merry.... ummmm... day ?

on a more serious note.... i saw this pic...

i offer a christmas gift suggestion, for someone to please buy fullmotojacket this..


I recommend these, it costs pennies and save you from scrubbing


When my mom was a kid she told me stories of putting her shoes out in the hall on Christmas Eve, hoping St. Nick would fill them with candy. Today it is all about gifts under the tree, what did you get, how much did you spend.

Enjoy your families, love eachother, raise a glass to all of mankind, regardless of their differences.

Merry Christmas


Oh, thanks GTAM for the great times, entertaining posts, usefull information and above all the "Rides and Hookups".
When my mom was a kid she told me stories of putting her shoes out in the hall on Christmas Eve, hoping St. Nick would fill them with candy.
In Philippines, you leave your shoes outside. The idea is that the 3 kings/wisemen will fill it with money as they travel to see Jesus. I'm not religious, but that's a pretty cool rendition of Santa Clause. Sometimes you'd wake up with money in your shoes, but other times, someone takes the opportunity on Christmas to steal your shoes. lololol
You too Seabreez.
And now back to the off style.
Oh, thanks GTAM for the great times, entertaining posts, usefull information and above all the "Rides and Hookups".

Awesome rides with you buddy:) Merry Christmas.

Ric, I had two double espressos this morning... lol
This reminds me of the sign that used to be on the wall in the shop I worked at right behind the cash register (Mind you this is was Elmira):

In a recent survey Canadians were asked are there too many immigrants in this country? The results were as follows:

18% said Yes

15% said No

67% said أنا لا تفهم السؤال من فضلك!

I don't understand why we have to change our traditions to make sure other cultures feel comfortable? Do you think if enough Canadians go to China they are going to call off their Chinese new years? Or if we go to the middle east and tell them they should dress differently? I doubt that. .
Kids arent even allowed to dress up in school for halloween anymore.

omg, elmira's on to something! the number of muslims in canada is growing out of control! it will triple by 2030!!!

. . .to a whopping. . .wait for it. . .

seven percent! yes, 7%. . .

oh wait, it's actually less than seven, but let's just round that up to 67% and call it a day. . .lol

that sign in elmira was at least open and honest about its islamophobia and racist xenophobia. let's call it for what it is.

it caters to the ignorant who don't know and (more likely) don't care to actually know the truth. it just fits their narrowminded understanding of the world and that's good enough for them.
. . .hell, it worked a hundred years ago with fears of 'yellow peril', and helped nativists put generation after generation of immigrants to this country in their place. . .

and actually, if 'enough canadians went to china', then yes, i think canadians should have a say. . .
if china needed immigration (which it doesn't) to keep its economy growing, and immigration reached the level where they were the majority of the population, then yes, i think changing the culturally-determined customs or traditions should be on the table. that goes for any country. . .after all, immigrants affected the culture of 'real' canadians hundreds of years ago when europeans came to north america and dramatically changed the cultural customs and traditions of the first nations peoples very quickly, did they not? or is it okay when caucasians do it? or is it permissible when it's done by violence, coercion, and force?

i'm not suggesting that we abandon christmas traditions either now or in the future, but people have to be open to the conversation of adapting to change, instead of fetishizing the past. to that end, it is not about disrespecting the peoples that built this country in the past, but having an open mind to respecting the people that actually represent canada today.

we're at about 77% of the population self-identifying as 'christians' (whatever that means, in terms of their adherence, and 'lapsed' nature). . .at what point will so-called 'christian' holidays stop having the cultural imperative that it currently enjoys? 50%? 20%? never?
Why can't people by offended by atrocities like world hunger, unjust detainment and prosecution, war crimes, etc.?

I won't offend anyone anymore by saying Merry Christmas, my new official season greeting will now be "Go F*** yourself", and a kick to the vag
I've simplified things by avoiding the issue all together.
I cancelled stinkin' Xmas, and i'm being extra rude to everyone all week. :munky2:
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