Ontario is no longer the place to prosper

We're talking about a hardworking, ethical, self reliant populace needing saved from a manipulative internal rot.

USA now or pre war Germany?

Both in financial dodo due to the actions of previous governments

Both led to believe they were / are the centre of the universe

Denial over blame

Looking to a savior to push some magic button

Ignoring civil rights of their own citizens


Denial about their military. Only fought half of WWI and WWII, Korea was a UN action and is a truce. Kicked out of Vietnam, the middle east a losing battle

If you want to be great the first thing to do is stop thinking you're already there.
Just getting back to Ontario.

The company I work for just announced yesterday that it is laying off 70 people - 45% of the workforce. The jobs will be moving to Vancouver and Portland and will be local hires. I'm OK at the moment, but I feel that it won't be long before all the other jobs go.

I think it's only the start :(
Just getting back to Ontario.

The company I work for just announced yesterday that it is laying off 70 people - 45% of the workforce.

Thread title includes "no longer the place to prosper". Ontario used to be a place to prosper and I think we had a different definition of prosper. What forces were at play to change this? One could do a forensic analysis of any sector of the economy and find clear answers. The government is not here to serve you. What forces influence the government? Wouldn't it be great if somebody came along to rally the people against these forces? Just sayin'
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I think we had a different definition of prosper

I think the definition of prosper today is to have a job and not be getting kicked out onto the street. Its definitely different than what my parents definition of prosper was.

What forces were at play to change this?

That's a good question.

- The workforce were educated and highly skilled. I doubt there were more skilled people in Vancouver
- The product line is current and has actually been selling well.
- The market is global, so there is no advantage being geographically based in Vancouver

I have no proof but I believe its due to the expense and difficulty of doing business in Ontario. New Payroll taxes for Pensions, Cap and Trade, rocketing hydro rates, etc. etc.

And it's not a party political thing. BC have a Liberal government as we have a liberal government. BC is doing well. The difference is that we have a Wynne Liberal government.

Expect gas to rise 4.3 cents per litre, natural gas $5 per month according to them. Probably will end up more.


And this reduces pollution how? I still need to drive the same distance to work. I still need to heat my house to 20C. My consumption will remain exactly the same, Wynne will just grab a bigger chunk of change.

I wonder where that money goes? As a reporter that would be my first question.

I wonder where that money goes? As a reporter that would be my first question.

I'd guess into general coffers to support a wildly inefficient medical system, social assistance and government/services. The medical system could be reformed and studies have shown how. Social assistance could be pared down in a business friendly climate and government/services....well......

And this reduces pollution how? I still need to drive the same distance to work. I still need to heat my house to 20C. My consumption will remain exactly the same, Wynne will just grab a bigger chunk of change.

I wonder where that money goes? As a reporter that would be my first question.

She reminds me of Mr. Crabs :) .... "I like Money!!!"

I'd guess into general coffers to support a wildly inefficient medical system, social assistance and government/services. The medical system could be reformed and studies have shown how. Social assistance could be pared down in a business friendly climate and government/services....well......

I would like to believe that but my cynical outlook is that it will just be ****** away with everything else.

And this reduces pollution how? I still need to drive the same distance to work. I still need to heat my house to 20C. My consumption will remain exactly the same, Wynne will just grab a bigger chunk of change.

I wonder where that money goes? As a reporter that would be my first question.

Taxes modify behaviour, but this is a poor example. For me this works out to $130 a year in extra gas costs (car), but it will happen at $2.50 per week, I will hardly notice it and it will do little to modify my behaviour. It is too small an increment to have any impact on my life. My car is pretty efficient, if I drove some SUV the numbers could be double, $5 a week still wouldn't be noticed too much. In short it does nothing to reduce carbon because it is not enough of a shock to modify behaviour, it will mean more $$$$$s to blow for them.

Now let's look at an imaginary situation, using SUV example above (SUV guy, my same driving)... Let's say at plate renew time you had to pay that extra 4.3 cents (as a sum) in one shot as an extra charge, now SUV guy is forking over an extra $260 to get his plates, NOW SUV guy notices. Now SUV guy might question his choices, maybe--same amount of money a year. It will all come down to how hard it is to come up with the $260. A lower income guy can anti up the $5 a week, but the $260 at renewal might be tough, since he did not save the $5/week in an extra account. Some rich guy, does not matter either-way. It is impossible to do this since it would be too difficult to track...

