November your rides. Season's not over yet

Such a cold ride this morning, did my m2x. I didn't see one bike or scooter.
Such a cold ride this morning, did my m2x. I didn't see one bike or scooter.
I rode. Saw a few bikes parked, didn't see anyone on the way in.
I didn't ride in today but wow did I see a lot of bikes this weekend. More than I saw any day this summer, for sure. Must've seen at least a hundred on Sunday.
The cold is valid to a point. As long as the road is clean and dry I ride mainly my Burgman 400 rather than the old 1100. It cuts the wind
and has great protection. No shifting means you can wear large winter boots. I ride to have fun and commute as often as I can. Just be careful on the colder tires and pavement. Have fun!
Ya sure don't wear out your arm waving to other riders at 4C :D Another benefit is ZERO bug splatters at these temps.
been going all week and will keep on doing so...
we should good til the end of the month, I never winterize her and the most she's ever sat without being ridden is 2-3 weeks.
Im going to ride till at least end of this month. Hopefully longer. Benn riding every day/night but the night rides are not long.
I should've been riding all week. Soo hard to get up at like 5am, though. :(
How's everyone's mileage riding in the cold? Mine usually drops significantly as the temp drops, going from mid 40's down to the mid 30's (that's MPG). How bad is yours?

Don't mean to thread-jack but it seems relevant.
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The bike as it stood outside Canadian Tire after I dropped a whopping $3.19 on fuel stabilizer to mix with my tank of Shell V Power... Sunday may have been the last day. Cold tires, cold roads, cold hands make my whole body cold!

How's everyone's mileage riding in the cold? Mine usually drops significantly as the temp drops, going from mid 40's down to the mid 30's. How bad is yours?

Don't mean to thread-jack but it seems relevant.

I chalk it up to longer warm up times. I get around 50km less per tank in winter compared to best in summer.
didnt ride monday,saw snoe flurries in the forecast,rode everyday since then,dont see many bikes on the road but lots of scooters.
I chalk it up to longer warm up times. I get around 50km less per tank in winter compared to best in summer.

I just looked at my road trip app and that's a tough one for me to figure (kms per tank) out as I don't always fill up close to empty.
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I see a slight degrade in fuel economy, warm up times with choke on probably eats allot of gas. If your FI then your bike will be running richer when its cold to warm everything up faster.
I chalk it up to longer warm up times. I get around 50km less per tank in winter compared to best in summer.
This makes sense to me, but I haven't really noticed a difference. I spend a lot of time at low speed, then a few minutes at higher speeds. Sometimes I spend more than others sitting at idle. I'm still getting about the same distance out of each tank. The other thing for me is that I usually fill up based on what the tripmeter reads before my trip in. If it's around 200km, I fill it. So it varies, the price varies, etc. It's really starting to look like I just don't pay attention to how much fuel I use, isn't it? :confused:
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