More Bull**** from Ontario insurance companies for young riders

Question: Is there a statute of liability on liability? Let's say 20 YO punk gets minimum coverage and has an at fault doing $1M damage. He is succesfully sued but says "You can't get blood from a stone" and the issue is dropped. Ten or fifteen years later he has a decent job, house and maybe an inheritance. Could the creditors come knocking on the door if he didn't declare bankruptcy and wasn't pushed into it?
Question: Is there a statute of liability on liability? Let's say 20 YO punk gets minimum coverage and has an at fault doing $1M damage. He is succesfully sued but says "You can't get blood from a stone" and the issue is dropped. Ten or fifteen years later he has a decent job, house and maybe an inheritance. Could the creditors come knocking on the door if he didn't declare bankruptcy and wasn't pushed into it?

Debts that are put on you by a court don’t get cleared from bankruptcy. So if you were having your wages garnished they wouldn’t stop
I would not bother with a 125, 250 is a perfect starter bike (not too much power, not too little). I'm so ****** off that the generation that is now insuring me didn't have to deal with ANY of this **** when they were my age, no graduated licensing, no ungodly insurance premiums, if you were 16 and wanted to drive/ride you could do it on a minimum wage job.

And to top it all off they'll tell us to stop complaining, cause 'we got it so easy now'.
I was just quoted over $3,000.00 for a piece of **** bike. I'm 23 & male with a decent driving record... But it'll be my first bike...

After them cramming **** down my throat since I started school about how sexism, ageism, racism and all that is bad... They pass laws that encourage just that... Welcome to Canada young drivers... Bend over... This might hurt a little...

I am here:,-79.559083
I would not bother with a 125, 250 is a perfect starter bike (not too much power, not too little). I'm so ****** off that the generation that is now insuring me didn't have to deal with ANY of this **** when they were my age, no graduated licensing, no ungodly insurance premiums, if you were 16 and wanted to drive/ride you could do it on a minimum wage job.

And to top it all off they'll tell us to stop complaining, cause 'we got it so easy now'.

Hey, don't hate on a 125. If you're young and don't understand the purpose of insurance, you should probably look into it before complaining about it.
Driving and riding is a privilege. If you cant afford it for the time being, put it off until later like the rest of us. If you really want to ride, whats wrong with the 125 anyways? If money is the main issue then why not? I wanted the ninja 250 as well but I simply couldn't afford it as a student.
I am 20 years old and waited the year w/ my M2 in order to save $1500 for the year with the bike sitting in the garage for 6 months (it was a long 6 months).
Insurance premiums were relatively the same rate as what they are now its just inflation occurred on top of a few other issues. In comparison, when my bro got his bike at the age of 17 (I think) he paid about 2Gs when minimum $7.
I was just quoted over $3,000.00 for a piece of **** bike. I'm 23 & male with a decent driving record... But it'll be my first bike...

After them cramming **** down my throat since I started school about how sexism, ageism, racism and all that is bad... They pass laws that encourage just that... Welcome to Canada young drivers... Bend over... This might hurt a little...

I am here:,-79.559083

Would you want to cover somebody's health and well being for $1500 a year when it could possibly cost you $1 000 000?
I'm so ****** off that the generation that is now insuring me didn't have to deal with ANY of this **** when they were my age, no graduated licensing, no ungodly insurance premiums, if you were 16 and wanted to drive/ride you could do it on a minimum wage job.

And to top it all off they'll tell us to stop complaining, cause 'we got it so easy now'.

******** - you think it's new that inexperienced riders pay through the nose for insurance? Suck it up junior.
None of this will change until young people stop making up the majority of road pizza...

It might not be YOU or your buddies, but... Sad fact is that many... Or at least enough young riders/drivers are involved in a disproportionatley high number of accidents that their burden re. premiums is high.

It never gets better though... At 46 I'm a little miffed at having to pay $865/year for a bike I put 5k on a season, but... If you wanna play y'gotta pay.

One accident can incur 10's of thousands in costs... Medical, property damage, litigation etc...
Whatever your premium is it will look like a bargain is you ever wind up in a collision.

For example... I had a guy broadside my truck last year. A relatively minor collision... No injuries, but... the bill to repair my vehicle, cover my rental etc was almost $19000...
Can you imagine having to cough up that amount of money at a moments notice?
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None of this will change until young people stop making up the majority of road pizza...

I dunno..the 50-64 demographic was the worst in terms of fatalities not long the chopper binge for that stat.
I would not bother with a 125, 250 is a perfect starter bike (not too much power, not too little). I'm so ****** off that the generation that is now insuring me didn't have to deal with ANY of this **** when they were my age, no graduated licensing, no ungodly insurance premiums, if you were 16 and wanted to drive/ride you could do it on a minimum wage job.

And to top it all off they'll tell us to stop complaining, cause 'we got it so easy now'.

