magats take over congress

Apparently a president can indeed say "No thanks, go away" and sign off on Secret Service detail after they're out of office if they want.

Considering some of the restrictions that detail places upon said former president (can't drive a car ever again, secret service agent follows you everywhere short of into the shitter stall with you, etc) it wouldn't surprise me that it gets "inconvenient" for him and his goals and plans ahead and he signs off to make them go away.

So how's an ex-pres going to get a little extramarital fun?
I'm not a Trump fan but question whether his speech qualified as inciting the Senate break-in. He talked trash and said fight but you also fight in court which is totally OK. From what I heard, which was clips, he made comments no different from those many, if not most people, have made. i.e. I'd like to wring his neck.

The point is whether he deliberately and intentionally pushed people over the line. If someone is angry at someone else and you say "Give him a kick in the head" not expecting him to do it are you an accomplice?

Obviously, if you know the angry person is mentally challenged with a history of violence and takes everything for face value you are in trouble.

I don't see it making him friends on any side of the Senate but if it was a simple trial for a lay person would the charges stick?

Trump's defence would likely be he didn't think his followers were that gullible. Is that believable?
I'm not a Trump fan but question whether his speech qualified as inciting the Senate break-in. He talked trash and said fight but you also fight in court which is totally OK. From what I heard, which was clips, he made comments no different from those many, if not most people, have made. i.e. I'd like to wring his neck.

The point is whether he deliberately and intentionally pushed people over the line. If someone is angry at someone else and you say "Give him a kick in the head" not expecting him to do it are you an accomplice?

Obviously, if you know the angry person is mentally challenged with a history of violence and takes everything for face value you are in trouble.

I don't see it making him friends on any side of the Senate but if it was a simple trial for a lay person would the charges stick?

Trump's defence would likely be he didn't think his followers were that gullible. Is that believable?

It's not just the speech taken in a vacuum. Look at all the events leading up to it then look at the speech again and see what you think. Think about the timing of the speech too....the date...the other events happening that day. Look at what Rudy says too.
You're all acting like this is a court with an impartial judge presiding over a case.

The Senate is made up of 100 senators. They all vote on whether the impeached is found guilty or not. 2/3rds of the Senate need to agree on a guilty verdict for the conviction to stick.

There are currently 51 Republican senators and 46 Democrat senators.

Traditionally, senators vote along partisan lines. No US President has ever been convicted at their Senate trials. Senators typically have already made up their mind whether to convict or not before the trial even begins.

You are asking all Democrat senators to vote guilty (likely) and close to half of the Republican senators to vote guilty (next to impossible).

This is how Bill Clinton got off on his impeachment trial: 0 Democrat Senators voted guilty.

This is how Trump got off on his first impeachment trial: only 1 Republican Senator voted guilty - Mitt Romney.

This is how Trump will get off during his second Senate trial.

This is why this is nothing but a dog and pony show. Biden is a seasoned politician. He knows this is just a distraction.
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It's not just the speech taken in a vacuum. Look at all the events leading up to it then look at the speech again and see what you think. Think about the timing of the speech too....the date...the other events happening that day. Look at what Rudy says too.

If you're having a garage sale with a hunting knife on the table do you sell it to someone who is obviously extremely angry at a nearby person?

I say "No" but others don't err the side of caution. DT made a comment about "peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard"

The judgement would be based on whether a rational person would have expected the results.

Would it be too far off the mark if the defence was "We thought there would be more security to stop us. If they had called in the National Guard none of this would have happened. It's their fault we broke in." Dumb and dumber defence.

You're all acting like this is a court with an impartial judge presiding over a case.

The Senate is made up of 100 senators. They all vote on whether the impeached is found guilty or not. 2/3rds of the Senate need to agree on a guilty verdict for the conviction to stick.

There are 51 Republican senators and 46 Democrat senators.

Traditionally, senators vote on partisan lines. No US President has ever been convicted at their Senate trials. Senators typically have already made up their mind whether to convict or not before the trial even begins.

This is how Bill Clinton got off on his impeachment trial.

This is how Trump will get off during his Senate trial.

This is why this is nothing but a dog and pony show.

Agreed. A few but not enough senators have crossed the line. The Republicans have to gently distance themselves from DT. IIRC the second round of senate elections is in two years and individual senators don't want to lose supporters who may be loyal to Trump.

The soap opera continues.
Trump is setting up to be the greatest **** disturber that ever lived, Guinness Book level.

He’s popular now, once presidents leave they tend to get more popular. He has no vices... doesn’t smoke, drink, gamble and he’s getting past the age of banging pornstars. He’ll have the best healthcare available so count on him being active for a few more years.

He will likely become the biggest ‘influencer’ on the planet once he leaves. Won’t surprise me to see factions sprout up around the globe, there are a lot of crazy’s that buy into nationalism and chauvinism.
Trump is setting up to be the greatest **** disturber that ever lived, Guinness Book level.

He’s popular now, once presidents leave they tend to get more popular. He has no vices... doesn’t smoke, drink, gamble and he’s getting past the age of banging pornstars. He’ll have the best healthcare available so count on him being active for a few more years.

He will likely become the biggest ‘influencer’ on the planet once he leaves. Won’t surprise me to see factions sprout up around the globe, there are a lot of crazy’s that buy into nationalism and chauvinism.

he gonna get yeeted harder than milo yiannopoulos

or be the don cherry of presidents, hes gonna get thrown out, fade into irrelevancy , and have like 12 people listening to his podcast
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He really screwed his post presidency goals of becoming a media guy etc etc with the actions of the last 2 months - all the “stolen election” nonsense, the lawyers (Giuliani and that whackadoodle lady) fighting and getting thrown out repeatedly, and now, the riots.

Unless he’s going to fund the entire “media empire” himself and then even manages to find a carrier that will distribute what will surely be utter filth and conspiracy theories, he’s dead in the water. No advertiser short of the biggest crazies out there will touch him with a 100 foot pole anymore knowing that advertising on whatever media he tries to run with will instantly alienate a massive portion of the USA market. It has the potential to be business suicide.

As for pardons, it’s my understanding that the people they’ve rounded up so far are being held on token charges while they “investigate” more. The big charges will be laid after Trump is gone and can’t Pardon them anymore. And if he parsons them on the token charges, they’ll just come round em up again on the new charges on the 21’st.
I hold little hope of a conviction in the Senate - too much partisan politics. But - He has enough impending legal trouble to tie him up in the courts, bankrupt, for years. There was word going around yesterday that Trump wanted to hold back payments for Rudy Giuliani ... LOL ... that would fit Trump's historical pattern. And Giuliani is pretty likely to lose his license to practice law over all this. No lawyer with their reputation at stake will want to touch him. Deutsche Bank wants to cut ties - no bank wants to touch him. A growing list of companies don't want anything to do with this whole mess. No funding ... no go ... no Trump media outlet ... no Trump golf courses ... no nothing.

Right-wing media including Fox News will keep covering him. That's the bad news - there will continue to be a base of right-wing-extremist support. But ... I can see even Fox News turning away, even if slightly, if advertisers start deciding that they don't want to support anything that supports that mess. And I can see that happening. Sure, the local small businesses run by people in hard-red areas are still going to buy advertising on the local TV station that happens to be owned by Fox News. But if the big advertisers start staying "change your tune" ...
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