No Harley Bikes here ..?

but really
anyone that claims this doesn't stir them a bit
needs to start being more honest with themselves

not ready yet, but there will be a day........

Yes. I admit it. That bike stirs emotions within me.

Mostly anger dislike and painful feelings.

Just because you own it and you love it, don't for a second think EVERYBODY else loves it

I could go on for three more pages why I have strong painful feelings about it, and why I have strong emotions towards your attitude, but that will get me banned.
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All those in favour of sending this to trash talk, say "aye matey".
aye matey Hate is a strong word, save it for the guy who kicked your dog.
All those in favour of sending this to trash talk, say "aye matey".

Oh geez, the thread will go full potato if it ends up in TT.
Just when the thread gets interesting, we have to moderate it.

All those in favour of sending this to trash talk, say "aye matey".
I edited it to make it more user friendly.

Come on. Just when a thread gets interesting and people start talk about bikes.
There are some ********* Harley owners out there, but there are a lot of really great ones too. Like the owner of this site.
Every time i ride down south of the border, they always wave and strike up conversation at gas and rest stops.
Is the Harley bash and hate thing a Canadian thing?
Just when the thread gets interesting, we have to moderate it.


I edited it to make it more user friendly.

Come on. Just when a thread gets interesting and people start talk about bikes.
Good enough. You didn't insult anyone. Let's carry on. There is no entertainment value if everything gets trashed or deleted.
Is the Harley bash and hate thing a Canadian thing?
North America is not the entire world.
Unless you honestly believe the world series is actually a world series and that H-D builds the best motorcycle in the entire world.
North America is not the entire world.
Unless you honestly believe the world series is actually a world series and that H-D builds the best motorcycle in the entire world.
Wasn't talking about the rest of the world.I was talking about my experience with the USA as a visiting Canadian. I haven't travelled very much, and I'm fine with that.
I could go on for three more pages why I have strong painful feelings about it, and why I have strong emotions towards your attitude, but that will get me banned.
Dude not getting enough riding in lately????
Maybe go to a HD showroom to check out a new Low Rider.... :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Is the Harley bash and hate thing a Canadian thing?
The answer is still no,
the so called Harley bash and hate thing does not actually exist except for in the minds of those who want to believe it exists.
but really
anyone that claims this doesn't stir them a bit
needs to start being more honest with themselves

not ready yet, but there will be a day........


No. Overdone. Waaay overdone. The quintessential poser bike.

Too much black, too much shine on the paint.

The plain old standard ones look great. Classic lines and colors. It's a bike that needs the chrome and natural metal finish to look its best.
If I can only have one, it will always remain this......

Fast, fun, reliable and put grins carving corners and touring away the miles.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Dude not getting enough riding in lately????
Maybe go to a HD showroom to check out a new Low Rider.... :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Been Riding the best bike ever produced much more than recent years and loving every second of it.

Last few years, driving the Porsche with the top down took up precious riding time.
There are some ********* Harley owners out there, but there are a lot of really great ones too. Like the owner of this site.
Every time i ride down south of the border, they always wave and strike up conversation at gas and rest stops.
Is the Harley bash and hate thing a Canadian thing?

I'll agree with your statement that there are great Harley owners out there. One of my best riding buddies who unfortunately moved a few hours away (and we don't get to ride together much anymore accordingly) owned an HD and we got along great. Great guy, nice bike, no attitude, not a walking HD billboard, same wind, just ride. We rode tens of thousands of KM together in years passed and were lucky enough to enjoy the ride to and from Sturgis together again this summer.

But then there's the attitudes you see from some in this thread...

"Can't afford one?".


"Someday you'll own one and understand"

Blah blah blah.

Those are the ones that leave a black mark on the brand and cause these sorts of strong feelings some exhibit.

Are there the same sorts for other brands, IE BMW riders and such? Yep. But HD owners take the cake in sheer numbers on that front, end of story.
... But HD owners take the cake in sheer numbers on that front, end of story.
Well not quite the end of story, unless you ignore the existence of the rest of the world :|
Well not quite the end of story, unless you ignore the existence of the rest of the world :|

I'm quite well travelled, both by motorcycle as well as other means of transportation, both business and recreationally.

I recall you stating in another thread that you on the other hand, don't travel much.

Accordingly, based on my experiences, I'll stand fast on my comments and opinions, thanks.
How nice for you, but I don't believe you know where I have traveled :|
just saying there are probably more BMW's in Germany then H-D's for example.
How nice for you, but I don't believe you know where I have traveled :|
just saying there are probably more BMW's in Germany then H-D's for example.

Not debating that. But other in places on the planet the HD superiority complex is alive and well. Ever been to Australia?

Anyhow, I'm not debating it's less of an issue in many parts of the world...because reality is in many parts of the world Harley is but a niche contender for popularity. If you've ever travelled the Caribbean or Asia extensively (but for 2 examples), you'll notice that HD's are outnumbered 1000 to 1 amongst other brands and styles of bikes simply because they're just not considered affordable or even remotely practical.

With almost zero exceptions, only the tourist rental places have them in the Caribbean, plus the ones that arrive by ship on special rider-tours where people bring their own.

But hey, you can buy a $50 HD T-Shirt in Jamaica and continue to propagate the walking billboard routine. Some of the caribbean airports even have HD booths where you can buy HD T-shirts from faraway places. But no actual motorcycles. Just the walking billboard swag. They'll gladly take your money
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