magats take over congress

I have mixed emotions on cutting Trump's media cord. The more he talks the worse he looks. At some point even the most die hard follower will have to admit the milk has gone sour.

Kefir is a low alcohol drink, made from fermented milk...
As long as that's the case, the most die hard followers will never admit to sour milk.
I have mixed emotions on cutting Trump's media cord. The more he talks the worse he looks. At some point even the most die hard follower will have to admit the milk has gone sour.
Unfortunately, that's debatable.
I meant to copy the meme but didn't, Basically it said : If charges are not pursued against the January 6 rioters, that rampage just becomes a practice exercise for the next attack."
This is exactly what it is. Trump went too far too openly. The next guy will be much more subtle about it. Smile for the camera while you kill the very people that you promised to serve all the while enriching yourself and your inner circle.

Is Biden the same? Smile and pretend you’re sad while making money and killing the country? I hope not. I really hope not.
This is exactly what it is. Trump went too far too openly. The next guy will be much more subtle about it. Smile for the camera while you kill the very people that you promised to serve all the while enriching yourself and your inner circle.

Is Biden the same? Smile and pretend you’re sad while making money and killing the country? I hope not. I really hope not.

The USA itself is self centred. Some of us are no different with bikes. My XXX is the best on the road so why should I even look at another brand.

The USA needs to do more travel and not to Canada. Find out what really happens with socialism by studying Scandinavia not Venezuela. Get used to walking around without guns in their pockets. Too many Americans are only big fish because they won't leave the small pond.
The USA itself is self centred. Some of us are no different with bikes. My XXX is the best on the road so why should I even look at another brand.

The USA needs to do more travel and not to Canada. Find out what really happens with socialism by studying Scandinavia not Venezuela. Get used to walking around without guns in their pockets. Too many Americans are only big fish because they won't leave the small pond.
Personally I find most Canadians are naïve when it comes to the US. We see their media, we drink that KoolAid.

I lived there 1/2 my adult life, raise kids there and see it through a lens that is quite different than what I see/read/hear from the armchair analysts.

I hear people whine and scream about how bad it is, but when they talks about their road trips to the Dragon or to California it's usually unicorns and rainbows. Ever wonder why half of all Canadians visit the USA each year (yes it's been falling, but that's always the case when the CAD falls and then there's that virus thing).

How many of you have had terrible experiences visiting the USA? How about other countries?
How many of you have had terrible experiences visiting the USA? How about other countries?
Never had a bad experience visiting the US or any other country to date. Had some interesting experiences trying to cross different borders, but often that's just people doing their job where I happen to fit some profile characteristics of a higher risk individual. My experience has been that people are people everywhere we go - some are good and some are not so good, but most of it has more to do with me, my perceptions and how I react to the situation around me.
How many of you have had terrible experiences visiting the USA? How about other countries?
Almost mugged in Baltimore (managed to defend myself from 2 guys)
Attempted pickpocket in NYC

Luggage stolen off bus in Milan, Italy before I could get off the bus (was at the back).

Been to many places in Europe... and by and large, I felt safer there than in the more southern states with their gun crazy nutters walking around with open carry permits etc.
Personally I find most Canadians are naïve when it comes to the US. We see their media, we drink that KoolAid.

I lived there 1/2 my adult life, raise kids there and see it through a lens that is quite different than what I see/read/hear from the armchair analysts.

I hear people whine and scream about how bad it is, but when they talks about their road trips to the Dragon or to California it's usually unicorns and rainbows. Ever wonder why half of all Canadians visit the USA each year (yes it's been falling, but that's always the case when the CAD falls and then there's that virus thing).

How many of you have had terrible experiences visiting the USA? How about other countries?

Not terrible but sometimes not good either. Food choices have been decent (excellent) in or near big urban centres but outside that it’s generally been poor for us and I’ve paid a fortune for very crappy accommodation at times. Aside from that I have missed our yearly US road trips and the little culture shock from various places.
Been to the states many times. mostly to the south and never once did i feel threatened or afraid
Been to the states many times. mostly to the south and never once did i feel threatened or afraid
(y) I've been to that part of continental USA too, it's called Sequoia National Park :cool:
good food in USA = large portions, they grow them big in USA
Personally I find most Canadians are naïve when it comes to the US. We see their media, we drink that KoolAid.

I lived there 1/2 my adult life, raise kids there and see it through a lens that is quite different than what I see/read/hear from the armchair analysts.

I hear people whine and scream about how bad it is, but when they talks about their road trips to the Dragon or to California it's usually unicorns and rainbows. Ever wonder why half of all Canadians visit the USA each year (yes it's been falling, but that's always the case when the CAD falls and then there's that virus thing).

How many of you have had terrible experiences visiting the USA? How about other countries?

Nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there. True, we tend to focus on their idiots, ignoring people like Fauci, who deserves a medal for putting up with Trump.

