Re: We might lose free parking in Toronto
We should also get the dealerships behind this since it will effect their business and if it effects business this will be a priority for them.
Just before I was sending my email out to our Councillor of ward 44 I got the idea and since the owner of Snowcity Marine lives in my ward I thought I'd give them a call to see if they have heard anything about this.
I was spoke to one of the sales reps. She didn't know about this motion, when I told her she was quit the ears. She
confirmed that after 2005 when the free parking came into effect for downtown they have seen a steady increase in interests/sales in bikes, and the reverse will definitely have an adverse effect on their business, she told me to put the owners on the cc line of the email since they will be interested in voicing their concern to the councillor as well.
In my email to councilor I mentioned the adverse effects to these business thus to the their employees whom also live in my ward. I also cced HD of Toronto although not in my ward perhaps with their economic muscle they can sway things as well.
I also cced
Cycleworld Super get this they are in the same ward as budget chief Mike Del Grande! Maybe this will help although Mike made his mind up but come election time and when votes are in the line politicians move their words from right wing to left wing all the time. (I know that most voters in the area won't seem to concerned as we are a small number anyhow)
I suggest everyone send their councillors emails and phone calls as been echoed on this forum, and also cc any of the dealerships they know and also talk to their local dealerships, I'm sure they will be interested as it will directly will impact their business, and any dealership will confirm that sales are increasing since 2005 and this motion will impact them directly, especially the downtown scooter dealers.
Look people if we just lay hear and whine nothing will come of might as well stop voting if you don't want to try to stand up for what you believe in. You might as well swap places with someone who wants their voice heard and would pay with their one life for that freedom like those in Syria, Egypt & Lebanon.
Just because you live in a democratic society (or think you do) doesn't mean anything if you just accept the leaders views every time.
At the very least just email or phone your councilor to put your name the the cause so you can ride another day....(into downtown smoggy sunset with-out being gorged for parking), maybe some day many years from now if we still enjoy this freedom you can say you were one of the freedom riders...You stood up for the cause to ride another day....