magats take over congress

They stormed the Capitol.

There was riot and insurrection are CNN words. I know you're smarter than that, the ? mark in your last post was well played.

Even the rioters called themselves revolutionaries, their intent was to usurp/disrupt/negate the democratic process...let them own insurrection, I think it has some nice extra penal code goodies.
Even the rioters called themselves revolutionaries, their intent was to usurp/disrupt/negate the democratic process...let them own insurrection, I think it has some nice extra penal code goodies.
The bar is pretty high. The US has an Insurrection Act, the only time it could have been invoked were during race riots as the action has to persist. The last time it was used was during the '92 Los Angeles Rodney King riot.

word on the street is a lot of the cops were in cahoots with the magats, and as this was a pretty serious security breach, I predict many coppers will be losing their jobs soon.

Who knew the trick to defunding the police would just be letting magats kick in some doors on capital hill?
I feel bad for pence, hes just a regular ass politician dude from indiana, who has to go along with his psycho boss and pretend everythings normal :ROFLMAO:
If you're confused, I'll simplify it for you (sorry it's gonna take more than 280 characters)

Unifying is a good thing. Biden has a good track record in this area. Except for the 4 years he worked for Obama where it was a point of contention between the two.

Biden's top dogs, Pelosi and Schumer, are in the 'Great Divider' camp -- their position and record aligns with Obama and Trump, not with Biden's.

Biden has POTUS, the Senate and the House - he will be among the most powerful presidents ever, he can do as he pleases, arse-banging every Republican on earth for the next 4 years if he chooses to do so. I'm pretty sure Pelosi and Schumer are planning exactly that, it's up to Biden to reign them in and make unification a priority.

If the country continues to divide, Trump will build the largest non-religious cult the world has ever known.

Ah... ok, you've explained the comment perfectly.
Pelosi and Schumer are a little excitable with their wishes - sure.. I'll grant you that... but if Biden holds fast to his unification ideology, he should be able to deal with them easily enough.

As fo the Cult of Trump, yesterday shows it to be fact.. It's already been achieved. Now we have to wait and see what happens after he officially exits office...
There’s going to be a lot of butt hurt people one they realize there are consequences for their actions. FBI has requested info, lot of idiots doing deli ties,interviews, FB updates with no masks, airline staff trying to prevent the participants flying...where’s the popcorn.
Trumps videos deleated by media, accounts suspended, 52 people arrested so far. With facial recognition software and video cameras everywhere around the Capital building they will probably wait a couple weeks for the crazy to settle down then start rounding up the suspects. Guys on camera walking out with congressional furniture? yeah that will end well.

The guy that sat in Polosi's chair and left a threatening note, put his feet on her desk and had himself photographed. She'll have him sent to Guantonimo and waterboarded.

You only get to call yourself a revolutionary if you win the revolution, otherwise your an insurrection participant and if your the guy that brought the pipe bomb, you may be a terrorist. Pretty serious legal consequence for the loosing team .
You have to admit, they printed some badass flags. Check out Trump Rambo. I'm entertained that the picture they used has his stupid smug look.

I own a trials bike, an antique TR25W,. I have ridden a modern trials bike -- not my thing -- it's an art, I'm a paint-by-numbers guy.
I could ride that for you if you ever want to sponsor me :cool:
$1.27 and dropping :unsure: it should be lower by now, somebody must be putting on the brakes.
This will be a historic event, that’s for sure. I doubt there will be much in terms of followup arrests, Americans rarely prosecute protesters. When they do, it’s largely ceremonial and gets overturned on appeal.

My fear is that it’s blown up into something more than it really was, a collection of angry Trump loyalists who refuse to believe the election was not stolen, dog whistled into action by Trump.
This will be a historic event, that’s for sure. I doubt there will be much in terms of followup arrests, Americans rarely prosecute protesters. When they do, it’s largely ceremonial and gets overturned on appeal.

My fear is that it’s blown up into something more than it really was, a collection of angry Trump loyalists who refuse to believe the election was not stolen, dog whistled into action by Trump.
I agree with you on the prosecution of protestors. But these ‘protestors’ literally stormed a federal building with sitting senators.

thing is that these same politicians can pressure law enforcement to actually charge and make it stick on these asshats.

majority will not be charged but a slap on the wrist...but...the ones caught stealing, accessing documents, damaging federal property may have a worse day coming up.
It was bungled. They had all the rioters contained inside. All they had to do was block all the doors, plastic handcuffs for all of them load them into buses and off to jail.
It was bungled. They had all the rioters contained inside. All they had to do was block all the doors, plastic handcuffs for all of them load them into buses and off to jail.
But think of all of the overtime and spending on facial recognition software that is coming up. Clearing the problem up quickly would have cost law enforcement hundreds of thousands of dollars (or more).
I agree with you on the prosecution of protestors. But these ‘protestors’ literally stormed a federal building with sitting senators.

thing is that these same politicians can pressure law enforcement to actually charge and make it stick on these asshats.

majority will not be charged but a slap on the wrist...but...the ones caught stealing, accessing documents, damaging federal property may have a worse day coming up.
I doubt much will happen. Prosecuting protesters just turns them into martyrs, the last thing the US needs is fuel growth for the Trump cult.

The best thing that happened to Abby Hoffman, Bobby Seale and Tom Hayden was the Chicago 8 trials.
I wonder if the insurgents were instructed to not burn the building down :unsure:
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