More Bull**** from Ontario insurance companies for young riders

I'm not saying I'm a great rider or anything (because I'm not yet), but I was better than the other new riders in my safety course who were going to go ride their 600cc 'starter bikes' on the street the next day. And who gets stuck with the unaffordable insurance rate because I'm not experienced or 'mature' enough to ride a 250? Compared to them? Ahh, f*ck this world :rolleyes:

I understand your anger at the price you have to pay. Keep in mind, if you keep a clean record for a year, your insurance will go down appreciably. I've had 25 years of riding experience..I have the benefit of some wisdom..take my word for it..being able to ride a bike or drive a car doesn't make you a safe rider or driver. Having driving and riding experience in traffic, the real world, is what makes you safe. No amount of great riding skill is going to save you if you don't learn the intricacies of riding in the real world. Everyone has an accident in their first few years of being in traffic..whether they drive or ride first. They simply don't have the tools and experience to know the safe thing to do in every situation you face. If your first traffic experience is on a bike, the consequences of that accident are much higher. Bike skills don't keep you safe..traffic skills keep you safe. You may have crazy motocross skills..or road race skills..but they are useless when you stupidly decide to put yourself in a blind spot and get clipped without you even seeing it coming. You're pouting like the kid who gets benched in hockey. It sucks, move on, find a way to get where you want to be.
I haven't read any of this.

But I just wanted to throw in that my rate is 550 bucks a year.

I wish hadn't read any of this.

But I just wanted to throw in that my rate is 600 bucks a year.

I ride a Busa and have 3 demerit points...what's your excuse???
26 y/o on a 2006 GSX-R 750...
State Farm, B plan because I had two tickets that are now off my record.
I thought my rate would go down this year but hell no...
The only way that was happening is if I brought a car over.
Since I drive a company car with company insurance, that wasn't an option for me.

Oh well!
with my three points, state farm won't touch me :(

26 y/o on a 2006 GSX-R 750...
State Farm, B plan because I had two tickets that are now off my record.
I thought my rate would go down this year but hell no...
The only way that was happening is if I brought a car over.
Since I drive a company car with company insurance, that wasn't an option for me.

Oh well!
I have ridden both the ninja 250r and the cbr125 in the safety course I took.

I'm 6'3" with long legs and it is extremely uncomfortable to ride the cbr for more than 10 mins, not to mention the 125 does not have sufficient power for highway riding (don't even say it does 'because it can go highway speed', you are a sitting duck on a motorcycle if you only have enough power to go the speed limit).

Is the difference in size between the ninja 250 and a 125 really that much of a difference?

Anyways, back to insurance, what.... nvm fck this... you're hopeless and have no valid arguments when it comes to understanding your insurance rates.
sort of off topic but I just have to laugh seeing my 250cc insured by TD for just $119/year in Calgary versus the $4080 quote ouch!
26 y/o on a 2006 GSX-R 750...
State Farm, B plan because I had two tickets that are now off my record.
I thought my rate would go down this year but hell no...
The only way that was happening is if I brought a car over.
Since I drive a company car with company insurance, that wasn't an option for me.

Oh well!

Ya the car to SF is a big price drop as well it lowered mine $50/month, also I am in Class A even though I had 1 ticket.
Love it, have 5 bikes plated and insured for road use.... $1473 +tax/yr. Eat your heart out and grow some!
Contrary to their beliefs, I'm probably a hell of a lot more responsible on the road then most of the 20-somethings on this forum riding 600s.
1. Everybody at your age says this... EVERYBODY!
2. To get a license in this province, you need to do a little more than say "please" and because of this, insurance companies have to cater to the lowest common denominator...
3. As special as you feel for getting perfect on one test, it's just one test.
4. You fall under TWO high-risk categories... youth, and inexperience (legally speaking).

This is one of those things where you have to pay to play. Suck it up, you have nobody to blame but your peers that are irresponsible.
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Very true... But when you equate the average 20something year olds wage $10-$15/hour vs how much the insurance is... That's almost 1/5 of their yearly income... Not including the bike/car & not to mention the rising gas prices... I'm a lot more fortunate as I have an amazing job, but it still hurts like a son of a *****... Things add up.

I can talk for hours about the gas prices... Did you know Canada is one of the richest countries in the world for oil? We should only be paying $0.50-$0.60/liter, not $1.48 like they're predicting for April...

How can a young driver pay for food, rent, and then commute on top of that... Even a bus pass for a month is well over $100(minimum) and hope to god you don't actually need to cross cities... Cause then you can pretty well kiss your pay-cheque good bye. It's retarded. - fact

I am here:,-79.822734
- Randy
I'm not saying I'm a great rider or anything (because I'm not yet), but I was better than the other new riders in my safety course who were going to go ride their 600cc 'starter bikes' on the street the next day. And who gets stuck with the unaffordable insurance rate because I'm not experienced or 'mature' enough to ride a 250? Compared to them? Ahh, f*ck this world :rolleyes:

So where do you rate yourself on the risk scale? And how do you get to that conclusion?
So where do you rate yourself on the risk scale? And how do you get to that conclusion?

An experienced biker pays $800-$1200? As a rough estimation... Why not have an inexperienced person pay $1600-$2000? Not $3500-$5000... And if you're a male, you're considered a higher risk... I dare someone to get in a car with my ex... You'd **** your pants... I'd rather walk (and I have) 8 hours instead of getting in a car with her.

Yet cause she hasn't been caught (yet) her insurance in next to nothing in comparison to some of the male drivers I know who are extremely conscientious & careful.

I am here:,-79.822684
- Randy
An experienced biker pays $800-$1200? As a rough estimation... Why not have an inexperienced person pay $1600-$2000? Not $3500-$5000... And if you're a male, you're considered a higher risk... I dare someone to get in a car with my ex... You'd **** your pants... I'd rather walk (and I have) 8 hours instead of getting in a car with her.

Yet cause she hasn't been caught (yet) her insurance in next to nothing in comparison to some of the male drivers I know who are extremely conscientious & careful.

Why not $1600-$2000 for an inexperienced person?

OK, I say why not $16000-$20000?

There, my number is as solidly supported as yours is.

Surprisingly, insurers don't rate risk according to how scary it is for guys to ride with their ex. Maybe when scared passengers become an insurance liability, then your ex's rates will rise.
My reasoning is simple... New drivers haven't proved if they're good... Or bad drivers yet... Good drivers have. If a new driver pays X amount... Start a new driver off around double... Until they prove they deserve to pay out the ass. It is next to impossible to keep up with inflation, let alone gouging. Logically it makes sense. Give people the opportunity to prove themselves. As for the "at 25 you're more mature" -> bullllshit. You go to bed one night at the age of 24, wake up in the morning and you're 25... This mystical thing happened in your sleep that made you more mature... Not quite. But that's how ageism works.

At 17, you're not an adult... Can't watch porn, can't vote, can't do anything... Wake up, you're 18... You can... What's this magical overnight change?

Because I have a penis dictates that I am immature and I - me am more likely to commit crimes, crash my car, speed or have violent tendencies... It makes no sense. Does one not agree?

I am here:,-79.822752
- Randy
Hahaha this thread is hilarious. I rode dirt until I could afford a car, bike, house, bills, groceries, AND insurance. It's a recreational vehicle for all intents and purposes. A toy. If you can't pay for it than you need to save until you have enough to play.
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