Man charged with stabbing intruder

The priority is to try and ensure the safety of my family. That means keeping as much distance as possible between them and any intruders, whether by escape from house or by barricading in a room, and staying with them to increase their safety in numbers. You don't enhance your family's safety by leaving them to go pick a fight with intruders that you have no knowledge of their intentions, their state of armament or willingness to use them.

Smart means calling 911 asap, using either quiet escape or fortification to delay/defer any open confrontation while waiting for help to arrive, staying with family to provide a line of defense IF it is needed. In most places you only need to buy a few minutes of delay. Even if you have firearms available, you're still better off to barricade yourself in a room with that weapon pointed at the door rather then go hunting for unknown numbers of intruders with unknown intent and unknown armament.

Stupid means seeking actively seeking confrontation and turning your house into a potential shooting gallery or venue for a knife fight with your family present.
  • If you win, maybe you're a hero, assuming your family hasn't already become collateral damage to your "win".
  • If you lose, what's going to protect your family from intruders who are now in definite "fight mode", who have already killed or injured you, and who really have nothing left to lose in dealing with any remaining witnesses? After all, in for a penny, in for a pound.
Too many heroes here think they can be like Charles Bronson in the Death Wish movie franchise. However, even when Bronson "wins" over the bad guys in the movies, it also comes at a huge personal cost. Only a fool would pay that cost when not needed.


The original report is missing some details but, if I come home and suspect someone has entered, I'm not going to "investigate" and see if someone is still snooping around. I'm back peddling out of the house as quickly and as quietly as possible. Calling 911 to report a possible B&E from either my cell or neighbour's phone. I may look to arm myself if I can observe my house from a safe distance, waiting for the police to arrve. If someone leaves the house, I'd try to gather a detailed description of the person or persons involved and which direction they fled.

You don't know if there is more than one intruder. You don't know if they are armed. You don't know if they could over power you. In the event someone breaks into my home while I'm there, I will try and call 911 but, if my cell or phone isn't close by, I'm arming myself the best I can, and going prime evil on their ***.

But, to arm yourself and look for the intruder without calling 911 first is a fail on all accounts. (and I don`t know if that is the case here)
It's also a damned sight different than someone going out and shooting or stabbing some B&E kid in the back while that kid is actively trying to get away from you and out of your house, as some posters here seem to be just itching to do.

I like how you victimize the criminal in your hypothetical situation, its very media-esque :lol:

And for the record, I don't think anyone has advocated shooting someone in the back if they're trying to run away.... not that I would shed any tears for the criminal in that situation either, but I wouldn't pull the trigger myself. If the guy runs away at the sight of a firearm (or knife?) then the 'weapon' already did its job. Something tells me they're far more likely to run away at the sight of a shotgun than at the voice of someone barricaded inside a bedroom.
Can't say if it's a good idea to voice your opinions contrary to what the law would expect in a public forum; In the unlikely and unfortunate event that you find yourself in this situation, not sure if what you've posted could be used against you ....
Good thing we dont have our real names and photos plastered all over this site.
Good thing we dont have our real names and photos plastered all over this site.

True, but then again, someone found dead in your home might lead them ever so slightly to this wonderful place via electronic gizmos lying around your residence.

For some strange reason they love to confiscate computers and other crap and try and find out what's in there. Damn them CSI types ....
So, for those who says it's not normal to stab a theft in your house, can you give us your home address? thank :)
What could be better for criminals than knowing that their victims will be afraid to defend themselves because the law may not be on their side? I think I'm gonna switch professions!
What could be better for criminals than knowing that their victims will be afraid to defend themselves because the law may not be on their side? I think I'm gonna switch professions!

Fo Sho!
U might as well do like the Wolf in Lil red riding hood.
The priority is to try and ensure the safety of my family. That means keeping as much distance as possible between them and any intruders, whether by escape from house or by barricading in a room, and staying with them to increase their safety in numbers. You don't enhance your family's safety by leaving them to go pick a fight with intruders that you have no knowledge of their intentions, their state of armament or willingness to use them.

