MotoGP 2015

Um that was my point with Dani. Marc was able to pass Pedrosa because he made a mistake and ran wide. Not because Marc had a sudden urge to protect his so called best friend.

And yeah, I do have my eyes opened. I try to be as unbiased as possible. You questioning as to how Marc rides, then explain to me why no one brought up his riding in Indy this year? If you don't have a subscription, i'm sure johnscruiser has it in his archives. He was clearly the fastest man that weekend, and came race time, he stalked Lorenzo not showing a wheel pretty much all race. It was only near the end when he decided to go for it. Perhaps he had that same plan in Valencia, except this time Dani showed up and threw a wrench to that plan. So yeah...I don't know. You tell me. Would people be crying collusion if Marquez was 5 seconds behind Lorenzo? Probably. But even that result wouldn't have changed anything, even if Dani had won.

Another thing, Dani was struggling at the beginning part of Valencia. So what he did was to conserve and see if he can up his pace in the latter part of the race. I don't see anyone saying about this scenario being far-fetched. Yet when Marc explained it in PI, it was bullsh*t? Why the double standard? Why is no one commenting on Petrucci clearly moving over for Rossi? Is there collusion there?

1. All of a sudden your talking about the running wide... go back and read your own post, and realize, you were in fact talking about missed shifts.... So what are you talking about :confused:

2. Precisely the point everyone else is trying to make. Where was the move. I expected him to start seriously pressuring JL with 6 to go. When that never materialized, the jig was up. Indy he made the pass with over 3 laps to go; I don't understand what you're trying to argue

3. because Dani's lap times never deviated by more than a few tenths, and got progressively faster as the bike came to him. There was no talk of this overheat and than cool them off BS Marc has been selling

and lastly... thought you were done? :lmao:
Sorry forgot to address Patrucci... Well I doubt he'd get infront of the camera and deny it, for one. Second, he had no part in that battle and like almost everyone but A. Espargaro, just let him get on with righting the wrong from Malaysia
While the rider I like the most didn't win, it still doesn't mean JL with his on bike performance and talent doesn't deserve the Championship, but his attitude and comments are why I feel as though It takes away from it.
Rossi is 'the people's champion' because he has the off bike personality most people like. Today he did quite the race providing he did hinder himself by having a 'human' reaction at Sepang and acting without thinking. These guys are human and with that comes the complex thoughts, and with MM we will never know what he was thinking. I just felt bad for DP because I believe based in his last 3 races he could've been on the top spot at today's podium.
I still respect JL's flawless weekend but not his attitude and for me personally I like him less for it.
I'm going to head into 2016's season looking forward to the tyre and electronics changes and hope to the racing gods we fans get a close, exciting, and fair championship.
1. All of a sudden your talking about the running wide... go back and read your own post, and realize, you were in fact talking about missed shifts.... So what are you talking about :confused:

2. Precisely the point everyone else is trying to make. Where was the move. I expected him to start seriously pressuring JL with 6 to go. When that never materialized, the jig was up. Indy he made the pass with over 3 laps to go; I don't understand what you're trying to argue

3. because Dani's lap times never deviated by more than a few tenths, and got progressively faster as the bike came to him. There was no talk of this overheat and than cool them off BS Marc has been selling

and lastly... thought you were done? :lmao:

Did you read the last part where perhaps Marc was planning the same move but then Dani showed up. I don't know, maybe he was planning for it in the last lap. I'm not the rider, so we can speculate all we want. What I saw today was similar to what I saw earlier in the season so this scenario is not out of the ordinary for me.

And yeah i'm done for real. lol Clearly, we have differing opinions on this matter. To me, Rossi would've been world champ had he kept his mouth shut and not lose the plot in Sepang. I still firmly believed he would've won the whole thing after PI (before the whole drama). I guess he himself didn't believe it.

On a side note, Jorge needs to work on his celebrations. He comes off as smug and over the top. I cringe at times.
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If this race was mid season, it would of been Repsol 1 and 2 at the podium.
Lorenzo's tires were spent with 5 laps to go.
Dani should of done more at the beginning, but it's easy for me to sit here and say that.
As a Rossi fan, it's hard for me to say this, but I think his spot is deserving for what he did in Sepang.
Not sure what MM's angle is. Is he vindictive for being taken out by Rossi? Spanish pride? Hold Rossi to 9 WC? None of them seem that convincing as reasons to sabotage or collude.
Lorenzo, you're fast and I really want to like you...but then you go ahead and open your mouth.

As others said I'm looking forward to 2016 with Michelin and the Dorna ECU. DP as a champion would be nice, but let's see if iceman can remain injury free.

A big thanks to johnscruiser for the uploads. I owe you a pint or two for sure!
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Looked like MM was just riding a fast track day pace. For someone who has his bike sideways all the time he sure looked like he wasn't trying very hard.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

JL's bike needs a longer subframe to make room for lator-illa in the middle :lmao:
Thanks for all the thanks guys! Glad you enjoyed the uploads :) I'll continue to provide the off-season tests and other stuff. Can't wait for 2016, should be an epic battle between Rossi, Lorenzo, Marquez and Pedrosa!
Thanks for all the thanks guys! Glad you enjoyed the uploads :) I'll continue to provide the off-season tests and other stuff. Can't wait for 2016, should be an epic battle between Rossi, Lorenzo, Marquez and Pedrosa!

You rock! Amazing work from you this year :occasion5:
Was there any ceremony or honour lap for Nicky at Valencia? I didn't see any coverage on him.
Really disappointed how this season ended. I think the fans were robbed of a proper showdown.

Should Rossi have shut his mouth? certainly in my opinion it made matters much worse, and why was MM such a dick in Sepang but yet showed none of that style following JL yesterday, did Dorna finally pull him aside?

It seems as though DP was the real winner as he ends the season smelling like roses.
If Dani pass MM and then passed lorenzo, MM would have had to pass lorenzo so he didnt look like an idiot. but instead he cut on the inside of dani and pushed him even wider on the exit of the corner. Dani went wide but marc had the inside line why did he go so wide on the exit but to stop dani for trying another over take.
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