Ontario is no longer the place to prosper

I'm ok with charging what power actually costs, I don't like socialist systems. I can turn off my lights, I get to make that choice.

Im unhappy with things I cannot control or influence or even understand.
If only $0.175/kwh hour was what I actually paid.
If I take my last bill $97.34 total, and divide by the kwh used 448h, I get $0.22/kwh.
And I hardly use any on peak at all: 36h (8%) on peak, 84h (19%) mid peak, 328h (73%) off peak.
If I used more on-peak energy, I'd probably be much closer to 30 to 40 cents per kwh once you add delivery charges, regulatory fees, debt retirement charges, and taxes on to all of that.

I hear ya. At least the debt retirement charge no longer applies to residential customers (as of Jan 1, 2016.)

But the fact that there was so much debt (by 1999 it was upwards of $38-billion) to retire in the first place is an indication that previous generations vastly underpaid for what they got for all those years.
I'm ok with charging what power actually costs, I don't like socialist systems. I can turn off my lights, I get to make that choice.

Im unhappy with things I cannot control or influence or even understand.

I hope I'm still alive when all of "our" fresh water falls under the influence of things I can't control or even understand. That'll give me another opportunity to ponder socialist systems.
We have, according to the latest Ontario budget, seen our last deficit budget.

Get ready for user fee increases, service cuts, creative accounting, selling off assets, toll roads, etc.
We have, according to the latest Ontario budget, seen our last deficit budget.

Get ready for user fee increases, service cuts, creative accounting, selling off assets, toll roads, etc.

As far as I am concerned any budget that relies on he sale of assets to be balanced is not balanced at all, you can't sell the same assets again the next year! Not much different than the last federal "balanced" budget (balanced only by selling GM stock....can't sell it again the next year).

Don't even get me started on the sale of the 407 to "balance" the budget.
I forgot death duties / inheritance taxes. There used to be a joke noting that hookers stop screwing you when you die.
Kevin O'Leary Predicts Trudeau Won't Last 4 Years As PM
Trudeau was spared O'Leary's toughest criticism which was directed towards Alberta Premier Rachel Notley.
"She is actually a liability for all Canadians because that province happens to be the trust of a 40 per cent driver of our economy and she has completely broken it. She is a complete incompetent and this is a national catastrophe."
The One Way Alberta Still Beats The Rest Of Canada: Paycheques
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Surprised at 2 things:

1 - the gas plant scandal
2 - the fact that McGuinty was just as bad... we don't have an issue with the Wynne Liberals as someone said in here. Ontario Liberals have been mucking things up for awhile now.

I'm with whomever said they can't believe the people who voted in the Liberals again, this letting Wynne run amok.

OH! and

3 - The expensive and completely useless BSL (Breed Specific Legislation) that has landed so many innocent dogs on death row.

For those of you saying that Ontario is still a great place to live and work... what are you smoking? Perhaps you're not yet feeling the full effects of some of these massive and expensive blunders and scandals so you simply disregard them, and keep your blinders on so that you're only seeing your current day-to-day?
I dislike this rat but he's clearly getting involved in the political scene, vying for some position, provincial or federal, heres an article from huffpost. ARTICLE

A Letter to Kathleen Wynne from Kevin O'Leary

To: Kathleen Wynne

From: Kevin O'Leary

Re: New Cap and Trade Slush Fund

Hi Premier, just saw you are setting up a new $1.9 billion cap and trade fund that you and Finance Minister Charles Sousa will be overseeing. Congratulations, you two are now managing the largest hedge fund in Ontario's history!

I'm just as optimistic as you are. But I recently made a promise to every taxpayer in Canada that I would call out mediocrity, incompetence and risk in government economic and fiscal policy, so I feel the need to verify a few things:

1. This new slush fund will have its own independent and transparent account, right?

2. I will need a quarterly statement of fund flows in and out of the account documenting the source and use of proceeds. After all, someone in your government might forget that this money was earmarked to reduce carbon emissions and spend it on something else.

3. I expect to be informed on administrative head count. Rumour has it you're planning on hiring hundreds of new government employees to administer the fund. You know how snippety some people can get when you swell government payroll when no one else can find a job in this economy!

4. I heard Mr. Sousa say on the radio that you're going to be making new and exciting investments in "green tech". I will need to know the terms of each deal, what I paid for my equity or debt positions, my voting rights and what governance is in place in each investment.

5. I expect you'll be hiring an independent auditing firm to value each investment on a mark to market basis and provide a going concern letter in cases where investments might not have worked out as planned. Also "green tech" companies have a nasty habit of going bankrupt as soon as their government subsidies end, but with your and Mr. Sousa's long track record of picking winners in this industry, I'm not worried about that.

6. I'd like you to offer some consolation to parents in Ontario who are concerned they're leaving their children a $308 billion debt. Such worry warts! Yes, our $308 billion debt makes Ontario the most leveraged jurisdiction in North America. We now have twice the debt of the state of California with half the population!

7. Oh yes, just one more thing. You promised that this initiative was going to reduce carbon emissions, so I will need the reduction data on a quarterly basis as well.

I know your critics say you could have left all this money in the hands of companies that employ thousands of Ontario workers and in the pockets of entrepreneurs who create new jobs in Ontario, but you told us you could do a better job with it and you didn't give us a choice anyway. We're already one of the most uncompetitive and highest taxed jurisdictions in North America, so who cares about a few more billion in taxes?

