No more license stickers…

I agree the right thing to do would be to kill off the corporate stores, force as many transactions online as possible, leave the outsourced stores to support Luddites. I'd start doing the same with LCBO.

I'm not sure how the deal works, but I suspect the private stores get some basic operating subsidy and a transaction fee. The local store by us ran 1/2 hours for the last 2 years, which a rep explained is the minimum the gov't would let them operate. Lines were stupid -- nowhere near the 15-minute target, probably 4x that.
I can't speak for all of them, but the one I know about there is zero operating subsidy. Only a transaction fee. That's why there were issues during covid. Province kept pushing them to be open all the time (and often extended hours) but said they would pay for none of it. In response, SO was open very little as they could process what was required in only a few hours a day with much less staff than normal. For quite a while, due to the high percentage of aholes in society (intentionally coughing on staff, etc), they were closed to the public but open for dealer transactions.
Hmm I wonder how this will effect me with the CVOR license as I normally pay 240 a year as I registered my truck at a higher weight to pull trailers legally.... was just going to up it again when I was there last week but I guess luckily for me I didn't have original ownership with me at the time. I have a buddy who owns a dumpster company with a bunch of big trucks, pretty sure last time he told me he paid either 5 or 10K a year for stickers.
Hmm I wonder how this will effect me with the CVOR license as I normally pay 240 a year as I registered my truck at a higher weight to pull trailers legally.... was just going to up it again when I was there last week but I guess luckily for me I didn't have original ownership with me at the time. I have a buddy who owns a dumpster company with a bunch of big trucks, pretty sure last time he told me he paid either 5 or 10K a year for stickers.
No change for heavy vehicles still same price. Looks like anything or 3000 has to pay. Renew a licence plate sticker

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Hmm I wonder how this will effect me with the CVOR license as I normally pay 240 a year as I registered my truck at a higher weight to pull trailers legally.... was just going to up it again when I was there last week but I guess luckily for me I didn't have original ownership with me at the time. I have a buddy who owns a dumpster company with a bunch of big trucks, pretty sure last time he told me he paid either 5 or 10K a year for stickers.

The wording in the news release specifically says “vehicles owned by individuals” which tells me commercial and company vehicles are excluded from this.

“All licence plate sticker fees paid between March 1, 2020 and March 12, 2022 for vehicles owned by individuals will be refunded.”
I personally think that this is one thing he has done that does make sense. We have a office in Amsterdam and I remember the Sales guy telling me that everything - license, insurance, ownership, road fees, etc. - is on his phone. Parking is through through ANPR. That was like 5 years ago. Cops know all of this as soon as they read your plate.

Its crazy that we walk around with a smart device and our wallets are full of little cards or pieces of paper or we are putting stickers on our vehicles, well stickers that don’t add at least 10hp that is.

he needs to take the next step and go completely electronic
I personally think that this is one thing he has done that does make sense. We have a office in Amsterdam and I remember the Sales guy telling me that everything - license, insurance, ownership, road fees, etc. - is on his phone. Parking is through through ANPR. That was like 5 years ago. Cops know all of this as soon as they read your plate.

Its crazy that we walk around with a smart device and our wallets are full of little cards or pieces of paper or we are putting stickers on our vehicles, well stickers that don’t add at least 10hp that is.

he needs to take the next step and go completely electronic

Same in other parts of the world
he needs to take the next step and go completely electronic

Yeah, Canada is way behind other parts of the world when it comes to integration of data.

However, this is not necessarily a technological hurdle that we can't overcome because of funding.

I did some work with HRDC back in the day, after a massive hack let loose a ton of citizen's data. Our company had been in there several times since then, offering to help secure the integration of all the separate ministry's data stores. The Feds were so shaken up because of the hack that the official mandate moving forward was to keep all citizen data siloed within each ministry's purview, so if ever another compromise were to happen, the loss would be self-contained.

