New truck - Engine / Transmission issues. Going to argue for dealer to give me a new a truck - frustrated.

So yet another update...

Finally get another call today. It's not even my agent, it's a different one doing a courtesy call for mine since she's out-of the office. She called to inform me that the part should be arriving in 4-7 business days at the dealership and then they can repair the truck ( so another 2 weeks basically).

So I immediately ask her if she's even read the case notes or the email exchange? Because I made it abundantly clear I don't want this piece of ****. We were working on a new truck and she had received the bill of sale. I don't want to see this truck or get into it. Then come the "oh I understand, it had low kms when it failed blah blah, but we need to wait till it's repaired to go further."

I asked to speak to a supervisor, but according to her she's a customer care senior advisor and no ones above her.......sure. I reiterate that I'll take the loss and buy elsewhere and GM is going to lose me as a customer for life if they don't go the extra step here. She again mentions that rebates can be given which I just laugh at, rebate for what? My trucks fully loaded, wtf do I need a rebate for? An oil change? Just exchange the ******* vehicle.

We go back and fourth and finally she says since she's not the one handling the case she can't do anymore, that I need to wait for the original agent to call me back whenever she's in the office next. She is just going to document for the 10th time I don't want this truck and is only doing a courtesy call for my agent.

I feel like if I get this truck back I want to drive it through the show room floor right into a ZL1 Corvette and leave it there - that would make me feel at least satisfied.
Annoying but not at all surprising. They really have no reason to care nor try to keep you happy.
So yet another update...

Finally get another call today. It's not even my agent, it's a different one doing a courtesy call for mine since she's out-of the office. She called to inform me that the part should be arriving in 4-7 business days at the dealership and then they can repair the truck ( so another 2 weeks basically).

So I immediately ask her if she's even read the case notes or the email exchange? Because I made it abundantly clear I don't want this piece of ****. We were working on a new truck and she had received the bill of sale. I don't want to see this truck or get into it. Then come the "oh I understand, it had low kms when it failed blah blah, but we need to wait till it's repaired to go further."

I asked to speak to a supervisor, but according to her she's a customer care senior advisor and no ones above her.......sure. I reiterate that I'll take the loss and buy elsewhere and GM is going to lose me as a customer for life if they don't go the extra step here. She again mentions that rebates can be given which I just laugh at, rebate for what? My trucks fully loaded, wtf do I need a rebate for? An oil change? Just exchange the ******* vehicle.

We go back and fourth and finally she says since she's not the one handling the case she can't do anymore, that I need to wait for the original agent to call me back whenever she's in the office next. She is just going to document for the 10th time I don't want this truck and is only doing a courtesy call for my agent.

I feel like if I get this truck back I want to drive it through the show room floor right into a ZL1 Corvette and leave it there - that would make me feel at least satisfied.
I'm sure you know this, but this is how corp "customer service" is now. Basically they are stonewalling you, you can say whatever you want, and they will ignore, run around it and will continue to do things their way.
I hate to say this but they will keep this up until the truck is repaired and offload it back to you.
I'm sure that original agent will return just in time for the truck to be completed. Hopefully I am wrong.

This and other situations are why policies/regulations/laws in Canada suck, gov failings again. There should be a lemon law in Canada where you shouldn't have to go through this nonsense.

Not sure how much more effort you want to put into this.
You could try by-passing customer service. Try looking into executive profiles on LinkedIn, and reach out but very diplomatically.
I'm sure you know this, but this is how corp "customer service" is now. Basically they are stonewalling you, you can say whatever you want, and they will ignore, run around it and will continue to do things their way.
I hate to say this but they will keep this up until the truck is repaired and offload it back to you.
I'm sure that original agent will return just in time for the truck to be completed. Hopefully I am wrong.

This and other situations are why policies/regulations/laws in Canada suck, gov failings again. There should be a lemon law in Canada where you shouldn't have to go through this nonsense.

Not sure how much more effort you want to put into this.
You could try by-passing customer service. Try looking into executive profiles on LinkedIn, and reach out but very diplomatically.
Lemon law is probably a good thing but this isn't even close to qualifying. Can you imagine the chaos if you could return a vehicle for a warrantable defect? In the states they get multiple attempts to repair and/or vehicle needs to be at dealer for many months before you can trigger lemon law buyback.
Lemon law is probably a good thing but this isn't even close to qualifying. Can you imagine the chaos if you could return a vehicle for a warrantable defect? In the states they get multiple attempts to repair and/or vehicle needs to be at dealer for many months before you can trigger lemon law buyback.
You sure? I thought there was a time limit for repairs or solutions, if it's not reached then the vehicle is returned etc. Been a long time since I looked at the LL though.
I'm sure you know this, but this is how corp "customer service" is now. Basically they are stonewalling you, you can say whatever you want, and they will ignore, run around it and will continue to do things their way.