Smart means calling 911 asap, using either quiet escape or fortification to delay/defer any open confrontation while waiting for help to arrive, staying with family to provide a line of defense IF it is needed. In most places you only need to buy a few minutes of delay. Even if you have firearms available, you're still better off to barricade yourself in a room with that weapon pointed at the door rather then go hunting for unknown numbers of intruders with unknown intent and unknown armament.

Stupid means seeking actively seeking confrontation and turning your house into a potential shooting gallery or venue for a knife fight with your family present.
  • If you win, maybe you're a hero, assuming your family hasn't already become collateral damage to your "win".
  • If you lose, what's going to protect your family from intruders who are now in definite "fight mode", who have already killed or injured you, and who really have nothing left to lose in dealing with any remaining witnesses? After all, in for a penny, in for a pound.
Too many heroes here think they can be like Charles Bronson in the Death Wish movie franchise. However, even when Bronson "wins" over the bad guys in the movies, it also comes at a huge personal cost. Only a fool would pay that cost when not needed.

Each situation is unique;

Sometimes there isn't an escape route

Sometimes you aren't near a phone

Sometimes the assailant is between you and your children

Sometimes the police are miles or minutes away (even two minutes away is an eternity when you are being beaten/raped, don't believe me? have someone punch you in the face for 30 seconds)

I agree the priority is protecting one's family but I'd rather do that by neutralizing the threat on MY home turf. I refuse to cower in fear in my own home waiting for the police (who have no legal obligation to protect you btw). Most perps aren't prepared to become victims themselves. They prey on the weak, when they become the prey the game changes.

Why should someone wait for the police to protect them, when they have the tools to protect themselves? I assure you I'm MUCH better armed at home than a police officer would be, and I know the 'combat' area. Sounds pretty logical to me. If I die protecting my family, so be it. But I'd rather have a fighting chance...

My home is my castle, the last bastion of freedom a man can retreat to. I will not ever be a prisoner in my own home, and I will not retreat in the face of an intruder.
My home is my castle, the last bastion of freedom a man can retreat to. I will not ever be a prisoner in my own home, and I will not retreat in the face of an intruder.

I kinda have to may be taking a you want to be a victim? What if you tell them to leave and you lose the element of surprise? Better safe than sorry...
Smart means calling 911 asap, using either quiet escape or fortification to delay/defer any open confrontation while waiting for help to arrive, staying with family to provide a line of defense IF it is needed. In most places you only need to buy a few minutes of delay. Even if you have firearms available, you're still better off to barricade yourself in a room with that weapon pointed at the door rather then go hunting for unknown numbers of intruders with unknown intent and unknown armament.

So how do you barricade yourselves in a safe hiding spot without the intruder knowing where you are after you run around the house gathering the children? Day or night, they won't be quiet, they will make lots of noise just walking to your hiding spot. On top of that, I have to pick a route to gather the children and take them to the hiding spot that doesn't cross the path of the intruder. Easy to say this is what to do....but it is as reasonable as saying "just steer away from the deer if it jumps in front of you". Not going to happen.
+1.. However, the cops shouldn't have charged the victim here. Comes home, gets attacked by a burglar, grabs a weapon at hand to protect himself and ends up being charged? While he'll have his day in court, it'll cost him thousands of dollars and lots of aggravation.

I only read the news story posted in this thread. Is there another news story that gives the details you allude to here? The facts that he got attacked by a burglar, grabbed a weapon "at hand" in order to protect himself - those facts aren't in the article that's posted here. Is that from a different article, or is that just how you assumed things happened?
I don't have stairs. I don't have a phone in my bedroom. I'm also not a rocket scientist. If someones coming down the 6 feet of hall from the from door towards me after I scream I will fight. Granted I'm not male so I'll likely be given a softer response come court.

Think of me what you will but the lives of my family come first and to hell with the outcome for anyone who breaks into my home.

