What bias?.?the article quotes studies and facts and I like he points out that the poorest countries in the world aren't having protests in their financial centres. Proves in north America and Europe it's all whining. Where are the articles with facts from the protesters? By the way I'm not concerned about joining the upper echelons of society, I'm already connected to that group and rejected it. I love money and security not living in the same neighborhood as all the other wasps. Going to the same places, supporting the same cause and marrying an anorexic bleached out over tanned wasp hag.
Care to point out any of these poorest countries where the police force or military isn't tied in extremely tightly with the ruling elite? Now care to wonder why there isn't too much dissent? Do you think Nigerians are deleriously happy with foreign companies and the ruling elite sharing the wealth of the country among themselves while giving nothing back to the poor people who live on the land that's being exploited for example? Maybe India with a pervasive caste system that practically ignores the poor? Pakistan with a paramilitary police force perhaps? Or maybe Bolivia...oh wait....no...Bolivia has a socialist government and the people did actually stand up and protest about the exploitation of their country by multinational water companies (who tried to enforce a rule to make collecting rainwater illegal mong other things).
Some ever so slightly ****ing massive chinks in the arguments in the "excellent" article there then maybe.