November your rides. Season's not over yet

I commuted to work daily last year until xmas day. This year feels colder already in November than i recall it being at this time in December but it doesn't bother me, i dress warm, but hell, i'm Canadian born! since when did we become a bunch of cold weather pussies?

I also do it for the savings. And i don't have far to go to work, it's only a 15 minute trip. I spend a grand total of $13.00 a week on gas commuting to work. That's vs. $40-$50 if i took the car, and $30 if i went by TTC. So the bike beats all when it comes to savings. And it's fun getting the odd looks from people who don't ride bikes and don't understand.

Temps are below seasonal because of the hurricane. According to the weather channel next week the weather will be more in line with seasonal averages.
It was cold this a.m. 6:50 but it was a nice ride into work. Didn't see any other riders. But on the way home I passed by 2 gave the thumbs up . Got the "really ?" looks at the lights etc. from the cagers. My boss was like wtf? when he saw me walk in to the building of course by then my shield was frosted over from the change in temp from outside to in.
BTw, is it safe to boost a motorcycle battery from a car in the event the battery doesn't kick over at the end of a day of work? Not that I'm having any issues at the moment, it's just a thought that occurred to me.
Oh and I'm pretty sure a snow flake or two gently floated down while I was warming up the bike before my ride home...

Depending on the bike, you might not get very far. Bikes don't really charge their batteries at idle, and aren't too great at charging them from flat.
Still riding ... but I'll stop if I spot the brine trucks out. I need to keep the bike nice and shiny to sell it off in the spring. Gonna be cold tomorrow!

Brine trucks must have been out in force on the major routes over the past several days ...
Look at the white powdery coating/ stains from the brine solution on the asphalt.
For example, I've seen it on: 401 through GTA, 400, Yonge Street near 401, etc.
My bike stalled out then it had a hard time starting batt died on me. Odd enough looks riding a bike in the cold more odd running down the street to bump start her :)
lol....did that the end of last season....looked like the Michelin man trying to bump start my bike. Ended up getting a jump from a tourist I gave directions to. Asked him to leave his car off.

Brine trucks must have been out in force on the major routes over the past several days ...
Look at the white powdery coating/ stains from the brine solution on the asphalt.
For example, I've seen it on: 401 through GTA, 400, Yonge Street near 401, etc.
If you see lines running down the road, that's it.

I'm new to motorcycling, only bought my ninja 250r 4 weeks ago. I will take every opportunity to go ride until it gets too cold. i use a joe rocket alter ego jacket with cold gear underneath and jeans and joe rocket true north pants; they both seem to block a sufficient amount of wind. While I am cold by the end of the ride I am enjoying every moment I am out there. Just have a nice cup of hot chocolate to warm you up when you're done :p
Add another windproof outer layer on top of it all and it will make a world of difference

And cold tires + cold road + sharp turn do not mix. :( Spare parts rule!
Damn - nice this afternoon and getting better every day and I'm driving to Washington in a few hours.
Oh well - nice days coming to wander around the parks and museums.
HAve fun guys.


While I am cold by the end of the ride
just be aware that hypothermia can sneak up on you and it screws up your reaction time so take it easy.
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Cold commute brrr

Agreed. I took city streets to keep the speed down (and I left late so I assumed the highway would be basically stopped). Couldn't feel my pinkies by the time I got there and was a little chilly as well. I should have used the ski jacket shell over top to block wind and maybe put some overgloves on but I hate those things (too cumbersome).
Anyone have Balaclave suggestions that don't fog up the visor?
I picked up a cheap one with the nose piece to direct it downward but it fogs up so fast....
Cold commute brrr
I thought it was much warmer this morning. Maybe it's the time and the route I take. I didn't leave the house until 8 so it was warm and sunny.
Left before the sun rose. 80 km commute, majority on the highway. If it was all city streets i wouldn't find it cold.
Left before the sun rose. 80 km commute, majority on the highway. If it was all city streets i wouldn't find it cold.
That would be the difference, for sure!
Anyone have Balaclave suggestions that don't fog up the visor?
I picked up a cheap one with the nose piece to direct it downward but it fogs up so fast....
I find putting a breath box on my helmet helps with the fog issue.
I ride city visor open with riding glasses (fogs in no time if you breath out while stopped).

Fleece balaclava's at costco $10 - makes a big difference and a great deal.
Anyone have Balaclave suggestions that don't fog up the visor?
I picked up a cheap one with the nose piece to direct it downward but it fogs up so fast....

I haven't found a place that actually has them in stock yet, but you should check out the Under Armour MTN Base 2.0 Balaclava, I have heard good things about it, and I use their cold gear shirt and pants and they seem to work quite well. That is the balaclava that I'll be picking up
I bought mine from Canadian Tire a few years ago, fleece/snowmobile.

It won't stop the fogging at a traffic light, but once on the move i don't suffer any issues.
I bought mine from Canadian Tire a few years ago, fleece/snowmobile.

It won't stop the fogging at a traffic light, but once on the move i don't suffer any issues.
I got one at Mark's - it's thin, so it's comfortable under the helmet. It won't completely stop the fogging while stopped either.
I ride city visor open with riding glasses (fogs in no time if you breath out while stopped).

Fleece balaclava's at costco $10 - makes a big difference and a great deal.
Which glasses do you use?

I find putting a breath box on my helmet helps with the fog issue.
What's a breath box?
Left before the sun rose. 80 km commute, majority on the highway. If it was all city streets i wouldn't find it cold.
What gloves do you use? My hands always get cold.
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