November your rides. Season's not over yet

Quick jaunt to the doctor's office to have my shoulder looked at again. Only my right pinkie fingertip got cold.

Can't work right now due to my hand and shoulder, so I'm not out riding as much as I'd like (no cash :() but getting out every chance I get.

I tend to drive more slow/cautions (much lower rpms, don't really have a need for the full power of my bike in the cold) so my MPG shoots up when it gets colder.
With some office work to do, but completely not feeling like doing it in my office ... I scooted up to Belfountain and did it there this afternoon. Cold ... but it was a ride.
Great afternoon to ride today. Ran some errands around here and then rode off into the sunset to Woodstock (boring ride but had a kijiji sale happening). Was actually real excited to test out my newly installed HID kit on the ST. It did not disappoint! On the way home it was nice and dark and the lights worked better than I had expected. Temp dropped down to mid 30's but the Oxfords were firing on all cylinders to keep my paws toasty. The rest of me had a MEC base layer, fleece vest and bike gear - no issues with warmth.
Great afternoon to ride today. Ran some errands around here and then rode off into the sunset to Woodstock (boring ride but had a kijiji sale happening). Was actually real excited to test out my newly installed HID kit on the ST. It did not disappoint! On the way home it was nice and dark and the lights worked better than I had expected. Temp dropped down to mid 30's but the Oxfords were firing on all cylinders to keep my paws toasty. The rest of me had a MEC base layer, fleece vest and bike gear - no issues with warmth.
Mid 30's yesterday? Time to bust out the t-shirt. :D You show your age by using Fahrenheit, heh.

I rode in this morning. Still didn't get up on time but I just decided to be an hour late for work. Nice ride but as usual my hands were numb by the time I got there. I did manage to find the breath box that came with my helmet and it worked better than without but still not perfect. I was even getting fogging while moving for some reason. Should I remove the chin skirt?

I wore my VnM gear as the base; Paradox over that; Scorpion Perfed jacket with insulated liner; Cortech DSX jeans; MEC snow pants; and lastly a Solstice ski jacket shell over top (probably wouldn't need that if the jacket wasn't perforated). Hands had Scorpion Recon gloves with the fleece removed (too bulky) and "silk" (they were supposed to be silk but they were cheap as heck so I'm kind of doubtful) liners. Boots were just some Kodiak work boots with two pairs of bamboo (moisture wicking ) sport socks (definitely need two pairs because these are really light socks).

I was going to try my overgloves I bought last year but after putting them on, they were too cumbersome and I didn't think I would reliably be able to work the finer controls (ie turn signals) with them on so I pulled em off and just tossed them in the driveway. I need to figure out something that will actually keep my hands (especially fingers) warm but I don't want to mess with heated gear right now.
Mid 30's yesterday?
I wore my VnM gear as the base; Paradox over that; Scorpion Perfed jacket with insulated liner; Cortech DSX jeans; MEC snow pants; and lastly a Solstice ski jacket shell over top (probably wouldn't need that if the jacket wasn't perforated). Hands had Scorpion Recon gloves with the fleece removed (too bulky) and "silk" (they were supposed to be silk but they were cheap as heck so I'm kind of doubtful) liners. Boots were just some Kodiak work boots with two pairs of bamboo (moisture wicking ) sport socks (definitely need two pairs because these are really light socks).
I'm loving my Icon Patrol gear. I get dressed for the office, then throw the jacket and pants over top. The neck of the jacket is high enough (uncomfortably when it was brand new!) to keep my neck warm. Only my fingertips have been cold because I have worn out old gloves. The heated grips should be here any day.....
Disclaimer - it's only a 17k commute. ;)
Still riding daily, here's a few pics I took this week-end....

Will continue riding till it hits Zero......


another 250kms today commuting from location to location around Brantford/Haldimand/Norfolk.

No snow? no problem!
Doing a BIG ride tomorrow morning :)

-Jamie M.
Going into my last week and the temps are looking good. The lows are above zero. Thursday's ride was minus 6 and I was fine with my gear setup. My lowest was minus 9 in previous years. Looks like with the forcast I won't be seeing that this year. Last year I could have pushed it to christmas. This year I probably could push it into December. I am getting an 8 + month riding season Mar 15 to Nov 15 which I am satisfied with.
Early snow :o

I chalk it up to longer warm up times. I get around 50km less per tank in winter compared to best in summer.

Unless your bike is an old carbed bike that doesnt run until it's warmed up you really shouldn't warm it up. It doesn't do anything useful on a modern bike and it will warm up much faster while riding and do less harm to your bike.

Fuel mileage is really affected by temeperature. I ride in all kinds of conditions and have tracked my fuel mileage with every tank of gas in my bikes since 2006. Here is a graph last year that shows my mileage vs the temperature:


The overall trends are obvious, and the little blips correspond to riding at highway speeds (where mileage sucks) vs riding at backroad speeds. There sre two areas that don't correspond and they are a one week trip tp the East coast (Maine, Cabot tril and gaspe') and a two week ride to the Grand Canyon and Death Valley.

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Actually here's a better graph based on this year's riding (so far):


As soon as I saw your post, I remembered you posting it before on a related thread somewhere. But I don't recall what the mileage represents, maybe I'm a little tired but it seems high for MPG?

It's funny but I was just explaining SMIDSY to someone at work today after we had another motorcyclist involved in a crash. That is an excellent video.
As soon as I saw your post, I remembered you posting it before on a related thread somewhere. But I don't recall what the mileage represents, maybe I'm a little tired but it seems high for MPG?

It's funny but I was just explaining SMIDSY to someone at work today after we had another motorcyclist involved in a crash. That is an excellent video.

I'm glad the SMIDSY video and concept is being shared! The bulk of crashes we heard of this year on GTAM seemed to be SMIDSY type crashes and hopefully sharing this saved some of us.

The Graph shows Canadian MPG on my 2012 DL650 V-Strom. (For those that think in L/100 divide MPG into 282.) It's a pretty strong correlation between temperature and mileage. IF you are nerdy enough (like me!) there's a lot of interesting little things to see in graphing this stuff.

I'm so glad that I saw the SMIDSY video and I try to share to all my buddies who just started riding. I do it as often as I could.
I'm enjoying November.

Same here. A few hundred KM here and there, nothing fancy. You need to do that at least to escape the suburbs. They're growing fast, along with the zombie traffic.
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