I'm probably not the first one to tell you - you should probably get a phone in your bedroom. Particularly if you've got kids in the house. Before we get into guns, knives, jiu jitsu training and all the rest, a phone in the bedroom is basic safety equipment for a household.
Easy to say this is what to do....but it is as reasonable as saying "just steer away from the deer if it jumps in front of you". Not going to happen.

Is it more reasonable to suggest that a homeowner awakened during the night by noises from intruders should go to confront an unknown number of intruders with unknown intent and armament?

The biggest danger in any home intrusion regardless of reason for intrusion does not come from an intruder simply being in your home; it comes only when you and the intruder meet in confrontation.

Assuming they're not there specifically to inflict harm on you, the intruder(s) will see you just as much as a threat to them as you see them being a threat to you, and their fight or flight defense mechanism will kick in. Which do you think will leave you safest off? Them being able to take flight? Or you forcing them to fight?

Most home intrusions are simple burglaries. They're not there to harm you or your children, and will quickly vacate if they think they've been discovered. Any danger from these types will come only if you try to corner or confront them, and most will try to go through you if you are between them and the door or window they came in. So if you're worried about personal harm to you and yours, why would you place yourself in their path of escape?

The extremely small number of home intrusions where YOU or your family are the intended target of personal harm (as opposed to simple theft) are something else, but the same general principle applies. If they are there to inflict harm on you, they will certainly anticipate that you might fight back and they would come prepared accordingly, both in numbers and in weaponry. If they are after YOU, why would you make it easier for them to accomplish their goal by coming out to confront them? How does that give you any tactical or strategic edge over probable superior numbers and force?

Either way, the best initial defence is a timely call for help, followed by keeping your distance from whatever potential danger the intruder may pose. If you do come together in confrontation, the odds of clash dramatically increase, and with that so does your chances of coming out on the losing side of that confrontation.

Best bet for your safety and that of your family is to swallow ego, call 911, escape if possible or fortify until help comes if escape is not possible, and delay any potential confrontation unless there simply is no alternative choice. Once you get to that stage, you will be perfectly justified in doing whatever it takes to defend yourself and nobody will be able to fault you for it.
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Calling the police at the first sign of an intruder dramatically cuts down on your available cleaning time.
hey Turbo,

you ever had someone try to come through your front door at 2am in the morning?

probably not

I have

your advise is a fairy tale when the real deal in going down
Someone tried to break into my house awhile ago. The cops told me it would be to bad if the intruder slipped and fell down the stairs. *Ahem* I would not lay a hand on them. But I guess if I woke up and they were upstairs I could see how they could get spooked in the dark and fall well trying to leave.
hey if some one breaks in and dies... odds are no one knows where they are... not like they left a note saying Hey i went to so&so's house to rob them...

yeah but you forget about TurboLand where everyone lives in 6000 sq ft 2-storey spreads with multiple deadbolts on the master suite in the west-wing where you can calmly clear your voice and announce that the heroes are on their way while you turtle with your family

while most of us live in spreads where the front entrance is a 50-foot door-kick away from the bedrooms

my advise:

if someone is coming through your door and they shouldn't wait on the other side with a weapon that will injure, mame or kill and use it

while you're taking shooting, batting or stabbing practice you get the other half to call 911 so they can show up 20 minutes later

lawyer up for a jury trial and be prepared to get high-fived by every member of the jury
while most of us live in spreads where the front entrance is a 50-foot door-kick away from the bedrooms

The problem is, someone busting through your door with intent to hurt you is more likely to be a practiced thug willing to inflict hurt than you are.

The flipside to that same problem is that most of you are also a far cry from a Charles Bronson or Jean-Claude van Damme movie character. While you might be able to inflict some hurt on some hapless kid trying to lift your TV, you're setting yourself up for a big world of hurt if the person or gang coming through or already through your door is from the, ahem, rougher part of town.

The one time I did have to call 911 in the middle of the night, they were there in under five minutes, and I live in the country. The thieves were caught a short way down the road not long after.

That's right, thieves, as in more than one. I suppose I should have done the "honourable" thing and taken them on myself, right? How might that have turned out?
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