November your rides. Season's not over yet

Yes there's a very selective group of riders out there...can't ride when it's raining, or when it's too cold, or too hot, or too humid, etc.

I am not wearing anything special, just the same that I wore throughout the late fall except I have yet to try the latex gloves under the bike gloves trick. Just regular clothes + sweater + bandana, SIDI vertigo boots, summer shorty gloves, icon textile with liner and helmet. If it's raining somewhat hard I'll throw on an oversized windbreaker and maybe track pants.

It's still fun. More fun than driving. Just have to be careful accelerating and taking corners, and stopping early. and it saves me half the gas bill every month. Insurance is also cheaper on the bike than on the car (probably like 80% cheaper).
Here is the ride.


The heated grips and barkbusters help keep the hands warm down to 0C before I need to use winter gloves. I also hooked up a heated jacket that, on low, makes riding as comfortable as mid summer. My new BMW Rallye suit isn't as warm as the Rev'It! suit it replaced but the heated insert is fantastic. If not for a medical thing I have to take care of, I'd ride every day I could through the winter as long as the roads are free of ice. I understand how some are put off by the cold weather and its impact on traction but I think a skilled mature rider would simply adjust their riding to cope. I know I'm far more careful around corners at this time of year.

As far as rides, I might head to to Buffalo Saturday for a Roast Beef sammich at Schwabl's. It's supposed to be only 5C but I'll be nice and warm.
Yes there's a very selective group of riders out there...can't ride when it's raining, or when it's too cold, or too hot, or too humid, etc.

I am not wearing anything special, just the same that I wore throughout the late fall except I have yet to try the latex gloves under the bike gloves trick. Just regular clothes + sweater + bandana, SIDI vertigo boots, summer shorty gloves, icon textile with liner and helmet. If it's raining somewhat hard I'll throw on an oversized windbreaker and maybe track pants.

It's still fun. More fun than driving. Just have to be careful accelerating and taking corners, and stopping early. and it saves me half the gas bill every month. Insurance is also cheaper on the bike than on the car (probably like 80% cheaper).

Kinda defeats the purpose of riding to me. But whatever floats your boat
Same thing could be said about riding on the street vs the track.

Why own a SS for the street?
I still don't know why so many people complain about being cold riding, Doesn't anyone do winter sports? I wear less layers snowboarding at -10 then I do riding to work at 0 degrees.

Yes, but carving involves a lot more cardiovascular exercise than holding a few muscle groups tense whilst riding, thus your core temperature is a lot higher while snowboarding. I also aren't dealing with 100km/h+ winds... 40-50km/h maybe...

I don't ride on the highway at any ambient temperature lower than 12 deg.C, and on city streets below 5 deg.C. This is because I'm broke, and refuse to buy heated gear. I can easily see myself spending $1000 on heated gloves, a jacket, some gore-tex/waterproof boots and riding pants so, yeah, it's not happening any time soon.
I don't ride on the highway at any ambient temperature lower than 12 deg.C, and on city streets below 5 deg.C. This is because I'm broke,

That is why I AM riding at these temperatures, At a savings of $250/month in commuting alone, any time the bike can be taken it is lol.

All i have for heated gear is a $25 set of heated grips. My jacket is just lined textile and I wear $25 Frogg Togg pants for wind and rain resistance.
Still riding to work every day. I have turned the grip heaters on in the morning now and wear a fleece under the jacket, but those are the only changes so far. Will be using the longjohns in the mornings soon I think.
I'm riding purely for fun - I can go out an entire day for $10 worth of gas and there is always something to photograph.
Living in PA or further south an SS makes some sense as longer season and better roads.

Here, to get a long season you need a more flexible ride with some protection and with cost of insurance I want as close to 9 months as possible.

And flat out getting out and riding is enjoyable to me almost no matter what the weather.
Night in rain and fog a bit of a pain ( last night for instance ) but otherwise not the lease bother.
I ride mostly secondary and back roads - no dirt this time of year - too wet for my tires and bike and on the warmer days some longer loops.

This weekend looks very nice tho chilly.

