magats take over congress

Hope they catch all that damaged the building, and personally injured anybody
Unfortunately, it isn't going to be that easy. For every one that showed up at the Capitol, there's a hundred more that have the same mentality but couldn't get the time off work, or didn't have the money or the means to travel that far, or weren't connected enough online to be in on the discussion.

Reportedly Trump's popularity has dipped since 6 Jan, but it's still at 39%: Since The Capitol Attack, Trump’s Approval Rating Has Plummeted At A Record Rate

As long as they have Fox News and other right-wing media claiming that the election was "stolen", this mentality is always going to be in the undercurrent. A huge section of the population is brainwashed. Remember, half the population has below average intelligence ... because that's how averages work. In a nation that supposedly has "freedom of the press", I don't know how you fix the underlying cause.

Now, a 39% approval rating might not be enough to win an election, but it's enough to cause all sorts of problems and create discontent for years to come. There are going to be security concerns at government buildings for years to come because of this.

I have a question that has an ugly answer: Who is going to want to go into public office on the side other than the anarchists, if they are going to repeatedly have their lives threatened by the anarchists?

Honestly, I am not sure what kind of world the extreme right-wingers want for themselves, although I doubt if they have thought this through. White supremacist. No immigration. No health care. Guns everywhere. No international trade. No environmental protection (this will lead to destruction). I can't figure out if they want police everywhere ("law and order") or nowhere, but on account of the political discontent and the guns everywhere, it will surely be crime-ridden regardless. No respect for higher education. This is a path towards creating a social, technological, and economic backwater that will be left behind by the rest of the world while they destroy themselves.

I can assure you, the possibility of heading in that direction is not lost to leaders in the rest of the world.

I had a meme somewhere that says telling an angry woman to calm down is like trying to wash a cat. Angry people don't listen or concede. The fewer the number of facts the greater the volume of the denials. In an argument the one yelling the loudest is usually losing.

The problem is trying to get any extremist to discuss anything objectively. Opinions don't count. What you think of Trump is irrelative. Think is subjective.

Ego is a big part of the problem. I knew two guys that had similar racing power boats but only one took it seriously, racing in sanctioned events. The other, not being active didn't spend on his boat.

They raced together yearly at an unsanctioned cottage regatta but there were only the two of them in the class so every year the result was the same, a narrow win by the serious racer. Then after years of close races a third competitive boat showed up and to win the race the serious boater had to use full throttle and Mr. Amateur was left well back in the spray. He realized he had been conned for years just to keep the race interesting. All the years of bragging, "Almost had him" and "Next Year" was salt in the wounds. He had been duped.

Jimmy-Bob has to go through the same awakening. White supremacy doesn't exist. It will crush his ego. His parents lied to him. Sorry Jimmy-Bob you're not special, neither is your sister.

I think the stages of handling that rejection of values is the denial, anger, blame, negotiate and accept pattern. Trump and his followers are jumping back and forth between denial, anger and blame. When the denial doesn't work they switch to anger and blame. When denial can't change the outcome they get angry, incite and then blame someone else.

The true big money people had to have known Trump's wealth or lack of but as long as he was rolling along, making money for them, they let him. Once he became a pariah they dumped him. Sorry Donald, Stormy Daniels doesn't think you're hot either.

Not all Trump followers are dumb trailer parkers. Watch videos of Haulover Inlet in Florida and see the millions of dollars in powerboats flying the Trump 2020 flags.

One also has to understand US concepts. A bunch of rednecks I knew were as anti socialism as could be but that was government socialism. If they knew you and you were decent they would give you the shirt off their backs. They judged who was helped. They didn't give their money to a government committee.
Not all Trump followers are dumb trailer parkers. Watch videos of Haulover Inlet in Florida and see the millions of dollars in powerboats flying the Trump 2020 flags.

The wealthy are who you would expect to be supporters of a conservative agenda ... less taxes, and Trump does things that pander to the rich. They don't care about health-care because they can afford their private plan. And Fox News. Socialism BAD. Socialism taxes = BAD. Environmental rules that might crimp the conspicuous-consumption lifestyle = BAD.

But I'm pretty sure the insurrectionists, for the most part, aren't those people.
Funny observations:

- Rudy Giuliani has taken a pivot and his Twitter feed is now about 80% all about advertising his new podcast....including an obligatory "YOUTUBE BANNED MY LAST VIDEO ZOMG FREE SPEECH" pinned post from Yesterday. With a smattering of election conspiracy nonsense still thrown in for the fun of it. Wonder how long until he's disbarred.

- Sidney Powel (Kraken lawyer lady) is also banned from Twitter. Her accounts elsewhere have mysteriously fallen silent since she got sued for a billion dollars lol.

- Fox news has dropped both of them like a hot potato after also getting threatened with lawsuits for continuing to spread lies.

- Newsmax also chose to shut up about the voting machine fraud claims when it was time to put up or shut up.

- OAN has been warned they should expect to be sued and have doubled down. Expect Dominion to go tilt and send OAN back to the stone ages.
The wealthy are who you would expect to be supporters of a conservative agenda ... less taxes, and Trump does things that pander to the rich. They don't care about health-care because they can afford their private plan. And Fox News. Socialism BAD. Socialism taxes = BAD. Environmental rules that might crimp the conspicuous-consumption lifestyle = BAD.

