
Thing is it takes a lot of time and effort to understand the events that surrounded and led to 9/11 and if you take the time to look into it, it becomes fairly clear. But most want to point to one thing or another (how the towers fell, etc) as the proof that 9/11 was an inside job. It's a hell of a lot more complex and a lot harder to dismiss away all the events that got us here in the first place. I'm not trying to convince anyone one way or another. 10 years on, if people want to remain ignorant nothings going to change their minds.

Some peeps are insanely stupid, thats all.. Can't blame them..
Let me put it another way. When your boss makes you do something you don't like, you might do it, you might not. But you will definitely complain about it to the nearest sympathetic ear.

I really can't dumb it down more than that.

You are confusing civilians with military personnel.

I think we all need to read some more history. There is a very long tradition of leaders causing significant crises to chip away the freedoms of people. History will tell what really happened here.
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You are confusing civilians with military personnel.

I think we all need to read some more history. There is a very long tradition of leaders causing significant crises to chip away the freedoms of people. History will tell what really happened here.

I agree with the false flag sentiment. The war within always needs the cover of a war outside. It's nothing new. I just don't agree history will ever tell the truth.

The reason you will never see the body is because you wouldn't recognize it. It would be the body of a man who was dying over 10 years and would be quite obvious in it's final state. The fake OBL they used to make videos with looks more like OBL than he would have last week :) ....but that would cause unnecessary questions. Best to leave them up to crackpot conspiracy theorists so Johhny keyboard can denounce them because they know so much about the CIA and what it can and can't hide.

The man lived the last days of his life in relative comfort thanks to American medicine. He was their boy after all and a deal is a deal.

The American population has given away it's right to privacy and a fair trial. It will never be re instated.

That's really the endstate here.

Mission accomplished.

CIA pay scale bump for those involved.

A Chinook has a crew of three. Pilot, co pilot and flight engineer. Fully loaded it will carry an extra 23 000 LBS. You can carry four SEAL teams and all their gear quite easily. 30 people was pretty standard going from KAF to the FOBs in Afghanistan. It happened daily.

If it were to go down in a "hostile" area it would be BIPed. (Blow in place) as standard operating procedure. Blackhawk or Chinook the cost is irrelevant to SOP.

Don't think the US gives a second thought to a measly $14 or $35M... just the cost of doing business.

Not saying I swallowed any of this **** they tried to feed us. Just answering your questions.

Quite possible they mobilized team 6 for a high value target but it doesn't mean the account was accurate. Team 6 never has any paper trail on what they have done/do/or will do in the future.

Even Johhny keyboard and the paintball brigade know that.
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Uploaded Dec.27, 2007

I agree with the false flag sentiment. The war within always needs the cover of a war outside. It's nothing new. I just don't agree history will ever tell the truth.

The reason you will never see the body is because you wouldn't recognize it. It would be the body of a man who was dying over 10 years and would be quite obvious in it's final state. The fake OBL they used to make videos with looks more like OBL than he would have last week :) ....but that would cause unnecessary questions. Best to leave them up to crackpot conspiracy theorists so Johhny keyboard can denounce them because they know so much about the CIA and what it can and can't hide.

The man lived the last days of his life in relative comfort thanks to American medicine. He was their boy after all and a deal is a deal.

The American population has given away it's right to privacy and a fair trial. It will never be re instated.

That's really the endstate here.

Mission accomplished.

CIA pay scale bump for those involved.
As sad as it is to say it, it's sort of refreshing to hear a military man say that. The disinformation is flying thick at the moment, it gets tiresome trying to read between the lines of the press and simplify the lines of keyboard Jonhny (great name, haven't heard that one before).
Ah ok .. Yea the money part does matter, was just thing about the choppers and how many people - didn't know if that was true or not and the time frame was really fast.

The world may never know the truth, or maybe we know the half truth already. who knows. I just find it kinda Fishy that he was tossed in the ocean sooo fast with out (hardly)anyone seeing him.

Get it Fishy?! hahahaha *walks of stage with head hung in shame*

Basically, he was tossed in the drink quickly, and after being cleaned up, to deny him Martyrdom in accordance with Islam.

Says CNN...

