No Harley Bikes here ..?

To each his own.But i do get a laugh when a GSA worth $30,000 pulls into a rest stop like the Forks and pulls out a can of plexus to wipe down the road dust accumulated on his Jesse bags and CF bits.Drink your starbucks ya wanker. ;)
Not sure what a GSA is but you see the wipe down guys at rest stops all over. If you're worried about a few bugs on the windshield put it back on the trailer.
Not sure what a GSA is but you see the wipe down guys at rest stops all over. If you're worried about a few bugs on the windshield put it back on the trailer.
BMW Adventure bike
There are a few Harley / Cruiser riders here but not many. This is a sport bike board.

Say something positive about Harley, and watch how fast the basing begins. Mostly by people that have never ridden one or owned one.
I love everything about HD, the company, the heritage, the fighting/surviving culture. though I have never owned one.

My next bike will probably be a Pan Am. When I dreamed about the perfect HD for me it was somewhere between a VRod an Indian FT1200. That’s what they made.
I love everything about HD, the company, the heritage, the fighting/surviving culture. though I have never owned one.
Me, would choose an Indian every day of the week over an HD.
The FTR1200 is intriguing.... if HD did the Bronx with the the motor in the PanAm, I'd consider it, but not be first on the list.
I love everything about HD, the company, the heritage, the fighting/surviving culture. though I have never owned one.

My next bike will probably be a Pan Am. When I dreamed about the perfect HD for me it was somewhere between a VRod an Indian FT1200. That’s what they made.
Hoping things will go well next year or so . If it does . I'm going to pick up another NRS . The engine was fantastic .
My next bike will probably be a Pan Am. When I dreamed about the perfect HD for me it was somewhere between a VRod an Indian FT1200. That’s what they made.

Reviews seem very positive, just that face...
I like my HD for what it is. Commuter bike. Its not designed for long distance nor speed.

Next bike will be a honda or suzuki SS though. As crazy as it may sound, SS may be more comfortable for me
To me GTAM is more about the community of motorcycle riders vs. the brands of motorcycles.
That being said I currently ride a HD and enjoy it, also rode a Honda & Suzuki and enjoyed them.
Brand bashing is not something I'll ever do.

Love what you ride and ride what you love.
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