Ontario should make winter tires mandatory.

It said "best NEW winter tires".

And yes the generals are the best bang. Been running these tires for years on both my cars, amazing tires.

My bad

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It said "best NEW winter tires".

And yes the generals are the best bang. Been running these tires for years on both my cars, amazing tires.

It really depends where you drive. In the city you guys have either bare cold roads or slush. Up here it's a pretty constant 2-3cm of snow cover on anything that isn't the Trans-Canada, with black ice and potholes waiting to kick your wallet's ***.
It really depends where you drive. In the city you guys have either bare cold roads or slush. Up here it's a pretty constant 2-3cm of snow cover on anything that isn't the Trans-Canada, with black ice and potholes waiting to kick your wallet's ***.

I would rather drive on snow than on a wet or track-dry highway, in sub zero temps. You can get traction on snow. Wet or track-dry frequently means ice.
If you read through this thread you'll know I'm not a fan at all of making them manditory, but I recently bought an 05 focus wagon for work and it came with a set of x-ice tires on wheels that look pretty much new.. I think Ill try them out this season and make a decision of weather they are worth it or not for winter city driving. I've always said you have to drive to the conditions and keep your space in the winter and even with the winter tires I'm going to do as such. However will they make that much of a difference ? We shall see.

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Mandatory for everyone is a stupid idea. Lots of people avoid driving when it gets bad.

If we really want to add more stupid regulations (which I think is a bad idea) a decent compromise is snow days. ie. Bad weather is expected tomorrow, if you don't have snow tires, your car can't be on the roads. This doesn't catch all events, but the 4 or 5 bad days each year could be dealt with. This gives people the choice of saving the money on snow tires in exchange for not having a car a few days a year. Getting caught on a snow day without snow tires would result in a tow. Pickup your car after the snow day is over (next time is a week, then a month).

I put snow tires on everything because IMHO they help and are close to cost neutral. This is a personal choice and I don't believe it should be pushed on others if they have different ideas. That being said, the snow day concept punishes people for messing up traffic when they obviously never had a chance of making it to their destination with asian all season tires at the wear bars when in 5" of snow.
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I'm a believer in winter tires, not only for snow conditions but also for the 0 and below temperatures.
Winter tires or not, you lose grip on ice and lose control. Stupidity is more dangerous than not having winter tires.
If you read through this thread you'll know I'm not a fan at all of making them manditory, but I recently bought an 05 focus wagon for work and it came with a set of x-ice tires on wheels that look pretty much new.. I think Ill try them out this season and make a decision of weather they are worth it or not for winter city driving. I've always said you have to drive to the conditions and keep your space in the winter and even with the winter tires I'm going to do as such. However will they make that much of a difference ? We shall see.

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You'll be surprised by the difference they make. If you did a back to back test, with your car with the all seasons on it, on a snowy/icy day and then throw on the snows you'll be amazed at the difference.
My 04 Canyon I had all seasons. Then I had goodyear duratracs (a snow rated all season) which was a great improvement. Then to save my expensive summer wheels I bought a set of wheels to use in the winter and put winter specific tires on those, and that was even more of an improvement over my snow rated all seasons.

I need a new set of tires at the moment, and since it's that season, I'll be buying winters, especially up where I live, there is snow on the roads pretty much every day in the winter.
At least we don't get the same amount of icy days that the GTA gets.

Yes, driving habits need to change in the winter, but you combine people with capable snow tires in traffic with people with bald all seasons, the performance difference is so great, especially in breaking, that there will be accidents caused just by that factor alone... Partly due to the aggressive nature of drivers in cities forcing people to either tailgate or have their safe following distance invaded by the BMW tailgating soccer mom crew.
You'll be surprised by the difference they make. If you did a back to back test, with your car with the all seasons on it, on a snowy/icy day and then throw on the snows you'll be amazed at the difference.
My 04 Canyon I had all seasons. Then I had goodyear duratracs (a snow rated all season) which was a great improvement. Then to save my expensive summer wheels I bought a set of wheels to use in the winter and put winter specific tires on those, and that was even more of an improvement over my snow rated all seasons.

I need a new set of tires at the moment, and since it's that season, I'll be buying winters, especially up where I live, there is snow on the roads pretty much every day in the winter.
At least we don't get the same amount of icy days that the GTA gets.

Yes, driving habits need to change in the winter, but you combine people with capable snow tires in traffic with people with bald all seasons, the performance difference is so great, especially in breaking, that there will be accidents caused just by that factor alone... Partly due to the aggressive nature of drivers in cities forcing people to either tailgate or have their safe following distance invaded by the BMW tailgating soccer mom crew.

Not dismissing your nicely written post but right now I doubt it. The great thing is I have and chance to do a back to back test as I have my own shop and what I plan is to drive to work with the all seasons still on the first snowy day we get, swap the tires at my shop and go for a spin right away.

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not dismissing your nicely written post but right now i doubt it. The great thing is i have and chance to do a back to back test as i have my own shop and what i plan is to drive to work with the all seasons still on the first snowy day we get, swap the tires at my shop and go for a spin right away.

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Not dismissing your nicely written post but right now I doubt it. The great thing is I have and chance to do a back to back test as I have my own shop and what I plan is to drive to work with the all seasons still on the first snowy day we get, swap the tires at my shop and go for a spin right away.

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100% with rmemedic on this one. It's good you're going to try for yourself though. My last car with all seasons was dodgy (really dodgy) with <1" of snow on the road, with snows, until I started pushing snow with the bumper I didn't have any problems (same tire and rim size).
Mandatory for everyone is a stupid idea. Lots of people avoid driving when it gets bad.

If we really want to add more stupid regulations (which I think is a bad idea) a decent compromise is snow days. ie. Bad weather is expected tomorrow, if you don't have snow tires, your car can't be on the roads. This doesn't catch all events, but the 4 or 5 bad days each year could be dealt with. This gives people the choice of saving the money on snow tires in exchange for not having a car a few days a year. Getting caught on a snow day without snow tires would result in a tow. Pickup your car after the snow day is over (next time is a week, then a month).

Can I back charge TWN if it doesn't snow or will this directive come from a government agency? I'm thinking of fighting this ticket. Do you think the courts will be clogged? What happens if it snows on my court date?
I'm a believer in winter tires, not only for snow conditions but also for the 0 and below temperatures.

Actually, significant advantage exists at +5 and lower. Was a volunteer fire-fighter for several years growing up and have seen several samples of death and dismemberment that any of us would gladly trade for a set of snows and a proper mind-set.... cant change the mind set but can force the snows! And all the wankers with a class G and 12 years of experience driving in the GTA make me shake my head -- you think this qualifies you as an authority? Why do we brag about how great our bike tires are/ swap them out for track days vs. street rides and yet consider putting a softer/rain or snow tire on our cages an elaborate expense? Embrace the cold/snow... brag about your snows! Pssst.... the best ones are made in Scandanavia!
Sure you can drive slow as hell on summers in the snow and be fine. But I'll still be ****** when I'm stuck behind you with a full set of new snows, AWD, traction and stability control, coupled with skid control training trying to actually get somewhere in a decent amount of time.

I've had snow tires on everything I've owned since my first car at 18. They make a difference. I even have a set for my 944 and I don't even drive that thing in the summer, nevermind winter! lol
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