magats take over congress

That's if the senate also votes to confirm the impeachment and they add conditions for not running for office. He would also lose his secret service detail too.

Where did you get this? There is no chance a former potus would lose thier ss detail. The ss isn't a perk of the job, its an essential safemeasure to make sure a former president isn't kidnapped etc and top secret info isn't coerced out of them.
Where did you get this? There is no chance a former potus would lose thier ss detail. The ss isn't a perk of the job, its an essential safemeasure to make sure a former president isn't kidnapped etc and top secret info isn't coerced out of them.

although I have seen a few legal questions over this too...
Where did you get this? There is no chance a former potus would lose thier ss detail. The ss isn't a perk of the job, its an essential safemeasure to make sure a former president isn't kidnapped etc and top secret info isn't coerced out of them.
Fully science based
Where did you get this? There is no chance a former potus would lose thier ss detail. The ss isn't a perk of the job, its an essential safemeasure to make sure a former president isn't kidnapped etc and top secret info isn't coerced out of them.

Did you say coerced?

Where did you get this? There is no chance a former potus would lose thier ss detail. The ss isn't a perk of the job, its an essential safemeasure to make sure a former president isn't kidnapped etc and top secret info isn't coerced out of them.
As long as he doesnt physically or electronically remove the documents I think the world is pretty safe. There doesnt seem to be much reality based knowledge between his ears. I dont think he even knows when he is lying anymore. He thinks everything he says is the truth even if it is completely fabricated.
As long as he doesnt physically or electronically remove the documents I think the world is pretty safe. There doesnt seem to be much reality based knowledge between his ears. I dont think he even knows when he is lying anymore. He thinks everything he says is the truth even if it is completely fabricated.

Yeah, relying on Trump for intel is like relying on a car engine made out of chocolate.
Normally they couldn't rescind the Secret Service detail, but decided in Trump's case to make an exception based on two facts: Trump doesn't know any thing and you can't trust anything he says.

The CIA could kidnap him and clean up this mess right quick. They have experience in that sort of thing
Normally they couldn't rescind the Secret Service detail, but decided in Trump's case to make an exception based on two facts: Trump doesn't know any thing and you can't trust anything he says.

The CIA could kidnap him and clean up this mess right quick. They have experience in that sort of thing
The CIA only works outside the USA, everyone knows that!!!
Apparently a president can indeed say "No thanks, go away" and sign off on Secret Service detail after they're out of office if they want.

Considering some of the restrictions that detail places upon said former president (can't drive a car ever again, secret service agent follows you everywhere short of into the shitter stall with you, etc) it wouldn't surprise me that it gets "inconvenient" for him and his goals and plans ahead and he signs off to make them go away.
His knucklehead supporters wont go away, this tard's name will become a battle cry for the supporting cast of Duck Dynasty.

How long since the south lost the civil war, or war of northern aggression, depending on which side of the line your on, and the "flag of the confederacy" (yes its not thier flag... blah blah) still gets paraded around by these guys. Surprised there were no white hoods in the crowd.

Exactly. That hatred has been stewing since 1861 and isn’t going away anytime soon. Except it’s not just north v south any longer...
Surprise, Surprise: Off-Duty Cops From All Over the Country Were in D.C. During Capitol Coup Attempt

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Some of those that work forces are apparently the same that burn crosses. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Tom Morello (@tmorello) <a href=" ">January 8, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Couldn’t say it better <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Leslie Jones ? (@Lesdoggg) <a href=" ">January 10, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script> lol

The two have been at each other's throats for years now economically. We also got involved with the Huawei scandal which resulted in two Canadians being stuck in China (and still are.)

I can't tell if you're trolling in half your posts or just legit don't know about these things.

Here. Some politically neutral ****. I was listening to it while, ironically, building a Gundam (bonus points to anyone that gets why cause it means you've watched Gundam(s) and know how politically heavy that **** is) Can learn some great **** from listening to ppl much smarter than any of us are on these subjects.
Started listening to this but I need to find a 3hr timeslot to finish the whole thing lol.
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