MotoGP 2015

What model do they make those replicas in? I know some are on the cheaper k3/k4 models

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Depending on which one its the k3 or the cross
the turtle is the corsa
the wake up is k3
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Any streaming links to the live race tomorrow?
In atrocious quality, freezes up all the time, etc. sure! First of all, use CHROME browser to view it:

MAKE SURE YOU INSTALL ADBLOCK PLUS BEFORE YOU GO THERE! (check the schedule to see which channels will be showing the race, I recommend SkySports)

If the stream says "To get fullscreen and brighter screen DISABLE ADS BLOCKER and REFRESH Page" click on the ABP red stopsign icon in the top right corner of Chrome, click block element, then click on the "to get fullscreen" text. In the box that pops up erase anything that's in there and type this in:


Click add, then refresh the page. The stream should look fine now and allow you to use fullscreen too. If the stream freezes up just refresh the page.

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No one could've predicted that podium!!!!!
Crazy race crazy crazy.....
Wowzers! That was unexpected. Great race!
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