Man charged with stabbing intruder

I call BS. More turbofables coming hard and fast. I live on the edge of a major city, and was told by the police themselves the best I could probably hope for on my street unless a car happened to be driving by in the neighbourhood was a 10-15 minute response time.
I call BS. More turbofables coming hard and fast. I live on the edge of a major city, and was told by the police themselves the best I could probably hope for on my street unless a car happened to be driving by in the neighbourhood was a 10-15 minute response time.

Maybe I got lucky but that's the response time I got. If you want faster, call 911 and tell them you're about to have a cardiac arrest.
I call BS. More turbofables coming hard and fast. I live on the edge of a major city, and was told by the police themselves the best I could probably hope for on my street unless a car happened to be driving by in the neighbourhood was a 10-15 minute response time.

depends on how much your neighbourhood is worth.

I live in the country too and when I had to call 911 (about 4pm on a week day) for a cardiac arrest a first responder (local volunteer with first aid/cpr/etc training that lived around the corner) was there in about 2 minutes (i think he lives around the corner), fire truck in about 10 and then ambulance and cops at about 15 (3 cops eventually showed but i didn't keep track of the others after the first).

Now could you in good conscience say "cardiac arrest" knowing that a first responder armed with nothing more than a first aid kit will be walking in on some one potentially armed?

In turboland it's ok to endanger innocents as long as you're not speeding...
I don't know about you, but I was not talking about some thief out front of your place, I am more thinking about the one that is walking down the hallway in your house, or coming up your stair case.
The problem is, someone busting through your door with intent to hurt you is more likely to be a practiced thug willing to inflict hurt than you are.

The flipside to that same problem is that most of you are also a far cry from a Charles Bronson or Jean-Claude van Damme movie character. While you might be able to inflict some hurt on some hapless kid trying to lift your TV, you're setting yourself up for a big world of hurt if the person or gang coming through or already through your door is from the, ahem, rougher part of town.

The one time I did have to call 911 in the middle of the night, they were there in under five minutes, and I live in the country. The thieves were caught a short way down the road not long after.

"Rougher part of town"? LOL, unless the scumbags are born and raised at a gun range Im pretty confident in my ability to neutralize 3 of em before they even know what happened.

As for your little experience with 911, they obviously didn't break into your house. Im guessing you heard noises outside and they were after a car or a bike or something. Completely different situation.
"Rougher part of town"? LOL, unless the scumbags are born and raised at a gun range Im pretty confident in my ability to neutralize 3 of em before they even know what happened.

As for your little experience with 911, they obviously didn't break into your house. Im guessing you heard noises outside and they were after a car or a bike or something. Completely different situation.

I see. You're Charles Bronson. Most people are not.

My thieves were IN my living room trying to disconnect my TV from my home theater sound system when they got spooked and tried to take off. They left their would-be loot behind in their haste to get out of there. They didn't get out soon enough. The cops saw them fishtailing out of my lane onto the road and got them stopped just down the road. That ended a short string of thefts from houses, garages, and barns in the area.
You must live 30 seconds away from a cop shop to have actually managed to get cops there in time to catch the thieves. That's an anomaly and an exception to the rule. Either that or a cruiser happened to be down the street and you basically won the lottery.
You must live 30 seconds away from a cop shop to have actually managed to get cops there in time to catch the thieves. That's an anomaly and an exception to the rule. Either that or a cruiser happened to be down the street and you basically won the lottery.

Nope. Nearest station is just under 10 km away. It took about 5 minutes for arrival, so that car could have come from the station or anywhere else.

In any case, until they got spooked the intruders were intent on getting loot, not blood. They weren't there to harm anyone. I could have waited 10, 15, 20 minutes for police while they foraged for loot and not been at any real personal risk as long as I didn't force a confrontation or get between them and the door. Had they got away even with the loot, a call to the insurance company would set things right for me. There's little to gain by forcing an unnecessary confrontation with unknown intruders in the middle of the night.
You must live 30 seconds away from a cop shop to have actually managed to get cops there in time to catch the thieves.

It's a common misconception that when Police head to a call they are coming out of the Police Station. It's not like the Fire Dept where they get a call, slide down the pole and drive to the Fire.

The officers that respond are already out and patrolling on the road. In many 911, and calls for police, it's a Roll of the Die how close an Police officer is to you. Could be around the corner....could be down the street.

I don't know about out in the Rural areas, but places Like Peel Region, and Metro Toronto there's almost always a Police Officer within a few minutes away.
It's a common misconception that when Police head to a call they are coming out of the Police Station. It's not like the Fire Dept where they get a call, slide down the pole and drive to the Fire.

The officers that respond are already out and patrolling on the road. In many 911, and calls for police, it's a Roll of the Die how close an Police officer is to you. Could be around the corner....could be down the street.

I don't know about out in the Rural areas, but places Like Peel Region, and Metro Toronto there's almost always a Police Officer within a few minutes away.

certain neighbourhoods will have police closer
Also, if you do own a gun for home protection use combination locks on everything. It makes it that much easier to prove you could in fact get your gun out of it's case, out of it's trigger lock and loaded from a separate ammo container in short order. A loaded magazine in an ammo box is still secured and separate from your firearm.

Three digit combo locks one number off from open are still considered locked. :)

That's exactly how my shotgun (not ideal for home "clearing" but I don't have to aim!) is stored. Everything is combo locked one number off. However, it sucks my ammo is kept in a seperate room in a closet so it's not likely I could get there undected in time, and load up any rounds without the sound of the chamber slamming shut letting the dude know I mean business.
First question I have... Who the hell is Charles Bronson??
Slowbird must have a "dungeon" of a house to be able to barracade any door within a few seconds.

