Now that was slick. | Page 3 |

Now that was slick.

The fact that they detonated them w/o ever knowing where the people were so innocent bystanders could be killed was really cool too eh.
War is never "cool" unless you are privileged enough to be in the top 1% the rest of us are cannon fodder or possible collateral damage.
It does however seem to inspire some to preform some interesting and or creative acts this being one of those.
The Jews , Israelis after WW2 had a saying “never again” . They will use whatever they feel needs to be done , they have sent assassins around the world in the interest of the cause . They are a vengeful people .

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The Jews , Israelis after WW2 had a saying “never again” . They will use whatever they feel needs to be done , they have sent assassins around the world in the interest of the cause . They are a vengeful people .

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I always thought the "never again" was altruistic and meant never again should anyone have to put up with that, but it really means never again for only the Jews.
As much as I do not condone the cowardly acts of Oct 7 I gotta say if you stand with a jackboot on peoples throats while building on land that's supposed to be theirs you should expect blow back.
while building on land that's supposed to be theirs
And there's the root of the issue. When two different sky beings gave the same land to two different groups of people, whose land is it? There is no way to discuss or negotiate when you believe the land was provided to you by your sky being. It is by definition a god-given right and therefore anyone trying to take that away is against the will of God. Somehow, most religions then extend that to "now you must die". I'm not sure how they mentally justify people dying for land rights in the name of religion but they have for thousands of years and don't seem to be interesting in a more human focused approach. Is religion just about money and power for those at the top?
And there's the root of the issue. When two different sky beings gave the same land to two different groups of people, whose land is it? There is no way to discuss or negotiate when you believe the land was provided to you by your sky being. It is by definition a god-given right and therefore anyone trying to take that away is against the will of God. Somehow, most religions then extend that to "now you must die". I'm not sure how they mentally justify people dying for land rights in the name of religion but they have for thousands of years and don't seem to be interesting in a more human focused approach. Is religion just about money and power for those at the top?
All three major religions have their roots in the old testament. Have a read. It condones slavery, rape and infanticide just to name a few. If this the book from which you set your moral course....well we all know how that ends.
So if the nerd swings at the bully's baby sister it's ok because he was picked on. Tell me how this analogy is wrong.

Maybe if they went to a music festival instead of going to a market with known Hezbolla members wandering about they wouldn't need to be worried about becoming innocent collateral damage in a strike.
Can't talk on the phone/radio, meet face to face. Boom again. It's dangerous to be a terrorist.


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