I posted earlier in this thread why that is.

There is no logical pathway between having a minor (yes, this is relatively minor) warranty issue and getting a new vehicle. The cost delta between them buying it back and giving you a new one is too huge. Their responsibility is to fix it, and maybe provide a loaner. Imagine if they gave a new car to everyone that complained about a warranty failure they would go broke.

Unfortunately, this is the nature of customer service. They can’t outright say something like a new car isn’t happening, forget it, so they drag it out until the issue is finally fixed.

In this case it is GM, but it would be the same regardless of manufacturer.
You sure? I thought there was a time limit for repairs or solutions, if it's not reached then the vehicle is returned etc. Been a long time since I looked at the LL though.
Michigan is try to repair four times or vehicle to be out of service for 30 or more days in the first year. Other states may be different (I thought I recalled a time more like 90 days which is crazy). In Michigan, he'd probably be eligible for LL.

No automatic return for LL though. You need to file all the paperwork to make a LL claim if you want to proceed down this path.

"It shall be the responsibility of the consumer, or his or her representative, prior to availing himself or herself of a remedy provided under subsection (1), and after the vehicle has been out of service for at least 25 days in a repair facility, to give written notification by return receipt service to the manufacturer of the need for repair of the defect or condition in order to allow the manufacturer an opportunity to cure the defect or condition. The manufacturer shall notify the consumer as soon as reasonably possible of a reasonably accessible repair facility. After delivery of the vehicle to the designated repair facility, the manufacturer shall have 5 business days to repair the defect or condition."

Lemon law cars are then resold. Afaik, most states don't require notification for future buyers. Informed buyers can figure it out by looking at the ownership chain.
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So yet another update...

Finally get another call today. It's not even my agent, it's a different one doing a courtesy call for mine since she's out-of the office. She called to inform me that the part should be arriving in 4-7 business days at the dealership and then they can repair the truck ( so another 2 weeks basically).

So I immediately ask her if she's even read the case notes or the email exchange? Because I made it abundantly clear I don't want this piece of ****. We were working on a new truck and she had received the bill of sale. I don't want to see this truck or get into it. Then come the "oh I understand, it had low kms when it failed blah blah, but we need to wait till it's repaired to go further."

I asked to speak to a supervisor, but according to her she's a customer care senior advisor and no ones above her.......sure. I reiterate that I'll take the loss and buy elsewhere and GM is going to lose me as a customer for life if they don't go the extra step here. She again mentions that rebates can be given which I just laugh at, rebate for what? My trucks fully loaded, wtf do I need a rebate for? An oil change? Just exchange the ******* vehicle.

We go back and fourth and finally she says since she's not the one handling the case she can't do anymore, that I need to wait for the original agent to call me back whenever she's in the office next. She is just going to document for the 10th time I don't want this truck and is only doing a courtesy call for my agent.

I feel like if I get this truck back I want to drive it through the show room floor right into a ZL1 Corvette and leave it there - that would make me feel at least satisfied.
Should we be moving this to the gun thread?

GM isn't worried. Somewhere Ford and Dodge owners are saying the same thing.
New vehicle horror story, here’s one for you:
(I’ll preface this by pointing out this guy is almost 60, was a licenced mechanic, and raced for Suzuki)
My buddy loved my 2018 KTM 300XC (last years of the carbed bikes) so he ordered a brand new 2022 one last year. Waited almost a year for it and it didn’t arrive until late July so he missed half the riding season. 2.5hrs on it he brings it over to ride with me and me having not ridden a tpi bike we swapped bikes. It wasn’t making power and I knew it right away and told him something was wrong with it which he agreed as soon as he compared it to mine.
Brings it back to dealer, they toss a plate on it and test ride it down the street and the tech loops it backwards breaking plastic bits. They agree to replace the plastic pieces but claim they can’t find anything wrong with motor.
He takes it home, still not running right. Takes it back, they said they’d try replacing sensors but still say nothing found. He takes it home, test rides it down his street and it seizes solid when he hits 4th gear.
Takes it back to dealer, they agree to put a top end in it at KTM expense. Also of note the rear shock is also found to be leaking but they won’t cover it. Bike has 3ish hrs on it. They replace top end but nothing else so potentially there’s still an issue somewhere which caused the low power/lockup which they haven’t found.
Couple months later he gets it back, it’s late Nov at this point and he says he’ll wait until the Spring to go out in it because it cold out. Eff that I tell him, test that bike out now and make sure it’s ok. He agrees on the logic, warms it up properly, takes it down the street, motor locks up again.
Takes bike back to dealer and says he wants a new one, he’s missed a full season of riding with a bike documented faulty all year. They say they have to look into it and then contact KTM. They find not only is the top end gone but the rod is bent among other things and they agree to put a new ecu in it just in case. The dealer now telling him they’ve had a bunch of these same issues on 21/22 tpi bikes but only now fessing up to knowing that.
KTM agrees to pay for parts but he has to pay for labour to a tune of $1500ish. And they still won’t cover the leaking shock.
He got the bike back a few weeks ago and it seems to be running better although he’s only put a couple hours on it.
Companies really don't like to take ownership for making vehicles that fall apart it seems. I'd honestly expect more from KTM.

