Obama's Legacy

Nice how you leave out the facts ..

The strikes, which were later confirmed by the Pentagon, did not require Trump to sign off on them. Under then-President Barack Obama, the authority to order such strikes in Yemen was devolved to the four-star commander of US Central Command, Gen. Joseph Votel.

He also didn't halt them like he's doing with so many other Obama line items...

Just sayin'.
He also didn't halt them like he's doing with so many other Obama line items...

Just sayin'.

When Obama promised to clean up Iraq, did you wait a whole 4 days to start pointing out his broken promises, or did you start on inauguration day?
So your counter-argument is basically "Obama didn't start it!" and "Trump sucks!"

Gotcha. Except Obama DID start it in Syria and Libya and Ukraine. It was on his watch that the bullets started flying. Fact.

Oh and no Im not ****** at all, I'm not American. This thread is about Obama's legacy... and my statement was simple. His 8 years has resulted in a divided America and a Donald Trump in the White House. Some legacy.

I must have missed something. How did Obama start a popular uprising in Syria against a dictatorial leader? Also how did he manage to get Putin to invade the Ukraine? Can you also tell me if he caused the recent Italian earthquake? What about getting ride of cherry coke? Obama? Did he assassinate David Bowie too?

Wow. Everything is just black and white isn't it. Literally.
I must have missed something. How did Obama start a popular uprising in Syria against a dictatorial leader? Also how did he manage to get Putin to invade the Ukraine?

Here's a primer, from the NYT. Its paywalled so Im linking you to a cached version. Its a small glimpse but should be eye-opening regardless.

The US had a strong hand in the Arab Spring movement which lead to armed conflicts in Yemen, Libya, and Syria. Furthermore, if it wasn't for continued funding and training of those rebels, the movements would've been crushed quite handily; instead they devolved into full blown civil wars with hundreds of thousands (millions?) of lives lost. On Obama's watch. Through and through.

A very similar thing happened in the Ukraine. The US sent $billions (USAID) to Ukraine over the years leading up to the ousting of their democratically elected government. Almost immediately after their government decided not to purse energy relationships with EU and instead focus on fostering a relationship with the Russians, a miracle coup organized itself and violently overthrew the government. Don't even mention the untold billions spent there by Soros NGOs and the IMF.

The US was heavily involved. You can't dispute it. There were damning audio recordings between ambassadors, there was Obama himself (on camera) confirming to CNN that they "brokered the transfer of power", and here's a handy photo of McCain popping smiles and shaking hands with protesters http://media.washtimes.com.s3.amazonaws.com/media/image/2013/12/15/ukraine-protestsjpeg-047e5.jpg

And if you needed icing on your US propaganda-cake, look up a company called Burisma and see if you catch a familiar last name on their board of directors, appointed a mere 3 weeks after Yanukovich was ousted.

As a Canadian I fully appreciate and recognize the importance of our neighbours remaining the world's economic and military superpower and I'm all for it - military industrial complex and everything bad that comes with it, bring it on. I'm a fan. But I'm not interested in their bull**** propaganda.
That makes a good story but you missed Egypt out....Mubarak was a friend of the US, he helped buffer Israel and keep the radicals at bay. So is Egypt the odd man out? Obama went on a rampage against a number of other Middle Eastern countries but Egypt just kicked off on its own? I don't believe Obama was the driving force behind any of this, afterwards there was probably a lot of decisions made on which side to back though. I don't believe the US is innocent by any means, but it's disingenuous to blame it all on one man.
That makes a good story but you missed Egypt out....Mubarak was a friend of the US, he helped buffer Israel and keep the radicals at bay. So is Egypt the odd man out? Obama went on a rampage against a number of other Middle Eastern countries but Egypt just kicked off on its own? I don't believe Obama was the driving force behind any of this, afterwards there was probably a lot of decisions made on which side to back though. I don't believe the US is innocent by any means, but it's disingenuous to blame it all on one man.

When I said Obama 'started' it I was replying to the other dude stating that it was just something he inherited from Bush, which is a cop-out. I didn't mean that Obama literally started those conflicts, he just made them much, much worse. Ultimately it all took place on his watch.
What has Trudeau done in office for 1 year? Lol
What has Trudeau done in office for 1 year? Lol

Went on 10 vacations, apparently. I'd have to fact-check that one, but off the top of my head... Bahamas, Tofino, Whistler, St Kitts, Fogo Island, Japan.... **** they may be right.

1 year, 10 vacations. Holy ****.
There's always this: "Trump is taking power under decidedly different times than President Obama did. The U.S. unemployment rate is sitting near a nine-year low and the economy has added jobs for a record 75 straight months."
Was being facetious... but if you are cool with the way he did it, sure, why not. Problem in terms of his legacy is he promised to take action on the bankers who were responsible... probably why half as many showed for the second coming.
. . . to pay medical bills?

haha... maybe.

reality, I think something like 4% of DC voted for him, and he also lost Maryland and Virginia by a fair margin. How far will most people honestly travel for something like that?
Was being facetious... but if you are cool with the way he did it, sure, why not. Problem in terms of his legacy is he promised to take action on the bankers who were responsible... probably why half as many showed for the second coming.

Dude, that's funny on so many levels.
Are you for real? The bankers are his boss. Why didn't Bush take action on the bankers since they did what they did on his watch?
Dude, that's funny on so many levels.
Are you for real? The bankers are his boss. Why didn't Bush take action on the bankers since they did what they did on his watch?

NO WAY!!!! haha

Reagan to Obama, at the least, has just been continuity of the same government... What will Trump ultimately be who knows, but it's why I couldn't support Clinton. She had all the Neo-Cons who called the shots for Bush endorse her, along with all the major banks and arms manufacturers. I've said all this before, do keep up.
Went on 10 vacations, apparently. I'd have to fact-check that one, but off the top of my head... Bahamas, Tofino, Whistler, St Kitts, Fogo Island, Japan.... **** they may be right.

1 year, 10 vacations. Holy ****.
Went to all those places collecting bribes for his administration. That's how it is.
That pic was probably taken in the wee hours of the morning. Don't believe the propaganda

Dude, that's funny on so many levels.
Are you for real? The bankers are his boss. Why didn't Bush take action on the bankers since they did what they did on his watch?
He works for no one. If he did he would watch his mouth. You can tell who's the boss in an organization by the words they say.

Even his campaign was self funding. He even used his own jet
That pic was probably taken in the wee hours of the morning. Don't believe the propaganda

He works for no one. If he did he would watch his mouth. You can tell who's the boss in an organization by the words they say.

Even his campaign was self funding. He even used his own jet

If you're referring to Trump, you are mistaken. He used some of his own money along with money from his "charity" and donations.


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