magats take over congress

- Oh the irony: People who participated in the riots can be charged and jailed for 10 years under the “injury to federal property” which trump smashed into law via Executive Order as a response to the BLM protests.

- The half naked painted face fur wearing guy we all saw splashed across the news is now complaining (and his mommy is also all up in arms about it as well) that he will get sick if not fed an “all organic diet” in jail. These are the same people who spent the last 4 years yelling “snowflakes” at Liberals.

- Judges son from NY was arrested and charged and was heard spewing nonsense about how it’s impossible that Trump lost NY state since it’s always been red and Biden clearly cheated to flip it! (NY hasn’t gone red since the early 80’s....)

The last week sure has been fun to watch. The stupid, it burns.
Not just America ...I think it’s a side effect of faster and easier communication of opinions and ideas. In the same way a gang is more dangerous than one individual, someone with a whacky opinion feels emboldened when they know there are others like them. The issue is those whackadoodles never used to find similar idiots as easily. This is a genii that you can’t put back in a lamp. It’s here to stay. We need to understand how to deal with it.

Missed this golden egg and I really agree with you on this.

It's why I keep advocating self awareness, stress testing our beliefs, and accepting other viewpoints (we don't have to agree with each other, just understand.) This would include things like how some men (I'm admittedly one of them) have warrior mentalities and need to learn how to harness it; not cancelling them like whatever generation did with homosexuals and transsexuals.

I hope to baby jesus our new education curriculum is teaching this.
Do we assume you are trolling? But just in case this was a serious reply... it is the same guy, but I do not think you are THAT dense? So lets stick to you are trolling....
No I’m on my cell phone so pic isn’t clear

I see the picture on the left with his face then the picture on the right has a arm and then looks like a cop and then the guy walking in front of the cop looks like the same jacket as the guy behind the cop

The guy with the blue jeans has the same jacket as the guy with camouflage pants
No I’m on my cell phone so pic isn’t clear

I see the picture on the left with his face then the picture on the right has a arm and then looks like a cop and then the guy walking in front of the cop looks like the same jacket as the guy behind the cop

The guy with the blue jeans has the same jacket as the guy with camouflage pants
Bigger screen will help, the jackets are close but not the same.... I also misread your post on pants...
Republicans: now is the time for unity! (Just forget the impeachment stuff)
Democrats: so....what’s impeachment for if not inciting insurrection?

I thought the republicans were the party of law and order?

its the usual hypocrisy, politicians gonna politic.
the party of law and order is selective about law and order, the party of personal responsibility can never seem to take personal responsibility.

we saw members of every party flaunt the rules when they went on vacation during the holidays

"his mom complained that he 'gets very sick if he doesn't eat organic food"

There will be lots of organic protein where he'll be going.
Aww puppy....
organic food huh
Turns out blue collar odin maga bro is really a fuckin soyboy.
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