But I'm pretty sure the insurrectionists, for the most part, aren't those people.
soooo..guy in buffalo costume wasn't the silver spoon fed son of a tech billionaire? who would have thought.
Honestly, I am not sure what kind of world the extreme right-wingers want for themselves, although I doubt if they have thought this through. White supremacist. No immigration. No health care. Guns everywhere. No international trade. No environmental protection (this will lead to destruction). I can't figure out if they want police everywhere ("law and order") or nowhere, but on account of the political discontent and the guns everywhere, it will surely be crime-ridden regardless. No respect for higher education. This is a path towards creating a social, technological, and economic backwater that will be left behind by the rest of the world while they destroy themselves.

I can assure you, the possibility of heading in that direction is not lost to leaders in the rest of the world.

I was thinking about this the other day.
What is it that they want?
Just to not be told what to do and left alone in their bunkers in Montana to breed with their kin? I’m serious...I don’t really know what they want.

Someone way back in this thread posted a video of a dude blasting his buddies and people from his high school football team saying “what has his country NOT given you?” I thought that was a pretty valid question.

I was thinking about this the other day.
What is it that they want?
Just to not be told what to do and left alone in their bunkers in Montana to breed with their kin? I’m serious...I don’t really know what they want.

Someone way back in this thread posted a video of a dude blasting his buddies and people from his high school football team saying “what has his country NOT given you?” I thought that was a pretty valid question.


The real answer echoes the title of the book by Trump's niece. "Too much and never enough"

Sometimes I think the extreme right wingers should be given a bunch of land and have to stay there, fending for themselves. Make it like a redneck reservation with their own government, power generation, water treatment, schools, military and hospitals. They can't leave the reservation and no one can visit.

They can make their own CAT scan machines for their hospitals, a bright light or something. Make their own drugs and water treatment chemicals. (Might want to read up on Walkerton Ontario) Train their own doctors at Redneck University. Drill their own oil wells and refine their own gas and diesel. Maybe switch to alcohol fuel. They already know how to make that.

The redneck Air Force would be a hoot. I think fabric coverings have character.

Then I think of another group that doesn't like socialism. I was talking to an Amish farmer in Ohio and he resented the socialism part of his taxes because "We take care of our own" They use modern equipment including electricity but generate their own as they will not be dependent on an earthly power (The grid).

I somehow think the right wingers wouldn't like the one horsepower transportation. No air conditioning in the summer and little heat in the winter.

Otherwise they would feel like Trump had won. Everywhere they went they would be looking at a horse's ass.
The Repubs have a real problem with so many right wingers thinking they're the right version of being right.

When they try to define themselves they remind me of the joke by Emo Philips

Remember Republicans are half the US population. Only a small fraction are hard right, we all got to meet them at the Capitol.
What is it that they want?
Just to not be told what to do and left alone in their bunkers in Montana to breed with their kin? I’m serious...I don’t really know what they want.

That probably really is what they want. What they'd get is a USA that is even further isolated from the rest of the world and even more deeply broken.

Russia would be salivating. China, mixed feelings, on the one hand they would then be the world's biggest economy and would have a shot at being the biggest superpower, on the other the Americans wouldn't be buying much from them any more because the USA would be broke. China being the biggest superpower isn't a good situation for everyone else. We can only hope that the rest of the world gets their act together to counter this.
That probably really is what they want. What they'd get is a USA that is even further isolated from the rest of the world and even more deeply broken.

Russia would be salivating. China, mixed feelings, on the one hand they would then be the world's biggest economy and would have a shot at being the biggest superpower, on the other the Americans wouldn't be buying much from them any more because the USA would be broke. China being the biggest superpower isn't a good situation for everyone else. We can only hope that the rest of the world gets their act together to counter this.

Walmart would have to buy American. The economy would crumble. Harbor Freight implodes.

Apparently there is no legal reason Texas couldn't secede. Since the Armed Forces are federal, Texas will have to recruit a lot of cowboys.
That probably really is what they want. What they'd get is a USA that is even further isolated from the rest of the world and even more deeply broken.

Russia would be salivating. China, mixed feelings, on the one hand they would then be the world's biggest economy and would have a shot at being the biggest superpower, on the other the Americans wouldn't be buying much from them any more because the USA would be broke. China being the biggest superpower isn't a good situation for everyone else. We can only hope that the rest of the world gets their act together to counter this.

to put it succinctly, they want to go back to 1851, most of the immigrants were white(apart from the slaves) everything was made in america, global telecommunication and transportation was nonexistent and trade was fairly limited, good ol family values were around(women couldnt get a divorce, and were dependant entirely on men regardless of how ****** the marriage was) (gays were illegal), and I would be dead because I love white women.

conservatives always harken back to the good ol days (reagan did it, trump obviously attempted)
unfortunately for them time doesnt travel backwards, and the laws of physics dont care about their feelings.
I was thinking about this the other day.
What is it that they want?
Just to not be told what to do and left alone in their bunkers in Montana to breed with their kin? I’m serious...I don’t really know what they want.

Someone way back in this thread posted a video of a dude blasting his buddies and people from his high school football team saying “what has his country NOT given you?” I thought that was a pretty valid question.

They need to be able to wave their automatic weapons from the ramparts of their fully guarded little castles and see that the rest of the world is smaller.
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