So much focus on percent increases. When a kWh costs 6-cents and the price rises to 12-cents it's a 100% increase and the optics look bad but in reality is still pretty ****ing cheap.
Compare absolute prices to other jurisdictions. In Dec/2015, the following rates were paid in parts of the US:
- New England avg. 18.87 c/kWh
- Mid-Atlantic avg. 15.71
- East North Central avg. 12.68
- Massachusetts avg. - 19.6
- New York avg. - 17.53
In Ontario, on-peak rates are 17.5, mid-peak rates are 12.8 and off-peak numbers are 8.3 cents. Our mid and off-peak numbers are pretty damn good and our peak rates not completely uncompetitive with our neighbors.
Be thankful you don't live in Europe: In 2011 a kWh cost 35 cents (US) in Germany. In Demark, 41.
Part of the reason why the Hydro system in Ontario is so ****ed is because for decades our parents and grandparents underpaid for electricity. It's like in those days they never factored in the cost of things like nuclear refurbs and transmission expansion and maintenance over the then-future decades and now the chickens have come home to roost, so to speak. I'm not intending to defend the feckless twats in the Liberal government here but am trying to give them the benefit of the doubt: The prices we're seeing now are more in line with the actual material cost than the piddling cents it used to be.
If our rates go to 30 or 40-cents per kWh we're going to be really screwed but if it continues to hang around what those in our immediate geographic locale are paying, we're doing okay.