Just proves that investors favour trump
The whole global economy improved with Obama. No correlation there at all
I'm just going by the data reference that you posted. Now you're saying that it only correlates in some circumstances?
Just proves that investors favour trump
The whole global economy improved with Obama. No correlation there at all
Polls suggest that Marine Le Pen, the leader of the far-right National Front party, will top the field in the first round, but won’t get the absolute majority a candidate needs to win outright.
Antoine isn’t a fan of the frontrunner.
“We are so fed up with what Marine Le Pen is doing, and with the fact that we weren’t able to find a candidate to vote for, only one to vote against,” said Antoine. “We started talking about that and it came up that Obama is free — so why not hire him?”
Does anyone need further proof that any semblance of rationality has left the poor left. Sorry Antoine, but it's worth pointing out that the Obama's of this world, and more specifically, their policies, are why People such as Le Pen are in the running. Some inflection is needed on the left, but I'm sure they'll just blame Russia.
Wait.. what?
Oh yeah, already started![]()
Not totally true. I was in France more than 20 years ago when her father Jean Marie le Pen came on the scene and started to gain traction. There's always been a far-right element in France mostly due to France's colonial meddling elsewhere and the result of that. Ghetoisation has also been a huge problem in Paris and Marseilles with Senegalese, Tunisians and more importantly the Algerians. Trouble has been brewing for decades. More recent events have allowed it to surface again.
But did he ever win? There's always been a far right in the US, and to listen to anyone in the Trump thread, he's their poster boy... So I guess I should just rephrase that with "if she wins".
That said this French Obama brigade doesn't see to think anyone is left enough...Honestly, they should really do some research on what Obama's administration actually did, particularly in the middle east. Is it completely lost on them that the immigration issues pushing the right to the fore are very much the results of Obama's geo-political decisions.... truly facepalm worthy.
never gonna convince the hard cores, on either side, who caresDoes anyone need further proof that any semblance of rationality has left the poor left.
ACA and Freedom fries.. great... my opening statement in post 109 stands.
You don't think a nation being labelled as cowards affects the nations view of the name caller? Ok.
Using a dislike for Bush as a supposedly rational reason for this guy and his movement... Silly.