November your rides. Season's not over yet

some truth in that. Always pumped and rosy cheeked after late season ride.

Cat Crap is popular in Australia....forgot about that.


I use the Rainex windshield washer fluid to clean the bugs off the windscreen figuring it will build up a bit. No problems with it on the previous screen - got a wider one and now wondering if there is something better.

I'd play a bit if the damn Bell visors were not so $$.
Very well made but they cost. Was nice today to get the visor down lower with little fogging and none in the vision area.

Worked fine in the misty rain coming home tho hands were a bit chilly at 6 degrees with no liner.
Must admit getting fed up with the rain.
Gonna do a bird watching run to the Niagara River on the weekend - hurricane blew a lot of oddballs into the area. Some sun would be nice. :D

That's a great place to buy insulated layers.
Rode to school today on my cbr125 ;) Wasn't too bad. Wore the usual textile gear boots and thin $1 gloves underneath my riding gloves.

Will probably start riding once it hits below 0
I assume that's stop riding :)

Gonna be dicey if I ride today. Pretty chilly but sun is nice. I'm in lazy mode tho. All sun all week coming and all ccccccold.
I'm not really planning on riding much this month, but I'd like to get at least 1 more ride in before I store the bike.
I had a lowside in late September and I don't want my season to end on a negative note.
Bike should be ready soon and hopefully on the road in a week or so...

As for gear, I don't own any fancy heated gear etc. but I will bundle up.
1 degree and some precipitation lurking about and Friday afternoon traffic.
Think I'm staying home and cleaning the kitchen. Careful out there - that's a nasty combination.
Maybe do a local ride after traffic see how some of the gear works. Dug out some old goggles to try as my eyes get cold at times.
Went home at lunch and swapped vehicles for my bike. Temps are nice. Quite comfortable to be riding right now.
Road outside looks pretty dry now.
Normally I ride until December - This year I have no desire to ride anymore, I'm packing it in till who knows when
Only ice really stops me riding. I've come off twice on icy roads. Snow is even OK if it's not laying. Right now I've not even got my cold weather gear out. The liner still isn't in the jacket and the balaclava hasn't been used yet. Free parking at work really is a benefit....the 10 minute commute on a bike helps too. If I had a much longer commute I'd be in cold weather gear earlier though. Last couple of years the bike went away on the 1st December both times in a snowstorm. This year I think I'll keep it out a lot longer.
Normally I ride until December - This year I have no desire to ride anymore, I'm packing it in till who knows when

Yeah temps in Mississauga okay at 4 but radar shows some precipitation to the north and it's only 1 in Belfountain so that plus Friday afternoon traffic means a pass for me.
That's also got a stiff wind component as well.
Yeah kinda sloppy out there, didn't see another bike, kept asking myself "wtf am I doing out here riding in the rain". Still enjoyed it though.
Just looked at the radar again and the snow is wind driven right off the tip of Georgian Bay weird looking pattern.


As the sun keeps busting out for a few minutes then dark grey slabs of low cloud.
I'll probably be out next week on my 2009 650R. Here's my gear if it helps:

- Scorpion XDR Gunner gloves with silk liners (original fleece liners removed because they are too bulky)
- Paradox long underwear (top and bottom) from Costco
- Cortech DSX jeans
- Reflex MX style knee pads underneath (built in armor in riding jeans won't stay in place)
- some snow pants from MEC
- Scorpion Stinger perforated white leather jacket with liner
- thin balaclava I got at some motorcycle shop for like $5 sometime. no idea on brand.
- might throw the shell from an old ski jacket over my riding gear if it's too cold
- Shark RSX or RSR2
- might put my VnM under garments in their somewhere as well for extra warmth and maybe a bandana around my neck to keep it even warmer (need to block the wind)

I usually don't wear the VnM I mentioned with the Paradox and it'll keep me warm down to about 2C. Hands get cold after awhile though at highway speeds. I non-perfed jacket would work better but I already have too much gear. I used to wear my 2 pc for extra protection and it's warmer than the other gear but it's harder to layer because it fits tighter and the stupid hump thing on the back interferes with layering over top.
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