man plows through motorcyclists

well people thought there was heavy enforcement at L&L before I can imagine it will be ramped up even more. If I had a sport bike in NY right now I would sell it as you will be spending more time sitting at police spot checks then riding.
I think that is not correct.
If you would have a sport bike in NYC right now - you would ride it.
You do not have a sport bike in NYC and you are not in NYC.
There's only one question I am interested: What was happening before that biker made "brake-check" in front of that SUV?
Without knowing that, there's not much to say.
Riding in NYC is very specific and different from NY (state). There's no leagal line splitting, but that's the way ppl ride there. And riding in a lane can be more dangerous, because car drivers do not expect bike to be in a lane and they might merge in it with no doubt.
Riding/Driving in NYC is not the best/safest/nicest, but also not the worst (there's many places where driving/riding is just a suicide with only question "When?")
I don't think that large group riding in NYC is being performed in a safe manner, but...
Why did that SUV driver appear surrounded by biker-gang?
How did he behave to raise their attention and aggression?
Didn't he do something that could provoke the first incident with "break-check"?
Why didn't he lock the doors and call cops instead of running through bikers and as a result having them to follow him (where he wouldn't never win)?

They were already trying to get into the vehicle after him. Locking the doors would mean nothing. Do you have any idea what little effort it actually takes to get through the windows of a vehicle? Those riders do, because they eventually did exactly that. Do you know how many illegal firearms there are in New York? Glass doesn't do a lot to stop a bullet at close range. As a resident of New York he is also likely to have known how these jokers have behaved on previous occasions, just like we're aware of what happens in our city.
They were already trying to get into the vehicle after him. Locking the doors would mean nothing. Do you have any idea what little effort it actually takes to get through the windows of a vehicle? Those riders do, because they eventually did exactly that. Do you know how many illegal firearms there are in New York? Glass doesn't do a lot to stop a bullet at close range. As a resident of New York he is also likely to have known how these jokers have behaved on previous occasions, just like we're aware of what happens in our city.
Well, the question is that the result of all undertaken actions was the same: they got him, they broke windows etc.
There are places (many places) in the world, where you wouldn't want to be. And if you are smart enough, you either avoid such places, or behave "invisible".
Again, I am not trying to defend nobody, especially those whom I even do not know. I'm just trying to say, that each person should realize situation and try to avoid or at list minimize a conflict.
Well, the question is that the result of all undertaken actions was the same: they got him, they broke windows etc.
There are places (many places) in the world, where you wouldn't want to be. And if you are smart enough, you either avoid such places, or behave "invisible".
Again, I am not trying to defend nobody, especially those whom I even do not know. I'm just trying to say, that each person should realize situation and try to avoid or at list minimize a conflict.

For me, one of those places is under the wheels of an SUV.

There are images on some of the links of them smashing and destroying cars in earlier years.
I think that is not correct.
If you would have a sport bike in NYC right now - you would ride it.
You do not have a sport bike in NYC and you are not in NYC.

You are probably right the cops won't even give a sport bike in NYC a second glance, after this. Just as after a high profile shooting/murder the neighborhood gets heavy police presence. what could I have been
Would this mess cheese off the bikers gangs enough for them to do something about it?
What a sad sad situation this is.
Would this mess cheese off the bikers gangs enough for them to do something about it?
I don't think so. A change in a life is a result of society opinion. As far as society opinion priority is "iphone5s" other sides of the life will flow it's own manner...
Well, the question is that the result of all undertaken actions was the same: they got him, they broke windows etc.
There are places (many places) in the world, where you wouldn't want to be. And if you are smart enough, you either avoid such places, or behave "invisible".
Again, I am not trying to defend nobody, especially those whom I even do not know. I'm just trying to say, that each person should realize situation and try to avoid or at list minimize a conflict.

His choice was to stay where he was and have his family likely be victims of a mob, or run and have a chance of his family not being victims of a mob. I would think that, in a like situation, any rational person would choose to run. Any irrational person would likely choose to run, too, and few would act rationally in such a situation.
Would this mess cheese off the bikers gangs enough for them to do something about it?

Not likely any "increased enforcement" will come from street level traffic cops, and perhaps a few detectives if drugs weapons etc are found to be an issue. Whereas "biker gangs" are handled primarily by detectives, (narcotics and organized crime), and the "intelligence squad". So the focus of enforcement won't "shift" to biker gangs as not many members of the hell's angels ride sport
Mieses was part of an unauthorized motorcycle rally and the incident occurred on Manhattan's West Side Highway. The video shows a large group of bikers clustering around the Range Rover heading north. One of the bikers then moves into the SUV's lane and rides briefly alongside it, peering in through the driver's side window. It's unclear from the video what the driver might have done to anger the motorcyclist.The biker then cuts in front of the Range Rover and, still staring at the driver, suddenly slows down. It isn't captured on the video, but the motorcycle and SUV bumped, police said.
Read more:
Just that whet I said. We do not know what was a precedent to that story.
I think all parties of the incident should be charged:
biker who stopped in front of SUV - careless driving or similar;
bikers who tried to catch with SUV - street racing;
bikers who smashed the window - violation;
driver - careless driving that resulted in multiple at-fault accidents, street racing, attempt to murder...
something like that...
Just that whet I said. We do not know what was a precedent to that story.
I think all parties of the incident should be charged:
biker who stopped in front of SUV - careless driving or similar;
bikers who tried to catch with SUV - street racing;
bikers who smashed the window - violation;
driver - careless driving that resulted in multiple at-fault accidents, street racing, attempt to murder...
something like that...

