magats take over congress

Pure and simple. White privilege in the racist US of A.
If the protestors had been black, there would be filled to the brim jails this morning, and a lot more dead.
Really, how many black peoples died when blm and ancwefa burnt down cities?

That a pretty wide statement you’re making with no prof to back it up
I feel bad for pence, hes just a regular ass politician dude from indiana, who has to go along with his psycho boss and pretend everythings normal :ROFLMAO:
He could have declined to be VP, no sympathy.
Proof? Look at the pics and video of them walking in and then walking out. It's a Trump crowd with proud boys and even a Confederate flag ffs.
The protest had a lot of congressmen and senators scampering for cover. Federal buildings were damaged and federal furniture looted. There will be repercussions because they didnt inconvenience Wong's corner store here, its the sitting lawmakers. ****** wont begin to cover this, and going forward its the Dems in control and most of these protestors will be Reps??

Not that the law swings with politics, but they can leave many of these guys facing legal bills that will bankrupt thier grandchildren. I predict a whack of charges.
The protest had a lot of congressmen and senators scampering for cover. Federal buildings were damaged and federal furniture looted. There will be repercussions because they didnt inconvenience Wong's corner store here, its the sitting lawmakers. ****** wont begin to cover this, and going forward its the Dems in control and most of these protestors will be Reps??

Not that the law swings with politics, but they can leave many of these guys facing legal bills that will bankrupt thier grandchildren. I predict a whack of charges.
Hell, get them convicted and put them on behaviour bonds. That can provide huge penalties for violating and set conditions not to congregate, not to go within xxx feet of certain locations etc. Locking them up may make them martyrs when they are shortly released but it's hard to be a martyr when your punishment was a strongly worded letter.
Proof? Look at the pics and video of them walking in and then walking out. It's a Trump crowd with proud boys and even a Confederate flag ffs.
I guess three months is along time in some people’s mind

Look at the devastation and havoc blm created in the cities

Never seen any arrests on that deal. Did you?
I guess three months is along time in some people’s mind

Look at the devastation and havoc blm created in the cities

Never seen any arrests on that deal. Did you?

false equivalency....BLM was a movement that spurred protest against police brutality committed in various cities around the US. What happened yesterday was that some idiots thought they could attack the seat of democracy in the US with sitting government officials to overturn a democratic process.

Most of the rioters/insurrectionists yesterday had crossed state lines to commit their crimes. Guess what that means?
Details coming out about the woman that died yesterday, very sad Ashli Babbitt, protester killed at Capitol, was Air Force vet from California

Der Spiegel cover from June, crazy that people are now trying to say that this was unexpected

Umm, yeah. She may have technically been pronounced dead later but she didn't move a muscle after the shot.

How many cops use chew? Half the cops have a huge cheek or lip bulge while working inside the capitol building. How does that meet professional standards? Where do they spit? In the corner and hope nobody notices?
You could safely bet every third person in the mob had a firearm, travel from across the country to join a mob of supporters that had a pre concieved plan to march on the Capital, that were spurred on by the President and only one shot?? its actually a friggin miracle the death count is only 4. The dead lady was an air force vet? I dont care if she was a JK teacher from Powkipsee, she joined the wrong crowd.
2 pipe bombs?? yeah they had a peaceful agenda.....
You could safely bet every third person in the mob had a firearm, travel from across the country to join a mob of supporters that had a pre concieved plan to march on the Capital, that were spurred on by the President and only one shot?? its actually a friggin miracle the death count is only 4. The dead lady was an air force vet? I dont care if she was a JK teacher from Powkipsee, she joined the wrong crowd.
2 pipe bombs?? yeah they had a peaceful agenda.....
You have to be careful with "they". Like in the G5 mess here, many of the problems could have been people that used the cover of a crowd of protestors to destroy and loot. The pipe bombs may have no affiliation with trump supporting morons, they could be the work of random trouble causing morons.
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false equivalency....BLM was a movement that spurred protest against police brutality committed in various cities around the US. What happened yesterday was that some idiots thought they could attack the seat of democracy in the US with sitting government officials to overturn a democratic process.

Yes the famed "mostly peaceful" BLM protests that involve:
  • burning and looting private businesses
  • mobbing, and in some cases, beating/killing ordinary citizens trying to go about their day
  • harassing ordinary citizens (mostly white) sitting down eating dinner at restaurants
all of which were endorsed by the left, as well as received tons of messages of support from many large corporations, tech companies, etc. Heck, fortune 500 companies were even donating to the legal defense of these "peaceful protesters". Contrast with today:
  • A bunch of loons storm the capitol building
  • Occupy it for about 3 hours
  • Are forcibly removed, and the vote continued without issue
No private citizens beaten, no businesses looted, just general chaos in a government building and one protester shot by police. I condemn both groups I've just listed, but the problem that lead us here is that both sides refuse to acknowledge the problematic people in their camps. Until that happens there is no real hope for unity of any sort.

Most of the rioters/insurrectionists yesterday had crossed state lines to commit their crimes. Guess what that means?

What happened in DC is not even close to insurrection. People stating that have no idea what real insurrection is/looks like.
Yes the famed "mostly peaceful" BLM protests that involve:
  • burning and looting private businesses
  • mobbing, and in some cases, beating/killing ordinary citizens trying to go about their day
  • harassing ordinary citizens (mostly white) sitting down eating dinner at restaurants
all of which were endorsed by the left, as well as received tons of messages of support from many large corporations, tech companies, etc. Heck, fortune 500 companies were even donating to the legal defense of these "peaceful protesters". Contrast with today:
  • A bunch of loons storm the capitol building
  • Occupy it for about 3 hours
  • Are forcibly removed, and the vote continued without issue
No private citizens beaten, no businesses looted, just general chaos in a government building and one protester shot by police. I condemn both groups I've just listed, but the problem that lead us here is that both sides refuse to acknowledge the problematic people in their camps. Until that happens there is no real hope for unity of any sort.

What happened in DC is not even close to insurrection. People stating that have no idea what real insurrection is/looks like.

yes...the president of the USA inciting people to riot and overturn a democratic process to elect the new president was BLM...oh no, wait a minute.

You have to be careful with "they". Like in the G5 mess here, many of the problems could have been people that used the cover of a crowd of protestors to destroy and loot. The pipe bombs may have no affiliation with trump supporting morons, they could be the work of random trouble causing morons.
I started typing exactly the same, think it was g20 though. Then I realized he has a point, its not like only 10 people infiltrated the building. Once windows start getting smashed you need to dip, even if you believe Pence and whoever is committing treason by letting the results stand.
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