Orangeville and Africa

Really like the ktm, but seat sucks, ordered a seat wait 4-6 weeks
FINALLY found a dealer who can do the break in service on a decent time frame(mission cycle)
Really liking the brakes on this, initially I thought it was just the less weight, but weight can’t explain the superior feel, it’s the brembo hardware…

Also tried out the cramp buster, I like it considerably more than a throttle lock(which always slips). Adjust it to where you can comfortably work the controls, and easily reach the brakes, and you’re good. I’d say it’s about 80% as good as real cruise control.
For those suffering from no fuel gauge syndrome.

Pyrex glass gas tank. Coming to a store near you.
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Been shopping 1290 Super Adventures lately and geez the reliability seems lacking. Been on Ducati and BMW forums and there it's about 1 in 10 have had an issue whereas the KTM one is more like half of them.
Been shopping 1290 Super Adventures lately and geez the reliability seems lacking. Been on Ducati and BMW forums and there it's about 1 in 10 have had an issue whereas the KTM one is more like half of them.

How accurate are random forums again? If I lived by wives tales, Id get a vstrom/klr know...just in case...I might be in Timbuctoo and a thing-a-mabob might fail after 50000 kms while I get attacked by a coyote whilst getting hit by lightning while *insert another statistically improbably event occurs*

Been shopping 1290 Super Adventures lately and geez the reliability seems lacking. Been on Ducati and BMW forums and there it's about 1 in 10 have had an issue whereas the KTM one is more like half of them.
My 2018 1090 has been stone cold reliable, but it has waaay less electronic stuff than the 1290's.

I've contemplated a new bike this year, but the level of tech (and the cost) has turned me away from a number of options.

The Tenere 700 has piqued my interest though.
Been shopping 1290 Super Adventures lately and geez the reliability seems lacking. Been on Ducati and BMW forums and there it's about 1 in 10 have had an issue whereas the KTM one is more like half of them.

If you're a DIY'er, I'm finding a lack of information both in the factory service manuals as well as the various forums. The fact that ADVRider is my go-to for technical info on my 990 says a lot. Reminds me of the difference between a BMW forum and a (non-WRX) Subaru forum, or even between and
How accurate are random forums again? If I lived by wives tales, Id get a vstrom/klr know...just in case...I might be in Timbuctoo and a thing-a-mabob might fail after 50000 kms while I get attacked by a coyote whilst getting hit by lightning while *insert another statistically improbably event occurs*

When the Duc and BMW forums all say buy their bike because it's awesome etc you take that with a grain of salt but when the KTM guys say to avoid there's, well you'd be foolish not to look into this further.
When the Duc and BMW forums all say buy their bike because it's awesome etc and then the KTM guys say to avoid there's, well you'd be foolish not to look into this further.

Been shopping 1290 Super Adventures lately and geez the reliability seems lacking. Been on Ducati and BMW forums and there it's about 1 in 10 have had an issue whereas the KTM one is more like half of them.
Time to connect the dots. What’s common to Ducati, BMW and KTM?

Dependability is going to be better on a Suzuki or Yamaha ADV, (maybe Honda too, but not their strong segment).

I don’t know the numbers, but I think Vstroms still outsell all ADVs combined. Gotta be a reason for that other than price.
How accurate are random forums again? If I lived by wives tales, Id get a vstrom/klr know...just in case...I might be in Timbuctoo and a thing-a-mabob might fail after 50000 kms while I get attacked by a coyote whilst getting hit by lightning while *insert another statistically improbably event occurs*

Could you get as far as Timbuktu on a 50,000km KTM?
Could you get as far as Timbuktu on a 50,000km KTM?

Don't see why not. My 2010 990 SMT has 103,000 and the motor is still strong and by all accounts bulletproof. It's just frustrating that a lot of owners (online at least) seem to only tackle the easy stuff and leave anything requiring more than a basic toolkit to the "professional" mechanics.
Don't see why not. My 2010 990 SMT has 103,000 and the motor is still strong and by all accounts bulletproof. It's just frustrating that a lot of owners (online at least) seem to only tackle the easy stuff and leave anything requiring more than a basic toolkit to the "professional" mechanics.
Would you jump on it tomorrow, ride 10,000km to California and back with the expectation of zero repairs?
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