magats take over congress

to put it succinctly, they want to go back to 1851, most of the immigrants were white(apart from the slaves) everything was made in america, global telecommunication and transportation was nonexistent and trade was fairly limited, good ol family values were around(women couldnt get a divorce, and were dependant entirely on men regardless of how ****** the marriage was) (gays were illegal), and I would be dead because I love white women.

conservatives always harken back to the good ol days (reagan did it, trump obviously attempted)
unfortunately for them time doesnt travel backwards, and the laws of physics dont care about their feelings.
I think you may have the hard-left view of conservatives. There are Republicans with theses views, just as there are democrats that have radical Marxist views - those are the polar regions.

The average conservative doesn’t want to roll the clock back. They defend the constitution and don’t like to see rights and privileges eroded by excessive regulation. They are not against climate change action, they understand, the look for practical changes that benefit all vs radical regulation from ‘my academics know best’. They are not anti-trade, they are fair and equitable trade. They are not racists. They believe in free markets, that govt enterprises are needed only when private enterprise is impossible; citizens have a duty to country; entitlements should not replace individual responsibility; smaller govts.
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I think you may have the hard right view of conservatives. There are Republicans with theses views, just as there are democrats that have radical Marxist views - those are the polar regions.

The average conservative doesn’t want to roll the clock back. They defend the constitution and don’t like to see rights and privileges eroded by excessive regulation. They are not against climate change action, they understand, the look for practical changes that benefit all vs radical regulation from ‘my academics know best’. They are not anti-trade, they are fair and equitable trade. They are not racists. They believe in free markets, that govt enterprises are needed only when private enterprise is impossible; citizens have a duty to country; entitlements should not replace individual responsibility; smaller govts.
It’s not the moderate / sane people within these parties that are causing the issues. It’s the insane lunatics that cling onto these viewpoints and do everything they possibly can to halt progress.
I was thinking about this the other day.
What is it that they want?
Just to not be told what to do and left alone in their bunkers in Montana to breed with their kin? I’m serious...I don’t really know what they want.

Someone way back in this thread posted a video of a dude blasting his buddies and people from his high school football team saying “what has his country NOT given you?” I thought that was a pretty valid question.


I think it’s a more dangerous form of fear of change. Many people are afraid of change but attempt to embrace it, others try and may fail but don’t lash out, others simply resist change but again, don’t lash out. Then you have the fringe Trumper types....they don’t like what they see and do lash out. They don’t like seeing black people in positions of power, some of them don’t like seeing women in positions of power, they don’t like seeing coal factories close and they don’t understand their steel is twice the price of cheaper imports. They really don’t like things they don’t understand. They have a romantic idea of the 1950s...a whiter more conservative era.

You can’t hold back change though, it marches on regardless.
Honestly, I am not sure what kind of world the extreme right-wingers want for themselves, although I doubt if they have thought this through. White supremacist. No immigration. No health care. Guns everywhere. No international trade. No environmental protection (this will lead to destruction). I can't figure out if they want police everywhere ("law and order") or nowhere, but on account of the political discontent and the guns everywhere, it will surely be crime-ridden regardless.

From what I can tell, you're pretty much correct.
White supremacy, no immigration.
No STATE or FEDERAL health care (you need it, you pay. No monies, you suffer).
Guns mandatory for every citizen, 'cause you know the lefties want to take them all away.
No environmental protection because that interferes with immediate profit.
I would think no police anywhere, 'cause you've all got guns now.
Crime ridden - I can sadly, imagine a return to the Wild West, or like Russia shortly after the Berlin Wall came down.

Why Russia? I have several friends who go there or are Russians themselves. They all have stories about armed security brigades protecting the rich, and people who accidentally got too close were never heard from again.
I think it’s a more dangerous form of fear of change. Many people are afraid of change but attempt to embrace it, others try and may fail but don’t lash out, others simply resist change but again, don’t lash out. Then you have the fringe Trumper types....they don’t like what they see and do lash out. They don’t like seeing black people in positions of power, some of them don’t like seeing women in positions of power, they don’t like seeing coal factories close and they don’t understand their steel is twice the price of cheaper imports. They really don’t like things they don’t understand. They have a romantic idea of the 1950s...a whiter more conservative era.

