Susan Collins will vote against impeachment saying that this time he definitely might have learned his lesson maybe.
Definitely might maybe is like almost got laid.
That is the only pressure they feel.Maybe, but maybe not. I think the vote would still be substantially based on each persons desired political outcome and have very little to do with whether they were guilty (or not) of the charges. It would remove the overt peer/voter/donor pressure though.
And now they are pulling visitor records to see which delegates had 'visitors' in the house , they are pretty sure recon missions had been done in the weeks before the over throw attempt.
Going to more than a few Republicans with questions being put to them.
He literally told them to go to the Capital...and that he would go with them. Does that huge group go to the Capitol without that? In such large numbers? He told them to go to the Capital and fight. He didn't say call your senator....he said go to the place that they are right down the street and scare some of the weaker Senators. How is this not clear to you? They did exactly what he told them to do.
Trump talks like a mod boss..... A mod boss says "I don't want to see that guy no more" he doesn't say kill Bob....He didn't specifically say Kick in the doors.
Beware of weasels. They don't tell you to do something wrong. They use innuendo so they can later deny doing anything wrong. That will be his defence.
Pence acting very Presidential as Trump shirks all his duties.
I'm betting he's angling to be the GOP's candidate in 2024. And doing a damn good job of it too.
All he has to do is not play golf and he immediately looks more presidential.
True, but the point was he was looking presidential period. Not "more" presidential.
The left will have real problems with him in office because he is a true conservative with laser-focus on a conservative agenda, not just saying and doing anything for the sake of staying in power.
He's also a batshit crazy evangelical god botherer too though.
Uh yeah. That's the point...
Its nothing to do with uncomfortable, the Pence rule should 100% be adhered to by any male in power period. Especially in the aftermath of the me too movement which funnily enough disdapeared when Trudeau and Biden were accused.bizzarro world when that's a plus.....imagine having a president that’s uncomfortable meeting female leaders.....almost like.....
The Taliban!
Its nothing to do with uncomfortable, the Pence rule should 100% be adhered to by any male in power period. Especially in the aftermath of the me too movement which funnily enough disdapeared when Trudeau and Biden were accused.
Has Mike Pence actually ever touched a woman?I don’t think Mike Pence is worried that he might uncontrollably molest a woman for some reason.