Their gun culture puts me off. Hearing someone brag about using a handgun to stop traffic for a ride is idiocy.

Leading a ride around the golden horseshoe for a bunch of Americans who, I felt, were crapping themselves because they didn't have their guns was a PITA.

Reality: There is about a gun per American but a lot of super collectors alter the numbers. Not every American owns a gun.

As far as safety while riding down there I was more concerned about hitting a deer.

I wish I had the talk show recorded where three or four well known Americans were discussing status. They criticized Obama because, although he was proud to be an American, he wasn't more proud of it than an Italian being proud of being an Italian or a German being German. Pure conceit IMO. Their crap doesn't stink.

Then one commented on how Americans are generally disliked wherever they go and no one said a peep to suggest a change. The superiority attitude gets annoying but probably no worse than a Brit treating Canada like a colony, "back 'ome we have blah blah blah." If they are so proud of being American why do so many try to pass themselves off as Canadians when in Europe.

The typical American isn't typical. A gruff New Yorker can't be compared to an Ohio farmer, a Texas cattleman or an Arkansas mechanic.

For hospitality you have to give them five stars. When you walk into a restaurant, even if it's busy, they acknowledge you and make you feel welcome. Our Swiss Chalet has improved but they treated incoming customers as a nuisance.

Trump did them no favours, pandering to their egos while insulting just about every race and country on the planet.

Hopefully Biden / Harris can smooth things over. If Covid gets under control I could use a bit of Ohio Amish therapy.
How many of you have had terrible experiences visiting the USA? How about other countries?

Fiancee went to Texas. Felt the racism (mannerisms, staring, etc.; anyone that has experienced racism during their life knows what kind of "aura" this is.) They also have guns. She got the **** out once business was done. She had a similar experience in Alberta, in a mostly white area, where patients appeared apprehensive versus Toronto. Still racism, but at least no guns lol I am very anti gun.

When I went back to Taiwan, around a decade ago, a few of us went to karaoke till 4~ in the morning. When exiting, another group carried a drunk girl down the stairs and banged her head. We laughed our ass off. One of the guys came back up, grabbed a friend, took a blade to his throat, and started shouting "WHAT THE **** WAS SO FUNNY?"

Honestly this shocked me because that kind of **** never happened to me in Canada. But happy ending: nobody was hurt, except the guy with the knife because I have anger management issues and took wing tsun for ~15 years, and that was a queue to let it loose =)

We got it pretty good here in the GTA, and Vancouver imo. Only violent thing I remember are the geese. I revved at one when I used to ride so it would get out of my way, and it yelled back at me =(
Hard to believe that an officer in DC has to be a Democrat to work the inauguration.

What’s that remind you of when they start vetting the officers for the event
Fiancee went to Texas. Felt the racism (mannerisms, staring, etc.; anyone that has experienced racism during their life knows what kind of "aura" this is.) They also have guns. She got the **** out once business was done. She had a similar experience in Alberta, in a mostly white area, where patients appeared apprehensive versus Toronto. Still racism, but at least no guns lol I am very anti gun.

When I went back to Taiwan, around a decade ago, a few of us went to karaoke till 4~ in the morning. When exiting, another group carried a drunk girl down the stairs and banged her head. We laughed our ass off. One of the guys came back up, grabbed a friend, took a blade to his throat, and started shouting "WHAT THE **** WAS SO FUNNY?"

Honestly this shocked me because that kind of **** never happened to me in Canada. But happy ending: nobody was hurt, except the guy with the knife because I have anger management issues and took wing tsun for ~15 years, and that was a queue to let it loose =)

We got it pretty good here in the GTA, and Vancouver imo. Only violent thing I remember are the geese. I revved at one when I used to ride so it would get out of my way, and it yelled back at me =(

What's so funny about all the online videos about people getting concussions and impact vasectomies. Someone slips and their head bounces off the concrete and it's funny? A baseball to the little guys and it's funny?

I wonder how funny a food fight would be to a refugee in a camp.
What's so funny about all the online videos about people getting concussions and impact vasectomies. Someone slips and their head bounces off the concrete and it's funny? A baseball to the little guys and it's funny?

I wonder how funny a food fight would be to a refugee in a camp.

Are you fighting for the guy who pulled a knife on my buddy? Bro LOL

Oh, forgot some context (this is why I feel the need to write ******* essays for every message even though I'd prefer not to): that group was laughing at the situation first.
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So all republicans are extremists in your view? That’s what they was vetted for


It is when people lack critical thinking skills, the political spectrum is hyper polarized, and the current face of republicans are acting like legit ******* retards. Hell, they should redefine the world retard to those stupid enough to rally to Trump's call.

Same argument, by the way, can be made about the SJWs on the left who are making everyone's lives hell for 1%ers btw. I'm not on either side.
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