I'm not sure if anything's changed over the last decade or so, but our current luddite approach to keeping everything separated might still be because of Federal policies set a long time ago.
It is intrusive through. If a cop is following you his car can flag you for having no insurance Maybe that’s a good thing
If I'm out driving in public roads, I have no issue with government checking if I am supposed to be there. Even better if they can do it without wasting my time. Assuming you find no issue, Dont keep records of where/when you saw my plate or the big brother faction will have something to grab on to.
Outside of registering and plating a vehicle, there's nothing at an SO that is faster or more convenient than online options. The only reason why I don't want them gone today is if my wallet gets stolen. Replacing government ID without a local SO would be such a pain in the ass with the current infrastructure. Once IDs are purely electronic and all the kinks worked out, then yeah, no need for in-person.
I wonder if this is in anticipation of the annual rising carbon tax on fuel imposed on us.
Maybe it already has or will soon cover the deficit caused by this?

Lets see how well the roads are maintained going forward...(assuming the money even went in that direction to begin with).
He can buy all the young voters
They won’t vote for him anyway.

Isn’t the youth vote all liberal or NDP regardless? PC is seen as grandpa political party? I’m literally guessing here.

Biden won’t bother with it, you think ford will?
He angered youth..

I can't recall the actual numbers, and am not able to check right now, but as I remember hearing it the youth vote is literally the lowest turnout for each can you expect change if your own group isn't willing to go out and vote?

Yup...lower by % compared to the other groups. 20% lower than the boomers you despise.



You want change for your age group? Vote.
Buying votes ?

What about forgiving the provincial portion of OSAP?

I'll vote for you if you do thiss
The problem is math IMO....

Roughly 68% of the adult population in Canada has some post secondary education (so it sounds good on the surface) but not all have crushing student debt, including people that went to school fairly recently. The 32% with no post secondary may be ****** that people got the loan forgiveness and they got nothing (and money may be why they could not go). The people that paid off their loans (all or mostly) already will be ****** they missed it or paid something off early to find out if they went slower... Middle class parents that bankrolled their kids may be ****** they sacrificed vacations for two decades to find out other kids got free money in the end. The people that could not finish because of finances will be ******. Like anything someone gets something, someone else does not.... Finally some of the recipients may still not vote or vote Liberal/NDP regardless.

The cost of education is a tricky thing. Personally I would like to see everyone have access to the loans including increases for trades (not just college/university) and then have the government forgive a portion each year based on what you pay in income taxes. Go to school in Ontario and pay taxes in Ontario, Ontario forgives x% a year and feds forgive y% a year. Move to Alberta say goodbye to Ontario forgiveness. Move to US, on the hook for everything. Get a degree that pays min wage, expect a long runway, in demand loans are paid off faster.
To add to @backmarkerducati 's point...what about the students going into school they get a free education starting in 2022? Hell I'm all for it because then a smarter population is a more productive population, in theory.

But do we pay for the free education? Raise taxes? Sure I'm down...but how much? I've got 3 kids. I'm happy to pay more in tax so I don't have to drop a stupid amount of money for putting 3 kids through school.

So now we have an it only below a certain level that they get a free education? Cool...I'll just quit my job and go to a lesser position because why not? Make less money, but still come out ahead because I don't have to pay 50k/year/kid (assuming in 15 years)...

What's your plan @Georg3__ beside 'forgive student debt'? What's next? Slash house prices 70% so you can afford it and screw over everyone else?

I actually like the % forgiveness / year as mentioned by @backmarkerducati. Seems it may be a good option.
Go to school in Ontario and pay taxes in Ontario, Ontario forgives x% a year and feds forgive y% a year. Move to Alberta say goodbye to Ontario forgiveness.
Would just like to point out how accurate this is. Best friend met and married his wife at Ryerson. She’s an international student btw. He got a job in Alberta and she followed a year after when he got her in. Imagine their surprise when they found out the break on her student debt disappeared. They are ******.

And why is p i s s e d filtered. 🙄
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