I must have missed something. How did Obama start a popular uprising in Syria against a dictatorial leader? Also how did he manage to get Putin to invade the Ukraine?
Here's a primer, from the NYT. Its paywalled so Im linking you to a cached version. Its a small glimpse but should be eye-opening regardless.
The US had a strong hand in the Arab Spring movement which lead to armed conflicts in Yemen, Libya, and Syria. Furthermore, if it wasn't for continued funding and training of those rebels, the movements would've been crushed quite handily; instead they devolved into full blown civil wars with hundreds of thousands (millions?) of lives lost. On Obama's watch. Through and through.
A very similar thing happened in the Ukraine. The US sent $billions (USAID) to Ukraine over the years leading up to the ousting of their democratically elected government. Almost immediately after their government decided not to purse energy relationships with EU and instead focus on fostering a relationship with the Russians, a miracle coup organized itself and violently overthrew the government. Don't even mention the untold billions spent there by Soros NGOs and the IMF.
The US was heavily involved. You can't dispute it. There were damning audio recordings between ambassadors, there was Obama himself (on camera) confirming to CNN that they "brokered the transfer of power", and here's a handy photo of McCain popping smiles and shaking hands with protesters
And if you needed icing on your US propaganda-cake, look up a company called Burisma and see if you catch a familiar last name on their board of directors, appointed a mere 3 weeks after Yanukovich was ousted.
As a Canadian I fully appreciate and recognize the importance of our neighbours remaining the world's economic and military superpower and I'm all for it - military industrial complex and everything bad that comes with it, bring it on. I'm a fan. But I'm not interested in their bull**** propaganda.