Well the above quote is your real problem.... Your kinda throwing a fit and your only in a forum at the moment. I can only imagine what will happen to you when you lose your cool while riding...... Your high risk because of your age and you just proved it. Try stepping back a bit and being logical about the situation for a moment. You have made all kinds of excuses .... for example... your little blurb about your fleshy body doing damage to a truck.... YOUR NOT GETTING THE POINT.. sorry to be so harsh but seriously... just get a cheaper bike to insure till you can afford insurance on a newer better model. And try to chill a bit... ;)
Well the above quote is your real problem.... Your kinda throwing a fit and your only in a forum at the moment. I can only imagine what will happen to you when you lose your cool while riding...... Your high risk because of your age and you just proved it. Try stepping back a bit and being logical about the situation for a moment. You have made all kinds of excuses .... for example... your little blurb about your fleshy body doing damage to a truck.... YOUR NOT GETTING THE POINT.. sorry to be so harsh but seriously... just get a cheaper bike to insure till you can afford insurance on a newer better model. And try to chill a bit... ;)

Like the CBR125? Sorry if it isn't as perfect as the ninja250 which is nowhere near perfect.

I don't get why you "won't bother" with the 125 when it seems like you haven't even ridden a bike yet. How would you even know the difference?
******** - you think it's new that inexperienced riders pay through the nose for insurance? Suck it up junior.

The only reason older people pay high auto/bike insurance premiums is if they have proven themselves to be a high risk customer through bad driving/riding in the past.

It never gets better though... At 46 I'm a little miffed at having to pay $865/year for a bike I put 5k on a season, but... If you wanna play y'gotta pay.

I would be thrilled with $865/year, you're 46 and probably have a steady well paying job, I don't because I'm in university and my premium quote is over 4 TIMES more than yours and $1000 more than the bike is even worth...

Like the CBR125? Sorry if it isn't as perfect as the ninja250 which is nowhere near perfect.

I don't get why you "won't bother" with the 125 when it seems like you haven't even ridden a bike yet. How would you even know the difference?

I have ridden both the ninja 250r and the cbr125 in the safety course I took.

I'm 6'3" with long legs and it is extremely uncomfortable to ride the cbr for more than 10 mins, not to mention the 125 does not have sufficient power for highway riding (don't even say it does 'because it can go highway speed', you are a sitting duck on a motorcycle if you only have enough power to go the speed limit).
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I would be thrilled with $865/year, you're 46 and probably have a steady well paying job, I don't because I'm in university and my premium quote is over 4 TIMES more than yours and $1000 more than the bike is even worth...

Once again.


It is because young kids these days think they know everything and are the best drivers on the road and cause damage to their vehicles AND their injuries, other peoples expensive vehicles, other peoples injuries and medical bills. The motorcycle is the cheapest thing for the insurance company in a major accident. They are worried about the legal and medical expenses.
I'm 26 ride a CBR600RR and had my M2 for a day and I pay $1400 a year. Just thought since the kid wasn't getting it I'd throw salt in the wound.
I'm 26 ride a CBR600RR and had my M2 for a day and I pay $1400 a year. Just thought since the kid wasn't getting it I'd throw salt in the wound.

i dont get it . . . looks like a good rate considering you had your m2 for a day! oooo it burnss lmaoo
i dont get it . . . looks like a good rate considering you had your m2 for a day! oooo it burnss lmaoo

I moved my truck to state farm and was 28 got my M1 2 hours prior and a CBR F4i and walked out with full coverage for $71/month :D
The joys of being a responsible adult.... (well adult at least lol)

Had to jump on the wagon lol
I moved my truck to state farm and was 28 got my M1 2 hours prior and a CBR F4i and walked out with full coverage for $71/month :D
The joys of being a responsible adult.... (well adult at least lol)

Had to jump on the wagon lol

Ok.. ill play. And keep this in mind .... When I was 19 my insurance company would not even insure me on a bike.. So, instead of reaching for the tissues, I sat back.. saved some money.. and now years later I pay $550 a year on an 09 CBR600RR. Im quite happy with that rate considering the price of insurance these days. Oh.... im 34. Have a little patience.. Jeff your right, these kids want instant gratification... because thats what they are used to. Its kind of a sad situation as this seems to be the norm these days.
It is because young kids these days think they know everything and are the best drivers on the road and cause damage to their vehicles AND their injuries, other peoples expensive vehicles, other peoples injuries and medical bills. The motorcycle is the cheapest thing for the insurance company in a major accident. They are worried about the legal and medical expenses.

Are you seriously that thick? I knew before the thread even started that insurance companies are more worried about legal and medical expenses, my quote doesn't even include collision damage, only liability. I was only using the price of the bike as a gauge on how unbelievably expensive my quote was. Like I said earlier in the thread, the generation that is insuring me now didn't have to deal with any of this bull**** when they were even 16. They went out, got a licence, a bike, and were riding affordably the next day.

Now they are allowed to profile youths, and give you outrageous and unaffordable rates based on sexist and stereotypical ideologies. Contrary to their beliefs, I'm probably a hell of a lot more responsible on the road then most of the 20-somethings on this forum riding 600s.

In my safety course I took last year there were about 15 people ranging from 22-50 years old and practically all of them already owned bikes and had riding experience, I was 18 (the youngest there) and had never even sat on a bike before. The final test came around for our m2, it was pouring rain and I was the only one there who passed every test 100% with no faults at all. Even the older people with riding experience were dropping bikes, making mistakes, and having close calls.

I'm not saying I'm a great rider or anything (because I'm not yet), but I was better than the other new riders in my safety course who were going to go ride their 600cc 'starter bikes' on the street the next day. And who gets stuck with the unaffordable insurance rate because I'm not experienced or 'mature' enough to ride a 250? Compared to them? Ahh, f*ck this world :rolleyes:
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