My debacle is coming to an end. So at the end of it all GM customer care were willing to give me was a $2000 voucher for a new vehicle. So I called the dealership and figured they might be able to meet me half way on a trade in and give me a good deal. They have almost the exact truck I have but yet fall into another BS dilemma on GMs part.

I get employee discount pricing through my old man who retired from the Oshawa plant. trade in a vehicle and get the discount on a new vehicle you need to have had the vehicle for 6 months AND it needs at least 14,500kms on it. We'll yea I only have 4000km and the dealership says this comes from GM and there's no way around it. That deal basically saves me 7-8K off a new vehicle making their ****** 2K offer virtually useless.

So talking to the dealership where I bought the truck with, I'm dealing with the nicest sales consultant who is trying all avenues to help me. She says one thing they can do is the following. They are sending a work order right now to build a nice black AT4 with the new 2022 trim and interior (which looks beautiful) and she can save that for me when it's done in 4-5 months. She says if you can somehow put 10,000 kms on your truck between now and then we can use your employee pricing, plus give me the best possible trade in on my vehicle given the circumstances and also hope GM has additional sales going on around the fall which they usually do. Yea that truck is an additional $10,000 (getting into the $100k territory here, should just buy a Corvette) but I'd like to offload this lemon that I have so it may work.

I called Customer Care back and told them the voucher isn't going to work because of the trade in stipulations. However I took the option of them making my payments for the past 2 and so months which is around 2K as well. So.... my truck should be returned next week and I'm hoping it lasts another 5 months.
If the 6 month/14K kms hasn't been met, doesn't TRADING it in make it exempt from that stupid rule?
If no.......I'd get the old boy to go to bat on that, with his benefits rep, and step it up to union president........then on to GM.
If the 6 month/14K kms hasn't been met, doesn't TRADING it in make it exempt from that stupid rule?
If no.......I'd get the old boy to go to bat on that, with his benefits rep, and step it up to union president........then on to GM.
Rodney Dangerfield had a line about his lemon being on the hoist so often it had more miles on it vertically than horizontally.
If the 6 month/14K kms hasn't been met, doesn't TRADING it in make it exempt from that stupid rule?
If no.......I'd get the old boy to go to bat on that, with his benefits rep, and step it up to union president........then on to GM.
Old man can't do **** all, and ironically he was a supervisor of parts and reliability some 15 years ago. Even friends of his ***** about it. A friend got a Denali with a car voucher when he retired. Babied the thing, but the engine blew at 77,000K, right past the 70K warranty. Contacted the people he knew on the inside and went as far as he could. The best he got was for them to cover half of the engine and labor which was $15,000, so he ended up eating $7,500 - absolute best they could do for him.

Maybe it's just me, but I also find from the friends and acquaintances I know, it's the people that beat the **** out of their vehicles that last. I have a few friends that off road the **** out of their trucks and they are sitting at 150,000Kms with next to no issues. Look after your vehicle and daily drive it, the thing explodes way before 100,000Kms
KTM agrees to pay for parts but he has to pay for labour to a tune of $1500ish. And they still won’t cover the leaking shock.
KTM seems to have more than its fair share of QC and higher maintenance issues compared to its immediate competition.
For the kind of $$$ they charge one might think they'd do a better job both from the initial engineering and the owner satisfaction perspectives.
Catastrophic failure whether inside or just outside warranty period should be covered - period.
Old man can't do **** all, and ironically he was a supervisor of parts and reliability some 15 years ago. Even friends of his ***** about it. A friend got a Denali with a car voucher when he retired. Babied the thing, but the engine blew at 77,000K, right past the 70K warranty. Contacted the people he knew on the inside and went as far as he could. The best he got was for them to cover half of the engine and labor which was $15,000, so he ended up eating $7,500 - absolute best they could do for him.

