Obama's Legacy

How so. Dislike of Obama = like for Trump is just as stupid yet that's exactly how Trump got elected. He wasn't Black or liberal or a woman. Maybe it is silly at its core but it is reality.

Thing is, that explanation only comes from the people who didn't/wouldn't have voted for Trump. Silly again. I would have voted Trump, but only because HC atrocious. I could give you and the neo-liberal class 100 reason why I couldn't support her, but you'd just boil it down to me being a misogynist pig.

In 2008 I sat in front of the TV like a million others cheering the Obama victory and the "change" which would follow. Unfortunately it never materialized and I'm openly critical. Guess I'm a racist now :rolleyes: ... this sort of silliness played a large roll in Trump winning, and the continuation of said silliness will be the base for a second term. Keep up the good work.
Silliness could also be not recognizing that "my enemies enemy is my friend" is actually quite often the motivating factor for a lot of things in politics.
Oh it's recognized. It's exactly what the current establishment is doing in an attempt to hold on to their decades long grip on DC... but how that proverb backs any of your previous assertions....
As Margaret Thatcher once said about Geoffrey Howe "it's like being savaged by a sheep".

Resorting to insult when challenged to expand upon your statements.... yeah, you haven't savaged ****.
Sure thing sweetheart. Don't sweat it, I'm not the type to report a post, despite what the reporter in chief claimed over in that other thread. No need to hide from your actual intentions. Now, if you have anything relevant to this thread we can move on. Thx
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