No Harley Bikes here ..?

the tension seems to come from the late-in-life bikers
buy the Hog in late 40's or 50's as the first bike

these are the sort of dooshes that drop the tired old line
"don't you wish you had a real bike?"

folks who have been riding their whole life with several different makes don't do that
the squids on SS bikes don't help matters either

and I've given up the waving thing completely
except for cagers that decide at the last second to stop pulling out
they should be thanked for that
the tension seems to come from the late-in-life bikers
buy the Hog in late 40's or 50's as the first bike

these are the sort of dooshes that drop the tired old line
"don't you wish you had a real bike?"

folks who have been riding their whole life with several different makes don't do that
the squids on SS bikes don't help matters either

and I've given up the waving thing completely
except for cagers that decide at the last second to stop pulling out
they should be thanked for that

I have ridden for over thirty years . I have never met this " dooshes " that say get a real bike . When I rode other makes I never felt that Harley guys had any issues with me . Saying that every group has dick heads .
I have ridden for over thirty years . I have never met this " dooshes " that say get a real bike . When I rode other makes I never felt that Harley guys had any issues with me . Saying that every group has dick heads .

Never had your parked bike kicked off the side stand by a Harley guy just because it was a Honda ?
I have, you're not missing anything.
... that was at least 35 years ago so he is likely dead by now.
I've had that real bike BS dropped on me several times
usually by leather chap wearing dooshes, poseurs
hanging around a coffee shop or classic car meet or like event

I find it amusing
they are not motorcyclists
the Harley is just a prop for their posing

there are plenty of HD owners that are motorcyclists
and you don't get that superior BS from them
they are too busy enjoying the ride
the tension seems to come from the late-in-life bikers
buy the Hog in late 40's or 50's as the first bike

these are the sort of dooshes that drop the tired old line
"don't you wish you had a real bike?"

folks who have been riding their whole life with several different makes don't do that
the squids on SS bikes don't help matters either

and I've given up the waving thing completely
except for cagers that decide at the last second to stop pulling out
they should be thanked for that

You nailed it.

I have met several of those guys over the years. They don't ride a motorcycle they ride a Harley, and if there was no Harley they would have no interest in riding.

They're usually the loudest talkers and insist on injecting themselves into the conversation. This summer I had the displeasure of talking to one of them. He asked what kind of bike I had, and when I responded he said, "Ahh... one day you'll (be able to) get a Harley."

You could hear his dick shrink when I told him that I had one once, but didn't like it.

They aren't the majority of HD owners, but what they lack in numbers they make up for by being the biggest ***** wherever they go.
A man after my heart! I have an FJR and treat her like a rented mule most of the time. She's getting old, but always rises to the occasion and still runs with the bulls. I fixed the tire wear problem by switching to RP4 GTs, they go about double the Battleax standard on the front, and triple on the back. Had some Avon GTs on her too, they were just as good.

I'm warming up to the XR1200. I know it's not killer fast, but it looks like it would be sporty enough to be fun to ride. I expect the performance to be similar to my '81 XV920R. Prices seem to be falling a bit, I figure $6500-7K gets you into one with less than 25,000km.

I find it very hard to classify any Harley as "Sporty."
In a month I'll start a thread called "Harley Davidson". That should be enough to get things started!:giggle:
In a month I'll start a thread called "Harley Davidson". That should be enough to get things started!:giggle:

You can't just come out with it like that.

The just just said Harley Davidson.

Last night I followed a
I find it very hard to classify any Harley as "Sporty."
Isn't sporty a relative term? I think if you compare a XR or XLCR to a heavy cruiser you might see a tiny lean toward 'Sporty'
ad says he has two seats for it, thats not out of line in price, bit of a cult following on those.
Has no one said, HD is going out of business, and the market share is shrinking, and the userbase (rider base) is dying off!!!
...and you guys said this was a HD post... ?‍♂️ :rolleyes: :ROFLMAO:
(y) Sporty Harley
although it was made in Italy and 2 stroke so most would say meh that's not a Real Harley.
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