Anyone have a suggestion for an anti-fog coating?
I'm riding purely for fun - I can go out an entire day for $10 worth of gas and there is always something to photograph.
Living in PA or further south an SS makes some sense as longer season and better roads.

Here, to get a long season you need a more flexible ride with some protection and with cost of insurance I want as close to 9 months as possible.

And flat out getting out and riding is enjoyable to me almost no matter what the weather.
Night in rain and fog a bit of a pain ( last night for instance ) but otherwise not the lease bother.
I ride mostly secondary and back roads - no dirt this time of year - too wet for my tires and bike and on the warmer days some longer loops.

This weekend looks very nice tho chilly.

Anyone have a suggestion for an anti-fog coating?

FogDoc. Started as a paintball goggle product and it works so well he's expanded.
Yes it's colder than it was a month or two ago, but hey, if you don't enjoy riding in this weather or feel that you only enjoy a ride when you are pushing the limits, then perhaps riding Oct-May isn't for you.

I enjoy every moment out there, in fact I like being one of the few bikers still on the road. The cold isn't so bad (at least for me), I just layer up. Sock are thicker merino wool, base layers are either merino wool or a med to heavy synthetic MEC top. Other clothing that keeps me warm: Balaclava, winter gloves, thermal liners go back in the jacket and pants. With the heated grips, I am toasty warm all over. Riding a bigger bike with a excellent protection from the elements does helpquite a bit.

I typicall slow down somewhat and make sure there is plenty of room fore and aft. I probably stay out there later than I should in the season but I would rather be out there on two wheels rather than 4. Once snow/ice comes I'm done for the most part. But I will still head out if the roads are dry, my temp gauge last year said it was 21f the one day and THAT was cold, I didn't stay out too long.
What he said :clap:

Knew I had something around for anti- fog

Worked well on the way up and I applied it pretty casually.



thanks for FogDoc tip.
You got anything that will bead up on the windscreen and flow off??


dry enough when I got to King Road to hit that little twist with some speed for once. Love the Metzlers.
No rain here tho was spitting when I left Mississauge - - feels colder than 7 as the wind is gusty.
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For you riders in DENIAL....get the gear to allow you to ride MORE in the cold

Base layers to stop the wind and cold from ruining your ride

get COLD GEAR by

Under Armour


5950 Rodeo Drive
Mississauga, Ontario
L5R 3V6

Mon-Fri: 10-9pm Sat: 9-6pm Sun: 11-6pm

Tel: 905-507-2220

Talk to Jason..... Lone ronin
I was told rain-x will eat your visor.

Definitely something to look into then for anyone going to try it. I have never used any treatments on any visors I have owned. Just wash them in warm soaping water and dry. A product recommended a while back on advrider was called "cat crap". I tried looking for it, but seemed like it was sold out everywhere and possibly the company shut down as no one seemed to be taking orders or getting stock. Its been a while since I looked at the product.
Haven't had time to get out much these past several weeks, so I'll take whatever I can get.

Rode out to GP to check out their sales today, have been out for a few hours so far.

Nothing quite like a nice cool ride in the rain to clear the mind.. and wash the bike & gear.. hehe.
Nothing quite like a nice cool ride in the rain to clear the mind.

some truth in that. Always pumped and rosy cheeked after late season ride.

Cat Crap is popular in Australia....forgot about that.


I use the Rainex windshield washer fluid to clean the bugs off the windscreen figuring it will build up a bit. No problems with it on the previous screen - got a wider one and now wondering if there is something better.

I'd play a bit if the damn Bell visors were not so $$.
Very well made but they cost. Was nice today to get the visor down lower with little fogging and none in the vision area.

Worked fine in the misty rain coming home tho hands were a bit chilly at 6 degrees with no liner.
Must admit getting fed up with the rain.
Gonna do a bird watching run to the Niagara River on the weekend - hurricane blew a lot of oddballs into the area. Some sun would be nice. :D
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Know the wire, love the wire. Heated vest with collar and heated gloves. No need for layering. Just adjust the heat as needed and relax (it's great for preventing back stiffness). My jacket and pants have water resistant/insulated liners, so I'm pretty covered for colder riding.
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