I doubt the TD rate will drop to $500... I can't get the PEO rate to go that low on fire/theft (and the PEO rate is typically better than the University rate).Based off personal experience, I am 19, GM2, after holding my M2 for a year i got quotes from Jevco and TD, Jecvo quoted me 1800 for the year (same as some other insurance companies) on my ninja 250 while TD quoted me 1325. TD has special rates for students in uni/college as well as alumni. So it'll chop it down like around 500 with the student discount.
I doubt the TD rate will drop to $500... I can't get the PEO rate to go that low on fire/theft (and the PEO rate is typically better than the University rate).
I dunno..the 50-64 demographic was the worst in terms of fatalities not long ago..credit the chopper binge for that stat.
YeaI understand how the OP feels. I was 22 when I first got my motorcycle quote and it was a nightmare (I will never forget the experience). Regarding age and saying young riders are inexperienced and a threat on the road is true. However, I'v seen some riders going extremely fast doing wheelies. When I see the same riders few KM's down the road and he/she takes off their helmet I have that
moment. The person is middle aged 40-50 years old. When I speak to them I can't help but ask them how much they pay a year and if they have had any speeding tickets, accidents etc. From what I hear their record is usually far worse than mine (Completely Clean) and yet I'm paying a lot more than them? Cant help but think that its silly. I read the reasoning behind the rates but, the decision overall is based on age and has little to do with record.
When I was younger my choices were A. Take the bus B. Break the law - guess which I chose? ...and guess where it got me? $5000 and 7 years later, I am finally clean lol
Very true... But when you equate the average 20something year olds wage $10-$15/hour vs how much the insurance is... That's almost 1/5 of their yearly income... Not including the bike/car & not to mention the rising gas prices... I'm a lot more fortunate as I have an amazing job, but it still hurts like a son of a *****... Things add up.
I can talk for hours about the gas prices... Did you know Canada is one of the richest countries in the world for oil? We should only be paying $0.50-$0.60/liter, not $1.48 like they're predicting for April...
How can a young driver pay for food, rent, and then commute on top of that... Even a bus pass for a month is well over $100(minimum) and hope to god you don't actually need to cross cities... Cause then you can pretty well kiss your pay-cheque good bye. It's retarded. - fact
I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=43.701209,-79.822734
- Randy
maybe you can consider talking gas prices to someone who knows what they are talking about then.
1. Refining capacity isn't based in Canada, you should know that even if all you did was follow the Keystone XL debate
2. WTI and Brent are the prices that matter. It doesn't matter where the oil is, the oil is worth what it can get sold for. There is no good reason to give a huge oil subsidy domestically.
I would be interested to see how you arrive at the 60 cents a litre figure.
I don't wanna start a gas price discution, but just to let you know : the gas price in Koweit is 19cents. in Qatar is 29cents and In Emirates is 35 cents.
Do you know how they did calculate their price ??? simple, % of oil export vs local consumption. what you forget about here is the ******* Taxes......half the price is a kind of tax.
I haven't read any of this.
But I just wanted to throw in that my rate is 550 bucks a year.
Based off personal experience, I am 19, GM2, after holding my M2 for a year i got quotes from Jevco and TD, Jecvo quoted me 1800 for the year (same as some other insurance companies) on my ninja 250 while TD quoted me 1325. TD has special rates for students in uni/college as well as alumni. So it'll chop it down like around 500 with the student discount.
Too bad this TD MM's discount doesn't apply for Seneca @ York.
lmao just tell them your at york uni
It's one of the richest countries in the world for some of the dirtiest oil on the planet. There are times when it isn't financially profitable to clean up oil sands oil if the world price dips which is why not so long ago there were layoffs in the oilfields.