Supposed to be huge in Eastern Europe..I've never seen it before...
Ya waterpolo is big in east europe too i think. At least they are very good at it.
I cant watch either...
Supposed to be huge in Eastern Europe..I've never seen it before...
Supposed to be huge in Eastern Europe..I've never seen it before...
I wish I didn't see it. I wanted to kill somebody after seeing it
Didn't one of Us snowboarders get dinged with weed on his test in Salt Lake, and they let him have his medal anyway? How come they booted the US Judo player from the Olympics for the same infraction? One thing that's driving me nuts sitting here watching is the inconsistency of the officiating. I mean you get disqualified in swimming after the first foul start, have been for years, but when the favored swimmer foul starts, no one says boo to him as he swims back to his box to start the race. It's amazing what everyone's athletes do out there, but someone's gotta give the IOC's head a shake cuz some of their rules are way too harsh. These people train for years for those few minutes of a race I'm sure we could wait for two foul starts before disqualification
Don't knock it until you tried itYeah, handball. Sort of like soccer, but using your hands, and like basketball, you get 3 steps... Sort of like ultimate frisbee I guess... Stupid sport too.
Yea, just before the last hand off, the Canadian stepped outside his lane. It sucks as they ran a great race, but rules are rules.Anybody saw the DQ on the 4x100 relay?? Wow!!
Are you referring to Sun from China in the 1500? He didn't false start. The starter issued a 'stand' command (ie cancel), and he jumped in. That's not a false start and that's why he didn't get DQed.
As for the weed incident, that was a Canadian Ross Rebagliati and they gave him the medal back because THC was NOT on the banned list. The judo guy got the boot because THC now IS on the banned list.
I was referring to Sun, and there was no stand directive, the starter asked for quiet and he dove in, which is still a foul start. Even he believed he was disqualified, and lucky for him no other swimmer protested otherwise he would have been booted Look at the Algerian who "walked" the 800 was booted from the olympics, only to be reinstated a few hours later and take gold in the 1500m. More consistency please, Rogge and his IOC buddies are beginnning to look alot like the UN security council. How did Pistorius' team end up being reinstated to the finals after falling out of the race? Being accidentally tripped in a race has never been grounds for a protest call, especially in a race that puts everyone in the same lane, an intentional trip, sure. If he wasnt who he was they would have felt no way about sending the team packing and not coming back, but ppl like Pistorius, Bolt, Phelps and Sun fill the stands and are considered heroes by some, so I guess are deserving of a different set of rules to anyone elseCan someone post up a pic of when our guy in the relay actually stepped on the line, sorry its just that I havent seen any clear proof other than Connaughton stepping right next to the line. But thats what I mean about giving our runners a bit more leeway. It used to be three steps on the line and youre out, but some IOC official thought that everything should hinge on a single step. Changing the rules hasnt done anything towards fairness and taking the controversy out of the events, in fact I think its made it worse.
Edit: apparently weed and THC is only illegal during the actual games, not during the training season. I guess buddy shoulda eaten the hash brownie sooner, or bought a bottle of Tommy Chongs Urine Luck.
Exactly, either abide by the rule, or admit that the rule leaves room to appear like you're giving preferential treatment when u decide someone didn't really break it. I believe the ones actually doin the running, swimming, etc, should have more say in the rules they're required to follow. How many runners/swimmers do you think complained that ppl were getting too many foul starts? Or that three consecutive steps on the line was too much? I believe if they had their input the games would have a much better balance. IOC rules leave too many "ya, but if so and so didn't happen then these guys woulda won" moments.
Exactly, either abide by the rule, or admit that the rule leaves room to appear like you're giving preferential treatment when u decide someone didn't really break it. I believe the ones actually doin the running, swimming, etc, should have more say in the rules they're required to follow. How many runners/swimmers do you think complained that ppl were getting too many foul starts? Or that three consecutive steps on the line was too much? I believe if they had their input the games would have a much better balance. IOC rules leave too many "ya, but if so and so didn't happen then these guys woulda won" moments.
I agree it's hard to have a completely fair sport, but seeing what I've been seeing in these events a few changes here and there may save some poor dude whose been pouring blood sweat and tears into training for this 12 second event only to get jittery and foul start, and IOC says that dude should go home? C'mon clearly the IOC is out of touch with these athletes. I'm not saying cater to every one of their whims either, but a few changes here and there would go along way towards making it more even handed in their dishing out of punishments. What ever happened to yelling a warning at a goalkeep for holding up a play, as it's done in apparently only 99% of the time, with the last time an identical call like that was made in 2002? If the ref's not listening to the crowd on how to officiate a game, why are they listening to the players on the field? Remain impartial and keep the game movin. There a reason why Sinclair stood by her comments about ref after all was said and done.
Yea, just before the last hand off, the Canadian stepped outside his lane. It sucks as they ran a great race, but rules are rules.
Before all that happened the Canadians lost the lead twice to the US. As one reporter said keeping a lead in football should be a reasonably simple thing to do. Bad referreeing is nothing new in the game. Whining badly afterwards is.
Whining badly afterwards is new to soccer? That's interesting, but also the point, the current state of things leaves alot to interpretation.
OMFG just saw the handball event, lmao!! It's like b-ball minus the dribble, oh crap they do dribble, too funny. When you guys said handball, i was thinking the elementary school style handball, against a wall. This looks more tiring than fun
Ya i agree with you that the one foul start and you are out is very strict and i dont quite understand it either. They used to get two chances and i like the old rule way better.
I find it a bit tough, I've did a bit of track when younger and keeping yourself on the track can be quite a challenge. When you're running with all your might, nobody looks at a bloody line![]()