now they're gonna want to lob off your head
Holy crap what have you done?? Now they're gonna want to lob off your head
Another one for you.
And moderate Muslims need to express their outrage of the Islamic fanatics. The degree to which it has been heard so far is underwhelming and inadequate. Disconcerting, in fact. Moderate Muslims must be a large part of the solution, IMO.
What people fail to recognize is that more than likely there are very few moderates but rather only silent ones who are happy to say and do nothing under the label of moderate
If a moderate were to speak out, or even something more than a moderate (a convert??).. What would prevent the terrorists from hunting that person down and killing them. So as to prevent them from existing? I really believe that ANY open opposition will end in that persons death, or ruination. It would be a personalized version of the Paris attack. IMHO.
So the terrorists have subjugated an entire religion?
Moderates have to do more than just say they disapprove. The extremists don't act on their own, they have help from others. It's time for that to be nipped in the bud. I feel the same way about "moderates" that say nothing as I do about police that don't stop other police from abusing their powers.
So the terrorists have subjugated an entire religion?