New York is the city that refuse to convict Bernard Goetz on anything more than a couple of lesser firearms charges, for shooting 4 men in the subway. It would be pointless to charge the Rover driver. Our expression, up here, is "no reasonable expectation of conviction."
New York is the city that refuse to convict Bernard Goetz on anything more than a couple of lesser firearms charges, for shooting 4 men in the subway.

A true American hero.
Just that whet I said. We do not know what was a precedent to that story.
I think all parties of the incident should be charged:
biker who stopped in front of SUV - careless driving or similar;
bikers who tried to catch with SUV - street racing;
bikers who smashed the window - violation;
driver - careless driving that resulted in multiple at-fault accidents, street racing, attempt to murder...
something like that...

Why would the SUV driver be charged with street racing? They were on a highway and I doubt at any point did he exceed 50 km/h or 30 MPH, (if that is the equivalent legislation in NY state). As for "attempt to murder" in the US if you can show you were in fear for your life, (which a pretty strong case can be made, (thanks to the video), then you are under the law permitted to use reasonable deadly force. I doubt as Rob stated and I have stated earlier in the thread that there would be ANY hope of a conviction by a jury. You "may" see the police lay traffic charges against the driver of the SUV, but I doubt we will see any serious charges.

As we have already seen the police WILL be charging the riders involved. This will actually help the SUV driver when it comes to civil litigation as his insurers will fight ANY legal action claiming they were breaking the law and as such are not entitled to "profit from their misdeeds". Just like if your driving while impaired and you write off your vehicle the insurance will deny coverage as you were committing a criminal act at the time.
Just that whet I said. We do not know what was a precedent to that story.
I think all parties of the incident should be charged:
biker who stopped in front of SUV - careless driving or similar;
bikers who tried to catch with SUV - street racing;
bikers who smashed the window - violation;
driver - careless driving that resulted in multiple at-fault accidents, street racing, attempt to murder...
something like that...

It's so simple. There was no precedent to the story otherwise the uploader who is part of the biker group would have showed it.
It's so simple. There was no precedent to the story otherwise the uploader who is part of the biker group would have showed it.

precisely. the uploader only shared the video where the SUV was in the "wrong" nothing was shown prior to the brake check incident, and conveniently cut off prior to the SUV being broken into than the driver being beaten.
The driver of Gaga-Jeep is a coward for running over that rider. Calling him a p$ssy -would be a compliment. He should have stopped and dealt with it. Whatever happened next was provocative to the rest of the rider group. Police must consider that and check with psychologist the definition of provocative behavior. Under same circumstances any Patrol Popo might go raging. If bikers are charged for anything, the car driver must be charged and jailed for attempted slaughter. These cowards don't deserve driver license. I would not even issue transit pass to them.


Is this english?

i just saw the video and read the news... and no, this isn't English. This is a mess called ESL. After having seen that video for first time it is difficult to form a coherent sentence.

I think that is not correct.
If you would have a sport bike in NYC right now - you would ride it.
You do not have a sport bike in NYC and you are not in NYC.

I actually don't remember ever seeing a non-sport bike when I was in NYC for a week.

Lol, just read the latest 2 pages of this thread (skipped the rest) and I already have the feeling that 90% of this thread are people saying how the driver for the SUV is at fault.

Meanwhile, if it were any one of you getting mobbed in the SUV with the wife/kids, you would do the exact same thing - gtfo and (dont know if the driver did this but...)call the cops.

If it were me, well, locking the door is a start and not heading into the city where you're bound to get stuck would be a bit smarter...


Here comes the posts following mine flaming me cause many are keyboard warriors and are one man armies that think they can fend for themselves against 100's of people.
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I think all parties of the incident should be charged:
driver - careless driving that resulted in multiple at-fault accidents, street racing, attempt to murder...
something like that...
Even in Canada, prosecutors would not bother charging the driver, because he would check off all the essential elements for a "Defence of Necessity".

Three elements are required for a successful defence :

1. the accused must be in imminent peril or danger
2. the accused must have had no reasonable legal alternative to the course of action he or she undertook
3. the harm inflicted by the accused must be proportional to the harm avoided by the accused

The peril or danger must be more than just foreseeable or likely. It must be near and unavoidable.

At a minimum the situation must be so emergent and the peril must be so pressing that normal human instincts cry out for action and make a counsel of patience unreasonable.

Highly doubt a U.S. prosecutor would waste their time with that one, especially with all their "stand-your-ground" laws.
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