A Chinook has a crew of three. Pilot, co pilot and flight engineer. Fully loaded it will carry an extra 23 000 LBS. You can carry four SEAL teams and all their gear quite easily. 30 people was pretty standard going from KAF to the FOBs in Afghanistan. It happened daily.

If it were to go down in a "hostile" area it would be BIPed. (Blow in place) as standard operating procedure. Blackhawk or Chinook the cost is irrelevant to SOP.

Don't think the US gives a second thought to a measly $14 or $35M... just the cost of doing business.

Not saying I swallowed any of this **** they tried to feed us. Just answering your questions.

Quite possible they mobilized team 6 for a high value target but it doesn't mean the account was accurate. Team 6 never has any paper trail on what they have done/do/or will do in the future.

Even Johhny keyboard and the paintball brigade know that.

I would have given out basically the same info as this as per the helicopters and SOPs.

I have about 10 flights now in theatre in Chinooks. It can land empty, have 28 guys with all their fighting gear, and 2 big duffle bags each loaded up in to the helicopter and have that all take less than 2 minutes.
Standard procedure is to BIP (blow in place) for any equipment that has been compromised. Goes for radios, any vehicle, even simple things we might leave behind in a hurry that could benefit the enemy. Heck, we even had a big dude with us (6'8" and almost 400lbs with all his kit on) that I said we would just BIP if he got hurt and we had to carry him further than a km back to the FOB lol.

As for keeping secrets... Trust me, it can happen. People have been married and never told their spouses what they really do at work. I am sure even in Canada we have shadow organizations that nobody will ever know exist. Even as just a private you are told mission sensitive things that aren't to be talked about.

Just because that chinook is big, doesn't mean it isn't capable. Those suckers are nimble for their size and the pilots can put them in some really tight spots.

Not sure what to believe, but I do have my ideas just don't want to say them on here as I haven't made up my mind yet.
Osama has been a very sick man for the last few years, with the things that were wrong with his health he would have almost nothing left of him by now, if what we were hearing was true.
Why is it so hard to believe people couldn't keep a secret? As the medic here says, married people don't necessarily know exactly what their spouses do, etc. Let's say for the sake of argument that 911 was an inside job. Anyone that came forward to say it was and even if they had actual proof, would just be another "conspiracy nut", and that's at the best. The worst would be that they would be killed in a car accident, random mugging, home invasion, etc.

Do people actually believe EVERYTHING the government tells them? Well I guess they do seeing as Hitler got into power and managed to kill a bunch of Jews.

No I am not a conspiracy nut, I just question everything and believe nothing that I don't see with my own eyes, or touch with my own hands.
As I think has been mentioned, the media went to some interesting lengths to show that he used a woman as a shield. Now the new York times reports that there is a big rise in Obama's ratings?? What is going on here?
US Government Insider: Bin Laden Died In 2001, 9/11 A False Flag

Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under three different administrations Steve R. Pieczenik says he is prepared to tell a federal grand jury the name of a top general who told him directly 9/11 was a false flag attack....

Reported to the Alex Jones Show? Is that the same Alex Jones who owns the Prison Planet website, that posted the article? The one who's radio show is broadcast on shortwave radio and on the internet? Who refers to himself as a "paleoconservative"? [Source - Wikipedia]

My bird would be offended to have this sort of thing line its cage.
Conspiracy theories are for the powerless. They see oppressors everywhere, because they feel so out of control of their own lives.

If Alex Jones wants to be in control of something, he should start with his diet.

Also, check out the warnings at the start of Pieczinik's Wikipedia entry. Not something I'd expect to see on the Wikipedia entry of a Former Deputy Assisstant Secretary of State.
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[SIZE=+1]Who Was Osama bin Laden?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]By Karin Friedemann
Who ever the poor soul was, whom the US assassination team "buried at sea," it most certainly was not Osama bin Laden. Still, now would not be a bad time to lay to rest our questions about the Grandfather of Islamic Internationalism.The FBI admits that they have no evidence that bin Laden had anything to dowith the 9/11 attack. There is also no clear evidence that he was involved inearlier bombings in East Africa. He left Sudan because the US threatened tobomb if they did not expel him. Why were the Powers-That-Be so afraid of binLaden?


How anyone could live 10 years on dialysis would have been a medical break through.
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