magats take over congress

Who is this guy? I've heard the name a few times here and there...but outside of the annoying voice...who is he and why's he special?
Ben Sharpio?

Think he got famous for the same reason Jordan Peterson did: he said some right winged political statements that went against the current political climate and got crucified (check wiki, his abortion logic is ****** imo lol)

I don't agree with him, but we can't have the world tilt too far in one direction so I appreciate some of his viewpoints.
Who is this guy? I've heard the name a few times here and there...but outside of the annoying voice...who is he and why's he special?

Ben Shapiro​

American commentator


Benjamin Aaron Shapiro is an American conservative political commentator and media host. At age 17, he became the youngest nationally syndicated columnist in the United States. Wikipedia

Yeah he goes hard against Social Justice Warriors and is master of debate.
Ben Sharpio?

Think he got famous for the same reason Jordan Peterson did: he said some right winged political statements that went against the current political climate and got crucified (check wiki, his abortion logic is ****** imo lol)

I don't agree with him, but we can't have the world tilt too far in one direction so I appreciate some of his viewpoints.
Peterson doesn't consider himself right wing, but people lump him in all the same.
Honestly I’ve never been one to really care about US politics. But the recent events, Donald, the drama have all got me more and more interested in learning about it and also figuring out who these players are that pop up from time to time.

I hope Canadian politics never becomes this entertaining.
Honestly I’ve never been one to really care about US politics. But the recent events, Donald, the drama have all got me more and more interested in learning about it and also figuring out who these players are that pop up from time to time.

I hope Canadian politics never becomes this entertaining.
Here's your first knowledge bomb: Peterson is Canadian ?

He's a successful author, clinical psychologist and Prof. at U of T actually. And is famous for refusing to use the pronouns to address his students, that the Liberal government passed into law says we must. He's a proponent for the government limiting what you cannot say(hate speech), not trying to enforce what you should say.

He also annihilates SJW.

Good guy that jp, cant stand his daughter though
Honestly I’ve never been one to really care about US politics. But the recent events, Donald, the drama have all got me more and more interested in learning about it and also figuring out who these players are that pop up from time to time.

I hope Canadian politics never becomes this entertaining.

One BIG difference between their system and our British-parliamentary system is their lame-duck period (which the USA is currently in the midst of). In the British-parliamentary system, parliament is dissolved before an election, the election happens, and the newly-voted-in government takes office. There's never a situation where a voted-out politician is still holding their position. When they're voted out, they're done and gone.

It's not impossible for someone with Trumpian characteristics to be voted in here. Be careful what you wish for. Be careful who you vote for.
Here's your first knowledge bomb: Peterson is Canadian ?

He's a successful author, clinical psychologist and Prof. at U of T actually. And is famous for refusing to use the pronouns to address his students, that the Liberal government passed into law says we must. He's a proponent for the government limiting what you cannot say(hate speech), not trying to enforce what you should say.

He also annihilates SJW.

Thanks for that. Good watch.
Honestly I’ve never been one to really care about US politics. But the recent events, Donald, the drama have all got me more and more interested in learning about it and also figuring out who these players are that pop up from time to time.

I hope Canadian politics never becomes this entertaining.

This started years ago on the internet before smartphones and mainstream caught on, at least from my point of view.

Long story short: the internet was (still kinda is tbh lol) a toxic cesspool of scum and villainy. Those who couldn't cope with it went off and started a "social justice warrior" movement. Remember how Mortal Kombat made headlines for being overly violent and some were arguing how video games would promote violence? It's these idiots.

This echo chamber kept growing from violence, to big titty anime characters, to male masculinity, and other **** being "cancel cultured" via "THIS IS TOXIC, WE NEED TO MAKE EVERYTHING G RATED BECAUSE IT'S SEXIST AND/OR PROMOTES RAPE."

I never took them seriously because it was just the internet, the same place where we'd be playing League of Legends and telling the opposing team we're coming to rape their family, sister, and dog just to get a team spirit advantage and nobody bats an eye. Except it's pretty clear those dumb fucks making the noise did go into real life, and as a result things are too far left.

The above resulted in this hyper polarized political stance. When things are this far apart, all you gotta do is sprinkle some "intolerance" in the pot and people are gonna die. I'd argue people like Ben Sharpio are desperately needed because going too far right or left has led to bad **** in the past.
Lots of donors walking away from the republicans and specifically those involved in directly or indirectly supporting what happened at the Capitol. Northrop Grumman, AT&T, Comcast. Some big names.

Even bigger news is this...

Some will say that he embodied the American dream. He did come from the gutter and worked his way up but this guy has moulded and shaped the Republican Party and their ideals through massive donations. Not only that but he is also one of the reasons why there’s such staunch backing of Israel from the conservative side.
Lots of donors walking away from the republicans and specifically those involved in directly or indirectly supporting what happened at the Capitol. Northrop Grumman, AT&T, Comcast. Some big names.

Even bigger news is this...

Some will say that he embodied the American dream. He did come from the gutter and worked his way up but this guy has moulded and shaped the Republican Party and their ideals through massive donations. Not only that but he is also one of the reasons why there’s such staunch backing of Israel from the conservative side.
Apparently most GOP candidates have to go visit him to kiss the ring so to speak to get some funding.
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