Complete BS here, seriously. Crooks should totally expect to have someone defend their property if they decide to go in. I know of a couple people back where I'm from that may not have their firearms completely "legally" put away just in case. While I don't agree with that and always always lock my stuff up to the law, if theifs, rapists etc knew that waiting on the other side of that door was a loaded 12gauge they would wonder if that TV or unwilling piece of poon is worth it.

As far as I see it, if you enter and I catch you then at the least you're going to need dental surgery. But, chances are they would run off as soon as they heard me moving around.

Every situation is different and you could never say "I would do this in this situation" however, despite what Red Green says, playing possum is not always the best option and I refuse to be a victim.

In rural areas it takes more than too much time for assistance if you really need it.
That's exactly how my shotgun (not ideal for home "clearing" but I don't have to aim!) is stored. Everything is combo locked one number off. However, it sucks my ammo is kept in a seperate room in a closet so it's not likely I could get there undected in time, and load up any rounds without the sound of the chamber slamming shut letting the dude know I mean business.
You can get a magazine for your shotgun so you justpop it in instead of sliding each shell in one at a time
This is the first I am reading about this. Scumbag breaks into a dudes home, dude stabs said scumbag and the cops charge the dude??? Seriously? This reads like something out of a Monty Python film.
First question I have... Who the hell is Charles Bronson??

I like this one better, lol.

This is the first I am reading about this. Scumbag breaks into a dudes home, dude stabs said scumbag and the cops charge the dude??? Seriously? This reads like something out of a Monty Python film.

They came home to find that someone broke in, they then went in the house to search and then found and stabbed him. I think in this case the time of events is the most important.
Nope. Nearest station is just under 10 km away. It took about 5 minutes for arrival, so that car could have come from the station or anywhere else.

In any case, until they got spooked the intruders were intent on getting loot, not blood. They weren't there to harm anyone. I could have waited 10, 15, 20 minutes for police while they foraged for loot and not been at any real personal risk as long as I didn't force a confrontation or get between them and the door. Had they got away even with the loot, a call to the insurance company would set things right for me. There's little to gain by forcing an unnecessary confrontation with unknown intruders in the middle of the night.

It's your right to be a victim if you so choose. I think it is also a right for those to not be a victim and protect their property and loved ones. You maybe comfortable with knowing there are people in your living room disconnecting your tv. I am not. I work very hard for what I have and I will be damned if some scumbag is going to just take it.

You can also be comfortable with them getting away and just making "a call to the insurance company". This is why our rates are so high. Again I work very hard for what I have. I am tired of having to pay premium rates to cover what I own, just because some people can't be bothered to work for a living.
It's your right to be a victim if you so choose. I think it is also a right for those to not be a victim and protect their property and loved ones. You maybe comfortable with knowing there are people in your living room disconnecting your tv. I am not. I work very hard for what I have and I will be damned if some scumbag is going to just take it.

You can also be comfortable with them getting away and just making "a call to the insurance company". This is why our rates are so high. Again I work very hard for what I have. I am tired of having to pay premium rates to cover what I own, just because some people can't be bothered to work for a living.

So just because some punk is stealing your TV, you're going to go to jail and ruin YOUR life???

Let's be realistic (I know, hard to do here with all the "tuff" guys). You sleeping are awoken by someone in your house. You grab the phone and call 911, while on the phone you yell "down" to them that the police are on their way. At this time I would feel safe in saying that 99.9% of thieves would just run because they have no desire to hurt anyone or to get caught. That guy stealing your TV is there to get some cash to buy drugs, he's not there to hurt anyone.

But all the tuff guys here say they would go after the guy??? Why? To teach him a lesson? You beat him up and he goes and robs the next house tomorrow, you're not going to change him. But while you are beating him, he manages to grab a knife or gun and next thing you know you're dead. That's just retarded thinking, if you believe it's better to risk death than to let some POS steal your TV.
So just because some punk is stealing your TV, you're going to go to jail and ruin YOUR life???

Let's be realistic (I know, hard to do here with all the "tuff" guys). You sleeping are awoken by someone in your house. You grab the phone and call 911, while on the phone you yell "down" to them that the police are on their way. At this time I would feel safe in saying that 99.9% of thieves would just run because they have no desire to hurt anyone or to get caught. That guy stealing your TV is there to get some cash to buy drugs, he's not there to hurt anyone.

But all the tuff guys here say they would go after the guy??? Why? To teach him a lesson? You beat him up and he goes and robs the next house tomorrow, you're not going to change him. But while you are beating him, he manages to grab a knife or gun and next thing you know you're dead. That's just retarded thinking, if you believe it's better to risk death than to let some POS steal your TV.

No, I would not go chasing anyone. Once outside my property I would be charged as the threat would obvioulsy be over.
I would have my wife call 911 while I head downstairs with my 12 guage. I do not consider myself a tough guy. Been in lots of fights. Won some, lost more.

I am however someone who stands up for what he believes in. Is a TV worth getting stabbed or shot over? my answer is no. Is it worth confronting some punks who think they can just take what I worked hard for? my answer is yes. It's not the value of the item. It's the principle. Today a TV tomorrow something more. Like maybe hurting one of my kids or wife. That is something I have and will fight for.
I really don't think anyone would debate protecting your family. I have never been in a fight and I hope I never have to hurt someone or get hurt myself. The issue that was being discussed was a thief stealing something though, not about someone threatening your family. For some punk stealing my crap I'm gonna call the cops, someone coming up to rape my wife is going to have a fight on his hands. Two completely different scenario's.

It's just so many people here talk crap about beating someone for attempting to steal something. Again, 99.9% of the time the punk will run away because he doesn't want a confrontation any more than you do.

So yeah bigguy, I think we basically both agree on the same thing.
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