How so?
You're kidding

lol. How did the Russian invasion of Crimea suddenly become Obama's fault?
In fact it was
Bush that pushed for Georgia and Ukraine NATO membership, not Obama. This was a move that was opposed by NATO at the time. That notwithstanding, Russia's practice of invading countries to stave off such NATO infiltration is still barbaric and illegal (Putin invaded Georgia in 2008...) I suppose somehow it's still Obama's fault tho. :/
The situation in the Middle East is entirely on GWB: the invasion of Iraq and toppling of Saddam Hussein was the biggest mistake this side of the US ignoring intel chatter on Pearl Harbour and 9/11/01. The power vacuum created there unleashed tribal and sectarian violence and led to the rise of ISIL. Also on Bush was his effort, starting in 2005, to topple the Syrian regime unleashing yet more open space for extremism. Obama's involvement after the fact: What would you expect him to have done given the mess he inherited?