No Harley Bikes here ..?

Not debating that. But other in places on the planet the HD superiority complex is alive and well. Ever been to Australia?

Ummmm bikies aren't in very good standing ,.,,in fact anyone with colours is forbidden to meet up.


The market is dominated by two Japanese brands, Honda and Yamaha, fighting for the leadership.
I'll agree with your statement that there are great Harley owners out there. One of my best riding buddies who unfortunately moved a few hours away (and we don't get to ride together much anymore accordingly) owned an HD and we got along great. Great guy, nice bike, no attitude, not a walking HD billboard, same wind, just ride. We rode tens of thousands of KM together in years passed and were lucky enough to enjoy the ride to and from Sturgis together again this summer.

But then there's the attitudes you see from some in this thread...

"Can't afford one?".


"Someday you'll own one and understand"

Blah blah blah.

Those are the ones that leave a black mark on the brand and cause these sorts of strong feelings some exhibit.

Are there the same sorts for other brands, IE BMW riders and such? Yep. But HD owners take the cake in sheer numbers on that front, end of story.
Harley for sure is known for its owners with attitude. But BMW is also in the same category mostly because of the snotty attitude some of the dealers can dish out. I recall shopping for a tankbag for my R80RT at a BMW dealer and taking interest in an Eclipse model."oh,i thought you wanted a real bag.... Not the one size fits none model".I bought the eclipse because it fit my budget better than the $600 multivario bag. The same dealer wouldn't do a bit of minor tuning without the full service which included full fluid change.
Upsell ********!
When i got into the Ducati brand about 17 years ago, i thought i would find a lot Poser types. The exact opposite is true. Most of the folks in the DOCC are awesome down to earth well sorted motorcyclists.
It's hard to figure people out on the internet. You seldom get it right at first. This hobby of ours isn't so much about the bikes, it's about the people.
Not debating that. But other in places on the planet the HD superiority complex is alive and well. Ever been to Australia?
Ummmm bikies aren't in very good standing ,.,,in fact anyone with colours is forbidden to meet up.
The market is dominated by two Japanese brands, Honda and Yamaha, fighting for the leadership.
Want to reply,but i don't wanna take anyone out of context.What to do?
If you've ever travelled the Caribbean or Asia extensively (but for 2 examples), you'll notice that HD's are outnumbered 1000 to 1 amongst other brands and styles of bikes simply because they're just not considered affordable or even remotely practical

In my experience, it’s more like 10,000 to 1. In those parts of the world, motorcycles are considered essential transportation. No one’s leafing through the HD accessories catalog looking for their next splurge. They have loads to carry or a job to get to.

Although I’ll check out the HD shops wherever I travel, I won’t buy an expensive t-shirt at an HD dealership in a country that doesn’t even actually have Harley’s just to show I was there!
Interesting article :|
was all over the place wasn't it, I half expected them to mention climate change too.
save you the angst :rolleyes:

One thing HD does better than any other brand is provide rentals.

A sales guy at a HD dealer told me they sell tons of bikes with their test ride days .
If you've travelled extensivily in the Caribbean or Asia you'll understand HD is outnumbered 10,000 to one by "others" , since 2 stokes are still sold, Some Asain countries have CC limits for any driver, not just new riders, average income puts an HD in the realm of a Rolls Royce for these people, on many Islands you can import and licence eastern ero brands and Chinese brands that would not meet DOT ,MoT for North America. But you can sell HD Domonica T shirts, no dealerships, and you dont have to pay HD a nickel in royalty.
Unless your traveling extensively on cruise ships, then all your seeing is whats on your organized tour, out the window of the AC cooled Toyota van, but they still get manual transmissions everywhere but here.
H-Ds (and Goldwings) aren't common in europe, either. Scooters, naked, adventure, and lighter bikes in general dominate.
What’s hilarious to me is the mental image of Trump attempting to ride a bike any bike.
If we are still bashing bikes let’s bash adventure bikes. I have noticed a significant increase in the number of these on the roads lately. Really, how many of these guys are really going to ride off road or for that matter head to James Bay. Isn’t the BRP paved? Last time I looked River Road was paved and they aren’t Ewan McGregor, so the point is? Just like all the guys wearing their pirate costumes at the Hockley Store (hopefully repaired soon), posing as something they are not.
There is a guy I see all the time around the Hockley valley, who rides a Multistrada , and is always covered in mud, so I guess he is for real.
What’s hilarious to me is the mental image of Trump attempting to ride a bike any bike.
If we are still bashing bikes let’s bash adventure bikes. I have noticed a significant increase in the number of these on the roads lately. Really, how many of these guys are really going to ride off road or for that matter head to James Bay. Isn’t the BRP paved? Last time I looked River Road was paved and they aren’t Ewan McGregor, so the point is? Just like all the guys wearing their pirate costumes at the Hockley Store (hopefully repaired soon), posing as something they are not.
There is a guy I see all the time around the Hockley valley, who rides a Multistrada , and is always covered in mud, so I guess he is for real.
Many adventure bikes come in street versions as well, just sayin.

Typically good power, comfortable position, good fuel range and baggage. What's the deal?
What’s hilarious to me is the mental image of Trump attempting to ride a bike any bike.
If we are still bashing bikes let’s bash adventure bikes. I have noticed a significant increase in the number of these on the roads lately. Really, how many of these guys are really going to ride off road or for that matter head to James Bay. Isn’t the BRP paved? Last time I looked River Road was paved and they aren’t Ewan McGregor, so the point is? Just like all the guys wearing their pirate costumes at the Hockley Store (hopefully repaired soon), posing as something they are not.
There is a guy I see all the time around the Hockley valley, who rides a Multistrada , and is always covered in mud, so I guess he is for real.
I'm one of those you speak of -- I'm not doing any 'Long Way' adventures, but I do find my midweight ADV is the Swiss Army knife of bikes -- it's comfortable powerful enough for all day rides, nimble in the city, great on fuel, and can handle twisties and fireroads on the same day in the sane shoes. More practical than my FJR for almost everything. ADVs are squeezing out the ST category, Honda (ST1300), Triumph (Sprint) Motoguzzi (Norge), and Suzuki (GSX1250F) are already dead and gone. Only BMW, Yamaha and Kawi are left, I suspect the Japanese will shut things down before reinventing another generation, -- BMW might stay because of German market demand.

I presume you ride an FJR - a bike designed for European riders who need a bike that can do all-day Ton-up touring. Have you ever run a full tank through your bike at the Ton? If the answer is no, that doesn't make you a poser.
To each his own.But i do get a laugh when a GSA worth $30,000 pulls into a rest stop like the Forks and pulls out a can of plexus to wipe down the road dust accumulated on his Jesse bags and CF bits.Drink your starbucks ya wanker. ;)
To each his own.But i do get a laugh when a GSA worth $30,000 pulls into a rest stop like the Forks and pulls out a can of plexus to wipe down the road dust accumulated on his Jesse bags and CF bits.Drink your starbucks ya wanker. ;)
That is funny, but you see that everywhere. GSA's are the motorcycle equivalent of a Hummer -- tough enough to take into battle, expensive enough to be a good urban ornament.
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