Maybe it's just me, but I also find from the friends and acquaintances I know, it's the people that beat the **** out of their vehicles that last. I have a few friends that off road the **** out of their trucks and they are sitting at 150,000Kms with next to no issues. Look after your vehicle and daily drive it, the thing explodes way before 100,000Kms
I'm eligible for "the plan" from another auto maker from which I retired.
Last I looked we have 6 months 12,000kms "can't sell" rule, but NOTHING on trading in (obviously from same company).
Look deeper.
Trade in = Sell.
If the vehicle ownership changes, it was sold... even if you give it away.
... AFIK if you Do sell the thing before the 6 months or the mileage stipulation all they can do is exclude you from buying cars on the GM exec plan in the future.
New vehicle horror story, here’s one for you:
(I’ll preface this by pointing out this guy is almost 60, was a licenced mechanic, and raced for Suzuki)
My buddy loved my 2018 KTM 300XC (last years of the carbed bikes) so he ordered a brand new 2022 one last year. Waited almost a year for it and it didn’t arrive until late July so he missed half the riding season. 2.5hrs on it he brings it over to ride with me and me having not ridden a tpi bike we swapped bikes. It wasn’t making power and I knew it right away and told him something was wrong with it which he agreed as soon as he compared it to mine.
Brings it back to dealer, they toss a plate on it and test ride it down the street and the tech loops it backwards breaking plastic bits. They agree to replace the plastic pieces but claim they can’t find anything wrong with motor.
He takes it home, still not running right. Takes it back, they said they’d try replacing sensors but still say nothing found. He takes it home, test rides it down his street and it seizes solid when he hits 4th gear.
Takes it back to dealer, they agree to put a top end in it at KTM expense. Also of note the rear shock is also found to be leaking but they won’t cover it. Bike has 3ish hrs on it. They replace top end but nothing else so potentially there’s still an issue somewhere which caused the low power/lockup which they haven’t found.
Couple months later he gets it back, it’s late Nov at this point and he says he’ll wait until the Spring to go out in it because it cold out. Eff that I tell him, test that bike out now and make sure it’s ok. He agrees on the logic, warms it up properly, takes it down the street, motor locks up again.
Takes bike back to dealer and says he wants a new one, he’s missed a full season of riding with a bike documented faulty all year. They say they have to look into it and then contact KTM. They find not only is the top end gone but the rod is bent among other things and they agree to put a new ecu in it just in case. The dealer now telling him they’ve had a bunch of these same issues on 21/22 tpi bikes but only now fessing up to knowing that.
KTM agrees to pay for parts but he has to pay for labour to a tune of $1500ish. And they still won’t cover the leaking shock.
He got the bike back a few weeks ago and it seems to be running better although he’s only put a couple hours on it.
Wow. Did KTM prevent him from riding all year? (or does he have a YZ hidden away to ride when nobody's watching?)
If the 6 month/14K kms hasn't been met, doesn't TRADING it in make it exempt from that stupid rule?
If no.......I'd get the old boy to go to bat on that, with his benefits rep, and step it up to union president........then on to GM.
It's probably a tax situation. I know a few dealers hand out cars to friends, let them drive 6 mos. The dealer can claim CCA depreciation on the car then sell it as a dealer demo at a greater profit than a new car.

Not sure about the mileage stipulation that may be related to deferred liability on warranties.

Bottom line is those rules are likely hard and fast.
Trade in = Sell.
If the vehicle ownership changes, it was sold... even if you give it away.
... AFIK if you Do sell the thing before the 6 months or the mileage stipulation all they can do is exclude you from buying cars on the GM exec plan in the future.
I got out of one after 5 months of ownership, and extremely low kms.
There are ways. My benefits are intact.
OP has a concrete reason. Most customers of what they consider junk, would never buy from a company again......he's willing to.......shouldn't have an effect on his old boy's benefits (unless it takes 1 more vehicle purchase off his yearly quota).
Was driving home yesterday and saw a smoking Sierra (looked brand new) on the side of the road near Peterborough and it reminded me of this thread.

Old dude had the hood open and white smoke spewing out of the engine compartment.

Was hoping OP had resolution but I guess not yet.
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