Man charged with stabbing intruder

Nor is it needed to safeguard you and your family in most cases. In most cases an intruder is looking for easy cash, or portable goods easily convertable into cash. Rarely are they there for a fight or even prepared and armed for one. If caught, the first thing on their mind is to get out of there fast.

If anything, a homeowner escalating a situation to violence does nothing but force the intruder to escalate to greater violence in response.

You know what they say about someone backed into a corner. Best response is often to clear a path and allow the intruder to get out of your house. That immediately eliminates any threat to your and your family.

I agree 100%
If you're coming home to an intruder then yes, your post might apply. But if an intruder is breaking in while you're home, it's a completely different ballgame. The kind of criminal that breaks into a house while people are home is completely different than the kind that breaks into empty houses (during working hours, for instance). The kind that breaks in while you sleep is also generally the kind that will carry a weapon and not be afraid to use it... If you've broken into my house while Im asleep, all bets are off- Im gonna go by 'kill or be killed'.

The kind that breaks into your house while you're asleep could also and most likely be counting on you remaining asleep upstairs while they go through your downstairs looking for easily portable loot, or they may easily even just think the house is empty. Getting rid of them fast and without confrontation is often just a matter of making noise. A simple loud shout of "honey call 911 I think I hear someone downstairs" (even if you're the only person in the house) will send most running out of there as fast as they can.

If by chance you find yourself with the small minority that are there to visit harm on you, yes, you can probably bet that they are armed. They'll tend to be the home invaders or rapists, and their intent will be quite clear from the outset. Rapists are opportunistic, and are easily discouraged by barricading yourself in a room.

Home invaders not so much so, and in particular they are also more likely to be greater in number (gang), and better equipped with and ready to use weapons than you are. Best bet there is a fast 911 call while you're barricaded or hidden somewhere in your house. That keeps you safe for the moment, and gives them the opportunity to leave of their own accord.

Open physical confrontation should never be your first choice of tactic with an intruder in your house. You say you'll go by 'kill or be killed'? As soon as you take that stance, you've also locked the intruder into the same stance, leaving both you and the intruder in a no-win situation where the situation will likely end only when one of you is down. Best tactic is to avoid that potential outcome by deferring any confrontation as an absolute last resort to be used only when all else has failed to get the intruder out of your house.
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The best course of action is to be prepared to defend yourself and announce that intention to the intruder, ideally while you have 911 on the open line. By this time if the intruder is still in the house I don't see any reason why deadly force would be a no-no. If you've announced to the intruder that you want them to leave, that you've called the police, and that you're prepared to defend yourself (with a weapon) - and they still don't leave - the only assumption left to be made is that they're going to cause you harm. They're probably not still in the house just to hang out and drink your milk.

We're getting into hypotheticals here, but I'll reiterate that a criminal who breaks into an occupied house (say in the middle of the night) is undoubtedly prepared to cause you harm.
but I'll reiterate that a criminal who breaks into an occupied house (say in the middle of the night) is undoubtedly prepared to cause you harm.

Not undoubtedly. Turbodish has made quite a few solid, and correct points.
If Im in the house when someone breaks in, to me they're undoubtedly prepared to cause me harm if they get the opportunity. Am I gonna sit there in the dark guessing at their intentions? That's ludicrous.

I'm gonna yell for them to get out and wait about 5 seconds, because that's about how long it might take them to get to my bedroom from the front door. You guys can wait longer if you'd like; but if I hear those footsteps getting closer after a warning- adios! I'm not waiting to find out if they have a gun or a knife. They're already in my house and they know Im there - that's fair game, no?
If Im in the house when someone breaks in, to me they're undoubtedly prepared to cause me harm if they get the opportunity. Am I gonna sit there in the dark guessing at their intentions?

Of course not. You lock/barricade your bedroom door and call 911.

I'm gonna yell for them to get out and wait about 5 seconds,

Good idea. It should (hopefully) scare them away. But be sure to have called 911 already.

but if I hear those footsteps getting closer after a warning- adios! I'm not waiting to find out if they have a gun or a knife.

You hear someone coming up the stairs towards you voice booming from your room telling them to leave....and you wanna open the door and attack them? You're nutz.

Stay in your room....lock/barricade the 911.
Not 'nutz', just plenty well prepared. As should everybody be.

Why you're so ready to be victimized inside your own home is completely beyond me. It's been proven time and time again that emergency response (especially from police) is generally abysmal. They won't be there in time to save you from harm, and the best you can do is barricade an interior room door which is basically made of paper?
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Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6

no criminal that breaks into my house is making it out alive if I'm home unless I quickly take control and they submit themselves to my citizen's arrest,

I can figure out someone's intentions immediately:

If I'm not expecting anyone, nor do I normally have people 'drop' by especially late at night, that's strike 1

if I call out to you, no response or an unfamiliar response, that's strike 2

if after strike 2 you don't do EXACTLY what I say (ie. get your *** on the ground) that's strike 3

Strike 3 and you're out...of this world

maybe I differ from the general population but I really don't value the human life of a scumbag that would break into my 'castle' and potentially threaten my family. Ya, you heard it right, my laptop computer has more value than someone's life. Take that bleeding hearts.

