November your rides. Season's not over yet

I commuted to work daily last year until xmas day. This year feels colder already in November than i recall it being at this time in December but it doesn't bother me, i dress warm, but hell, i'm Canadian born! since when did we become a bunch of cold weather pussies?

I also do it for the savings. And i don't have far to go to work, it's only a 15 minute trip. I spend a grand total of $13.00 a week on gas commuting to work. That's vs. $40-$50 if i took the car, and $30 if i went by TTC. So the bike beats all when it comes to savings. And it's fun getting the odd looks from people who don't ride bikes and don't understand.
Heh, I'll second that. Always get a kick out of the "wtf" looks I get from people as I ride by in freezing temps. It's not even that chilly out yet and some of my coworkers think I'm nuts for being out there every day.

That said, I just picked up a Ballistic 12-cell battery for the V-Strom since the old battery is barely cranking after sitting outside for more than 6 or 7 hours. Hoping it works out well, wondering if these batteries cope well with heated gear and the like.
That said, I just picked up a Ballistic 12-cell battery for the V-Strom since the old battery is barely cranking after sitting outside for more than 6 or 7 hours. Hoping it works out well, wondering if these batteries cope well with heated gear and the like.
They don't work well on cold morning starts, and remember, the more you stress it the more power it'll give ya (totally opposite to a normal battery).

It's more up to the stator and rectifier to put up with your heated gear, check your rectifier wiring for any burnt wires or corroded connectors if you're having problems with your charging system.

-Jamie M.
So I dropped off my Strom to her new owner today. It was nice to take her out one last time but she doesn't have heated grips! Now this hasn't been all that important so far as the ST1300 does have some heat up front, but taking the back roads into Dundas and then the highway to Mississauga got really friggin cold by the time I hit...oh I dunno, Dundas. I found myself reaching down and grabbing a hold of the engine at several stop lights to heat up my hands. Nothing a hot drink at Tim's couldn't fix.

But seriously, that was the coldest I have been on a bike in 2 years, even riding in the 20's (F) wasn't as bad with heated grips.
This week looks awesome. Shawarma run today, Brampton Burrito Boys run tomorrow ;)

Really considering getting heated grips for the spring though.
Any suggestions for some heated grips under $50?
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Still riding ... but I'll stop if I spot the brine trucks out. I need to keep the bike nice and shiny to sell it off in the spring. Gonna be cold tomorrow!
Really considering getting heated grips for the spring though. Any suggestions for some heated grips under $50?

Heat Demon grip warmers by Symtec, about $50, available at GP Bikes. Similar heated grips are available under different brand names. Simple, inexpensive, effective, discreet, easy to install. No nasty resistor or big, ugly control boxes. Use whatever switch you like. I'm happy with mine, they make a significant difference.

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The early morning's are easier from the time change this weekend.

Not too cold this morning, a nice ride into work.
Still riding...will do so till the snow falls and stays. Heated grips, ski jacket and street clothes under an oversized 1pc suit. Need something for my butt though....and my toes. I usually go till about -15C.
I think the ICON Patrol gear is going to be really good as the temp drops. I DID finally order Oxford Heaterz though.....because I hate bulky gloves. I hope I can get those installed on the weekend, and be perfectly prepared for next week.
I got the oxford heaterz on mine, I like them allot, glad I went that route. That said I still upgraded my gloves as the tops of my hands still were ice cold. Now I run with them on MAX and warmer gloves i'm pretty toasty all the way in. I am at highway speeds for most part of my commute.
I got the oxford heaterz on mine, I like them allot, glad I went that route. That said I still upgraded my gloves as the tops of my hands still were ice cold. Now I run with them on MAX and warmer gloves i'm pretty toasty all the way in. I am at highway speeds for most part of my commute.
That's good news - I'm looking forward to getting them on. My gloves aren't bad, it's really my fingertips that get cold. But they are comfortable, so before I get newer bulkier ones, I'll try the grips. I thought they would be much more expensive so I had never looked before.
I got the oxford heaterz on mine, I like them allot, glad I went that route. That said I still upgraded my gloves as the tops of my hands still were ice cold. Now I run with them on MAX and warmer gloves i'm pretty toasty all the way in. I am at highway speeds for most part of my commute.

I burnt my palm last season with Heaterz on full. Now I stay green-light and below :(
It was cold this a.m. 6:50 but it was a nice ride into work. Didn't see any other riders. But on the way home I passed by 2 gave the thumbs up . Got the "really ?" looks at the lights etc. from the cagers. My boss was like wtf? when he saw me walk in to the building of course by then my shield was frosted over from the change in temp from outside to in.
BTw, is it safe to boost a motorcycle battery from a car in the event the battery doesn't kick over at the end of a day of work? Not that I'm having any issues at the moment, it's just a thought that occurred to me.
Oh and I'm pretty sure a snow flake or two gently floated down while I was warming up the bike before my ride home...
I'm new to motorcycling, only bought my ninja 250r 4 weeks ago. I will take every opportunity to go ride until it gets too cold. i use a joe rocket alter ego jacket with cold gear underneath and jeans and joe rocket true north pants; they both seem to block a sufficient amount of wind. While I am cold by the end of the ride I am enjoying every moment I am out there. Just have a nice cup of hot chocolate to warm you up when you're done :p
It was cold this a.m. 6:50 but it was a nice ride into work. Didn't see any other riders. But on the way home I passed by 2 . Got the "really ?" looks at the lights etc. My boss was like wtf? when he saw me walk in to the building , of course by then my shield was frosted over from the change in temp from outside to in.
BTw, is it safe to boost a motorcycle battery from a car in the event the battery doesn't kick over at the end of a day of work? Not that I'm having any issues at the moment, it's just a thought that occurred to me.
Oh and I'm pretty sure a snow flake or two gently floated down while I was warming up the bike before my ride home...

Do it with the car shut off to be safe.
My bike stalled out then it had a hard time starting batt died on me. Odd enough looks riding a bike in the cold more odd running down the street to bump start her :)
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