magats take over congress

I sense another Kent State situation
New drinking game...

Every time a CNN reporter says "rioter"... down a shot.

Lamest riot ever
So this can’t be ancwefa or blm
Lord knows they didn’t riot or loot
I hear they ask people to explain posts and tweets at the border crossings now

Are the borders even open? I was trying to get back as I have a bunch of documents that have to be jointly signed and notarised with my brother and I was told no way at the moment. Where did you read this?

Also, just my opinion, but I don't understand why anyone would ever use twitter. You can't make a cogent point or argument in 280 characters and it only takes about 4 tweets until the conversation reaches rock bottom... "You're Stupid", "You're Pathetic", "Kill Yourself". It really is a platform that caters to the lowest common denominator in society
Gotta like the news spin calling them protesters or mob members what ever you want to call them, idiots burnt down cities and they think that was ok

I hear they ask people to explain posts and tweets at the border crossings now

Considering a border guard can turn away a non citizen for just about any reason including "you looked at them wrong", and can also place lifetime bans, well, people should be wise to consider what they share online, especially in easy to trace places like Facebook.

Thoughtful discussion, not likely a problem. Threats and plans of violence and such, yeah, very, very unwise.
Considering a border guard can turn away a non citizen for just about any reason including "you looked at them wrong", and can also place lifetime bans, well, people should be wise to consider what they share online, especially in easy to trace places like Facebook.

Thoughtful discussion, not likely a problem. Threats and plans of violence and such, yeah, very, very unwise.
Yep, the border is brutal sometimes.
Are the borders even open? I was trying to get back as I have a bunch of documents that have to be jointly signed and notarised with my brother and I was told no way at the moment. Where did you read this?

Also, just my opinion, but I don't understand why anyone would ever use twitter. You can't make a cogent point or argument in 280 characters and it only takes about 4 tweets until the conversation reaches rock bottom... "You're Stupid", "You're Pathetic", "Kill Yourself". It really is a platform that caters to the lowest common denominator in society
Wide open if you fly no driving

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1 shot just reported dead, trumpanzees deployed pepper spray on police officers, armed police inside with weapons drawn. Looks rioty to me.
You got any footage of that?
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