What could be done is they could charge your plate a carbon tax based on the fuel economy of the vehicle (make bands). Based on some typical economy...Full electric, that is $60 (0l/100km), 0.1l to 4l/100K $75, 4l to 8l/100km $100, 8l to 10l $150, 10l to 12l $200, 12l to 14l $300, 14l+ $500. Easy enough to do based on average EPA economy (and we could make the testing rules more stringent), NOW the taxes will modify behaviour... BUT it is not fair, the guy in the economy car may drive 100,000 km per year and create way more carbon than a guy that owns a giant SUV (14l+) but only drives 2,000km per year.

IF there had to be a carbon tax the charge per litre is more fair but less affective in reducing carbon.
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Wynns collective gave $45,000. to the 'Huntsville girls weekend festival' , I have no idea what that is. The Gay parade gets thousands, the Santa parade is on its own for funding as is the St Paddy parade. Look into the thousands they pour into everything with festival in the name.
And somehow 4.3c is supposed to help? the cost of implementation and monitoring will eat that. The Provincial liberals (and Feds) think you can spend the country back onto its feet. Trudeau learned that at my daddy the PM class. Dalton was ' no new taxes' , then jumped the OHIP premiums to the moon and cut funding to doctors and hospitals. Wynn is following in his footsteps.
and why would we be paying a carbon tax? I am pretty confident in saying Toronto and or Ontario alone will not stop climate change.
This is a cash grab.

The govt should lead by example and get rid of all their carbon base vehicles.

Maybe they should invest in CDN companies to create better electric or non fossil energy vehicles.
Tax to death will hit a wall.

Thanks for explaining about your companies move because I was wondering the same thing...nobody in Toronto to do the job.
Clearly it must be a significant hit to the business for them to make such a drastic move.
Thanks for explaining about your companies move because I was wondering the same thing...nobody in Toronto to do the job.
Clearly it must be a significant hit to the business for them to make such a drastic move.

Its the manufacturing part that is moving. I think we are probably one of the few companies that still manufacture stuff without off-shoring to China - at least for this product

I guess when you look at Hydro, Gas, Rent, Employee Taxes (OHIP, Ontario Pension and what not), Hazmat processing fees which are huge, Insurance and a bunch of other stuff its cheaper elsewhere. I really can't believe you will find more qualified employees anywhere.

I sometimes think that other jurisdictions will make employers 'An offer they can't refuse'. I often wondered why GM just up and moved the Camero line from Oshawa to Michigan. There definitely was something in it for them.
Its the manufacturing part that is moving

I sometimes think that other jurisdictions will make employers 'An offer they can't refuse'. I often wondered why GM just up and moved the Camero line from Oshawa to Michigan. There definitely was something in it for them.

Answered your own question. They will likely be in line to pay NO or greatly reduced taxes at every level for as long as a decade, staff hiring subsidies , equipment relocation comp and bags of other incentives. Nobody does it because the CEO says, hey I like Joes steakhouse in Van for lunch, moving there! And part of the deal is hiring 'local' , otherwise who would not offer trained guys a chance to move. Its not a bad move by the ownership group. For the ownership group.
Why did you people vote for the liberals? I give up. Time to move to trump's America where it's more sane than here. Rob ford could have done a better job than Kathleen wynee
Taxes modify behaviour, but this is a poor example. For me this works out to $130 a year in extra gas costs (car), but it will happen at $2.50 per week, I will hardly notice it and it will do little to modify my behaviour. It is too small an increment to have any impact on my life. My car is pretty efficient, if I drove some SUV the numbers could be double, $5 a week still wouldn't be noticed too much.

That is $130.00 per year you do not have control over. If you had control you could, under the free market, decide where to spend that money.

You could decide what musician's concert you want to go to. Instead a committee will decide which musician will get their festival liberally supported, whether they had talent or not.
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