Well, maybe some taxpayers did care. They were some of the 29,000 Ontario residents that were affected by your last 2% super tax on Ontario's high earners. I know they were very concerned about air quality too. Many moved to Nassau where carbon emissions are low. They don't pay tax in Ontario any more so let's forget about them. They're not going to give us any more trouble or tax revenue.

On behalf of myself and all the Ontario taxpayers who still live here, I want to know that you're our leader on this fund.

Before you know it, there's going to be another election in Ontario and I'm going to make damn sure both of you get all the credit you deserve on this.

Oh, and good luck with the funds performance. No one else on earth has ever reduced emissions or made money doing this, so I'll be watching and keeping everybody informed with all the good news that is sure to be coming. And, of course, we will all be breathing easier watching those carbon emissions plunge as soon as you start spending this money!

Yours respectfully,

Kevin O'Leary

Oleary is turning into a bit of a loudmouth who spouts off rhetoric without much relation to reality. Kind of like someone I could think of south of the border right now, but that's another story.

O'Leary, who is thinking of running for the Conservative leadership, suggested Alberta should enact a recall process. "This will be the lesson learned that you need to have some kind of mechanism when you have someone that is completely incompetent, you lose thousands and thousands of jobs, and the economy collapses, how do you get rid of them?

Oh, yes, because all of that wasn't going to happen to the Alberta economy anyways. Yes, it's clearly Notleys fault. The iceberg was courtesy of the federal Conservatives (all our eggs in one basket, petro economy), the decision to speed through the ice pack was courtesy of the Alberta federal Conservatives (times are good, spend spend spend, oil oil oil, swimming in money, don't save a penny...oh crap, price of oil tanks, what's that big white thing in the water?)...**** hits the fan, now the Titanic is sinking, captain Smith has left the bridge and captain Notley replaces him (change of government), and instantly it's her fault that the ship is sinking. Previous history and facts be damned, it's all her fault! String her up! She's a stupid idiot! Peg everything on her!

Such short sighted idiotic thought processes like this speaks volumes about him to any critical thinker on the planet. Rhetoric popular to the moment, vote getting..realty, pfft, does that matter?
Oleary is turning into a bit of a loudmouth who spouts off rhetoric without much relation to reality. Kind of like someone I could think of south of the border right now, but that's another story.

LOL When was he ever NOT quite a bit of an obnoxious loudmouth? I definitely wouldn't lump him with Trump though! And this is kind of a moot point in relation to the letter re Wynne's cash grab. As for the state of Alberta's economy and the way O'Leary is blaming Nolte, I agree, it's angering and shameful and disgusting and wrong and idiotic... but it's also how pretty much every politician and political party is doing things right now... and has done things... Not saying it's right, but he's not the only one and it's not even that outrageous compared to some examples out there. Recently Obama was blamed for hurting middle and lower class people by drying up the used car market through the trade in program for new cars where they scraped old cars in the US... which was signed a couple months before he even took office lol. (He did extend it... but what a silly attack to throw at him).
Our electricity might be expensive but it's mostly green with negative carbon footprint. Doesn't get greener than the Oakville gas plant.

Sent from my clear iPhone 31SS
O'Leary is a loudmouth, our version of 'Trump light'. However he did create an investment fund that was/is well managed and makes money. He largely made his own fortune. And he gets the arithmetic. His callout to Wynn is a bit of grandstanding, but the guy is not wrong.

Tax the really rich? good luck, they just move away, because they can . Has happened in the UK for yrs.
Billion dollar fund being administered by a 70K? poli sci grad? Oy vey......
Like someone posted earlier, you can't compare O'leary and Trump. Trump is a big time db. I like to read, and have read 2 of Trump's books and 2 of O'leary's. From that alone I have gained respect for Kevin and confirmed my opinion of the Donald. In fact, if I still have the Trump books, anyone here is welcome to take them off my hands for free.
I always want to believe that someone will make a difference, but then I worry about greed.
How about politicians salary based on performance? I'm just gonna take a nap with my unicorn.

Sent from a Samsung Galaxy far, far away using Tapatalk
I have respect for O'leary's financial savviness....but all the good is going to be quickly outdone by the stupid crap that flows out of his mouth sometimes. I think the Trudeau government spoke volumes towards the reality that Canadians are tired of the oldschool "everything is evil, this person is a useless idiot, this person will screw you, this other person is out to get you" type politics where only 50% of what you're even saying is fact to begin with, but O'Leary seems determined to immediately run kicking and screaming down that path before he's even an official candidate.
I have respect for O'leary's financial savviness....but all the good is going to be quickly outdone by the stupid crap that flows out of his mouth sometimes.

I hate to always come in as the contrarian, with no real evidence to boot, but I'm going to have to take issue with the first part of your statement. I took KO's financial savviness as a given from first seeing him on Dragons Den and of hearing a bit about his backstory. Additionally, my buddy went to one of KO's seminars and has the highest regard for him. But here's the thing. I read a piece on KO (it might have been a hit piece?) where it scrutinized his career post multiple billion $ sale of his business and there is nothing particularly stellar about it. Is he a smart man? Hell of a lot smarter than I'll ever be but I don't think his warped sense of reality, based on the crap he spewed on Lang and O'Leary, is good for society at large.
The problem with TV personalities is that they constantly have to up their game. They start off as fresh air but when the viewers get used to that level of common sense they have to become more outspoken. It escalates to them being caricatures of themselves.

Politics is boring to most people and Trump has made it entertainment. Entertainers don't necessarily make good leaders.
IDK, I thought Hitler was pretty entertaining.
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