BTW: I lol'd at barricading yourself in your bedroom. I'd rather have a fighting chance with my 12 gauge or 9mm than have to cower in fear waiting for help that may never come.
Agreed on all points ^

I don't value the well being or safety of anyone who breaks into my house. The idea of retreating inside my own home, barricading myself inside a bedroom waiting for the police to come, is absolutely shameful and pitiful. It's pathetic.
As an Audi driver, I find your post offensive.

Bryant was driving a Saab 9000 convertible when he murdered Darcy Sheppard.

Sorry. But regardless of the vehicle MB got a walk because of his political status.
So Turbo, if you found someone in your house, would you follow your own suggestions or would you 'apprehend' the guy....with force if neccessary? And what makes you any different then the rest of us?
We need more caveman thinking and less metrosexual pussified let's negotiate all time thinking.


Where are the good old days where logic was more common? Good ol' caveman days, is that what they call it now?

^^ Take a clue. All out violence is rarely the remedy. You gotta be reasonable.

Remember kidz, violence is not the answer, but sometimes its the only language some people can understand
The kind that breaks into your house while you're asleep could also and most likely be counting on you remaining asleep upstairs while they go through your downstairs looking for easily portable loot, or they may easily even just think the house is empty. Getting rid of them fast and without confrontation is often just a matter of making noise. A simple loud shout of "honey, here's your gun, call 911 and tell them I've killed an intruder, I think I hear someone downstairs" (even if you're the only person in the house) will send most running out of there as fast as they can.

I think this would more likely scare an intruder.
So Turbo, if you found someone in your house, would you follow your own suggestions or would you 'apprehend' the guy....with force if neccessary? And what makes you any different then the rest of us?
The priority is to try and ensure the safety of my family. That means keeping as much distance as possible between them and any intruders, whether by escape from house or by barricading in a room, and staying with them to increase their safety in numbers. You don't enhance your family's safety by leaving them to go pick a fight with intruders that you have no knowledge of their intentions, their state of armament or willingness to use them.

Smart means calling 911 asap, using either quiet escape or fortification to delay/defer any open confrontation while waiting for help to arrive, staying with family to provide a line of defense IF it is needed. In most places you only need to buy a few minutes of delay. Even if you have firearms available, you're still better off to barricade yourself in a room with that weapon pointed at the door rather then go hunting for unknown numbers of intruders with unknown intent and unknown armament.

Stupid means seeking actively seeking confrontation and turning your house into a potential shooting gallery or venue for a knife fight with your family present.
  • If you win, maybe you're a hero, assuming your family hasn't already become collateral damage to your "win".
  • If you lose, what's going to protect your family from intruders who are now in definite "fight mode", who have already killed or injured you, and who really have nothing left to lose in dealing with any remaining witnesses? After all, in for a penny, in for a pound.
Too many heroes here think they can be like Charles Bronson in the Death Wish movie franchise. However, even when Bronson "wins" over the bad guys in the movies, it also comes at a huge personal cost. Only a fool would pay that cost when not needed.
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Of course not. You lock/barricade your bedroom door and call 911.

Good idea. It should (hopefully) scare them away. But be sure to have called 911 already.

You hear someone coming up the stairs towards you voice booming from your room telling them to leave....and you wanna open the door and attack them? You're nutz.

Stay in your room....lock/barricade the 911.

Do you have a suggestion for those of us who have children sleeping in separate bedrooms?
Do you have a suggestion for those of us who have children sleeping in separate bedrooms?

+1 Been trying to decide how to rangle a 5 month old with the screaming terrified 6 year old from seperate rooms but on the same floor as the intruder.
Do you have a suggestion for those of us who have children sleeping in separate bedrooms?

Take the phone into their bedroom and barricade that door.

If you have family in multiple rooms then stand at the top of the stairs with the phone telling the 911 dispatcher how many intruders there are and what they look like.

My point don't just stab or kill someone cause they broke into your house. It's ridiculous.

This isn't rocketscience.
I don't have stairs. I don't have a phone in my bedroom. I'm also not a rocket scientist. If someones coming down the 6 feet of hall from the from door towards me after I scream I will fight. Granted I'm not male so I'll likely be given a softer response come court.

Think of me what you will but the lives of my family come first and to hell with the outcome for anyone who breaks into my home.
If someones coming down the 6 feet of hall from the from door towards me after I scream I will fight.

If they are that close and continue coming at you after you scream, then there is no issue with and little alternative with you getting into things with them, is there? It's also a damned sight different than someone going out and shooting or stabbing some B&E kid in the back while that kid is actively trying to get away from you and out of your house, as some posters here seem to be just itching to do.
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