heres the thing that bugs me the most about that, veganism isn't a "belief" like a religion. It's based on cold hard facts. Animals are sentient, and everyone knows about factory farming....
Very true.
I imagine most people on this message board would want to kick the **** out of a person who treated a dog the way pigs are routinely treated.
Mimico_polak- did you watch the video i posted- or any that your ex probably tried to force you to watch? Are you ok with animals being treated like that?
Most people aren't, but society has progressed to this point and we usually don't get confronted with this touchy subject so it usually stays hidden until some 'extremist' points it out...(somehow, trying to live your life without harming others has been labelled extreme, but animal abuse is 'normal'.)
I think most people like yourself are generally kind and compassionate, and would prefer if this **** didn't happen.
There is a LOT of $ behind the industries that profit from this- and very little $ behind the alternatives. When was the last commercial you saw for tofu or pea protein or any healthy food for that matter?
I can assure you that any preachy crap you think you get from the vocal vegan-types- is not even close to the amount of ridicule and constant bombardment we get from the animal agriculture/meat industry, or from the mmmmmmmbacon-types who troll or can't tell you enough how they could never give up meat- but then refuse to watch anything that shows how their food is treated. What other aspect of your life do you have immediate control of- yet have to block out so you can continue to partake? i can't think of any? Most people don't like to be accused of causing harm, and the first reaction (especially when vegans get too 'preachy') is to get defensive and confrontational right back at them...i think the point SesameStreet was trying to make- is that it is easy to talk about how we hate animal abuse or injustices- but we have a chance at 3 meals per day to reduce violence and suffering- but often don't. Myself included. It took me a long time to give up dairy- even after i knew what a horrible industry it was.
It can be frustrating to talk about this sometimes- and i think that is the reason that some people get aggro when they discuss it is much like you'd likely be super-aggro if you saw someone kicking a dog or a cat? But, if you are discounting the message because you don't like the messenger, that is kinda lame. Do vegans have a point? Is there a hypocrisy in society when it comes to 'food' animals? If there is- what is the motivation for it?
Tradition, habit, convenience, taste. We've grown up doing it- and a lot of us have happy moments tied to it. (Xmas dinners, etc), but when you really, REALLY look at it- it goes against what many of us are ethically comfortable with. Obviously- everyone has the right to disagree, but it think if we were to truly live by our shared morals/ethics/whatever, animals would not be reduced to unfeeling, profitable products.
I know how i feel when i see a video like this vs the farm footage i posted earlier.[video=youtube;vQwZk5TLNug][/video]
Check out
Mercy for Animals- if anyone is interested in learning more about the issues from some kind, sane people who are trying to bring this stuff to light- and check out the movie Earthlings.