You can’t hold back change though, it marches on regardless.

Thanks @jc100. This is pretty much how I see it as well. Fear of change and things they don’t understand is why intolerance and prejudice exist in society. And as someone mentioned above, I don’t think these extremists ever look at the long What would happen if we “achieved our goals”.

The real answer echoes the title of the book by Trump's niece. "Too much and never enough"

Sometimes I think the extreme right wingers should be given a bunch of land and have to stay there, fending for themselves. Make it like a redneck reservation with their own government, power generation, water treatment, schools, military and hospitals. They can't leave the reservation and no one can visit.

They can make their own CAT scan machines for their hospitals, a bright light or something. Make their own drugs and water treatment chemicals. (Might want to read up on Walkerton Ontario) Train their own doctors at Redneck University. Drill their own oil wells and refine their own gas and diesel. Maybe switch to alcohol fuel. They already know how to make that.

The redneck Air Force would be a hoot. I think fabric coverings have character.

Then I think of another group that doesn't like socialism. I was talking to an Amish farmer in Ohio and he resented the socialism part of his taxes because "We take care of our own" They use modern equipment including electricity but generate their own as they will not be dependent on an earthly power (The grid).

I somehow think the right wingers wouldn't like the one horsepower transportation. No air conditioning in the summer and little heat in the winter.

Otherwise they would feel like Trump had won. Everywhere they went they would be looking at a horse's ass.

This made me laugh out loud several times.
It’s funny because it’s true.
Am i wrong to think of the USA as an empire of too little too late?
The Romans conquered the world as it was known anyway.
The British created an empire only to have it fight back.
Is the USA a wanabee empire?
Every empire in history has ruled for some period of time (generally a couple hundred years give or take) and then declined. I am quite sure that the USA has been in relative decline for a while, but it is now becoming clear to everyone outside the USA and some people inside.
Some other groups around the world fear change in the same way too...the Taliban are one. I don’t see that much difference between them and the fringe Trumpsters.
It’s not the moderate / sane people within these parties that are causing the issues. It’s the insane lunatics that cling onto these viewpoints and do everything they possibly can to halt progress.
Im more fearful of the also the masses who are not radical, just too narrow minded to comprehend or explore past their basic ideology.

Those would be the sheep who never challenge their leader/party/academics. The people who’s entire political and civics education came from CNN, FOX or TorStar or SUN. Same ones who feel entitlements or rights trump responsibility.
The wealthy are who you would expect to be supporters of a conservative agenda ... less taxes, and Trump does things that pander to the rich. They don't care about health-care because they can afford their private plan. And Fox News. Socialism BAD. Socialism taxes = BAD. Environmental rules that might crimp the conspicuous-consumption lifestyle = BAD.

But I'm pretty sure the insurrectionists, for the most part, aren't those people.

The rednecks have been conditioned (Brain washed?) into thinking of medicare as charity and a man shouldn't accept charity because it makes him less of a man. "You Canadians get free health care"

Canadians don't get free health care either so it isn't charity. We pay for it on a monthly tab.

Has anyone ever published the taxpayer funded subsidies to businesses in the USA?

For example:
  • Loans with no penalty for default are granted to farmers by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The loans, in effect, are a gift, since defaults are not penalized.
When i pay more in taxes then 80% if not more in this country make in a wage

Then yeah Nothing is giving to the people who work for free
Im more fearful of the also the masses who are not radical, just too narrow minded to comprehend or explore past their basic ideology.

Those would be the sheep who never challenge their leader/party/academics. The people who’s entire political and civics education came from CNN, FOX or TorStar or SUN. Same ones who feel entitlements or rights trump responsibility.

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